Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

279 Sweeping horror scenes!

For a while, there was no player or strange creature in the entire carriage making a sound, it was extremely silent!

As if a needle dropped on the ground, everyone could hear it clearly!

Everyone quietly looked at the body of the conductor on the ground, filled with complex emotions!

The atmosphere of depression, fear, and blood is like a rising tide of sea water, which tightly wraps everyone!

At this moment, the change in the carriage happened again!


A loud noise!

The entire carriage shook violently!

Several players almost fell to the ground without a firm footing!

Everyone's eyes were suddenly full of doubts, and they looked around in a panic!

I saw all the seats in the carriage, including the walls and windows of the carriage.

All of these things gradually faded, and finally turned into a little gray starlight and rose into the sky, gradually disappearing!

Looking at everything on the big screen, the middleman in the live room was suddenly a little nervous!

They knew that Shishan was about to appear in front of everyone!

Everyone is very worried, whether these players on the screen can survive in this terrifying black corpse mountain for 24 hours!

After all, this is the 30th most weird copy!

Almost no player has survived!

The corpses on the corpse mountain are accumulated every time the player dies!

Therefore, the audiences in the live broadcast room suddenly became extremely nervous, and their clenched hands were full of sweat!

[Fuck! I feel my heart beating now! 】

[Why is my audience more nervous than these players! 】

[Comrades! The Black Corpse Mountain Ridge is beckoning to you! 】

[I don’t know how many of these players will get dizzy in a while? 】

[Dage Big Sisters! Why do I panic with my legs shaking! 】


In less than ten seconds, the entire carriage disappeared completely!

Everything around was instantly exposed to everyone!

The corpse mountain, the blood sea, the dark red land, the terrifying black mummy!

All at a glance!

Wang Xiao looked around, and when he saw that corpse mountain, his face suddenly changed!

He felt his whole heart twitched!

A bloody storm is coming!

Submerge him completely!

Wang Xiao wears golden perfection-class props and contact lenses, so he can clearly see the appearance of every corpse on the corpse mountain in the distance!

All kinds of death!

But without exception, all are very cruel and bloody!

It makes people feel extremely uncomfortable!

That was the cruelest, bloody and terrifying scene Wang Xiao has ever seen!

The death of every corpse is extremely cruel!

Thousands of corpses piled together!

It turned out to be a mountain!

The scary thing is!

This mountain can't see the height at all!

What made Wang Xiao feel the numbness of his scalp most was that the corpses were still oozing scarlet blood.

These blood gathered into a river of blood and penetrated into all the surrounding land!

At this time, Wang Xiao fully understood where the bloody smell in the train came from!

He also knew very well why the ground under his feet was dark red, and it was a little bit moist!

This is because everything here has been completely soaked in the blood of those corpses!

At the bottom of that corpse mountain, there are even more terrifying black corpses!

Every corpse has a pair of white eyes!

It's like a white light bulb!

With such a weird scene, Wang Xiao's eyelids jumped, and his expression became extremely solemn!

Suddenly, Wang Xiao remembered the little white balls of light he had seen on the train before!

A terrifying thought suddenly popped out of Wang Xiao's mind!

"Aren't these eyes just those balls of light?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and there was a fine cold sweat on his forehead!

If this is the case, it would be terrible!

"The thirty-thirtieth dungeon is so terrifying!"

"It deserves to be called the horror game with the highest death rate!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Just standing here, he felt extremely depressed, and the blood sea corpse mountain was so pressured that he couldn't breathe!

As if suffocated and died in the next second!

This is an experience that Wang Xiao has never had before!

The other players around are even more horrified, just like seeing a ghost!

The cold sweat continued to drip down their foreheads, soaking everyone's clothes!

Everyone stood trembling on the spot, their feet as if held by a magnet, unable to move!

Although the surrounding temperature is not low, everyone feels a biting chill!

It's like being in an ice cellar!

Do not!

It's much colder than that!

All players felt that the blood in their bodies was about to coagulate!

It seems that in the next second, the beating heart in everyone's chest will be completely frozen!

The scene in front of you is really horrible!

It's hard to describe in words!

After several players saw everything in front of them, their faces became extremely pale, their lips trembled, and their breathing became extremely rapid!

There are also several players with relatively weak mental endurance who were so scared that they fainted instantly!

Although the rest of the people are not dizzy, they are still a bit swaying and unsteady!

Even the extreme weird creatures were crowded in the crowd, as if it could be safer!

The family of three even wrapped themselves tightly with black tentacles, only revealing a pair of eyes!

The old lady who had a very good relationship with a family of three even wrapped herself in the brown liquid!

Then, next to the family of three!

Although these weird creatures have heard the horror legends of Black Corpse Mountain before, they were still scared when they saw it with their own eyes!

too frightening!

It's that these weird creatures that have killed countless players can't hold it anymore!

The female ghost stumbled to Wang Xiao's side for the first time, and she was next to the super cursed girl!

Not only that, the female ghost's eyes also secretly glanced at Wang Xiao from time to time!

Looks very worried!

It's like a couple who has done something wrong secretly watching their own boyfriend!

The audience in the live broadcast room watching this scene was suddenly full of curiosity!

Intriguing glances appeared in each one's eyes again!

Looking at everything on the screen with an approaching person.

The corner of his mouth showed a knowing smile!

On the screen, the barrage is full of strange flavors!

[Is this two women fighting for one husband? 】

[What's the matter with the female ghost? Wasn't Xiao Shuai kicked to death before? 】

[The so-called acquaintance if you don’t fight! 】

[These two monsters, I stand as a female ghost! After all, she is hot and beautiful! 】

【that is! If you choose Super Cursed Girl to sleep at night, you don't know if you are facing her head or face! 】

【sleep? You upstairs are thinking a bit long-term! 】

[Children only make choices! Adults want it all! 】


In the heart of Super Cursed Woman, the strongest here are Wang Xiao and Super Cursed Woman!

So although her legs were a little weak, she still ran to the two of them with strong support!

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