Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

282 Terrifying Human Skin!

"Do these soul-removing corpses need to be put together?"

Looking at those thin human skins, Wang Xiao whispered!

Just now!

Those five thin paper-like human skins suddenly attacked the player again!

I saw that they were put on the player's body from different angles like plasters!

But these human skins don't seem to be enough, the player's right arm is not stuck!

He desperately tore off the human skin attached to him!


The sound of skin separation sounded!

This player quickly tore off a piece of human skin!

His screams are constantly echoing in everyone's ears!

The voice is full of pain!

And the place he tore it off was as bloody as his face!

The human skin that was torn off seemed very spiritual, and kept crying:

"One piece less!"

"Come on!"

When the surrounding black corpses heard, they ran towards there!

All of a sudden, the scene became extremely chaotic!

There are so many black corpses that are changing to the appearance of human skin!

Several players are being chased by these human skins who look exactly like them!

The miserable cry and the sound of the separation of flesh and skin sounded in this clearing from time to time!

[Fuck! Once it is skinned by these people, it will be over! 】

There is only a lone barrage floating on the big screen of the live broadcast room! ""

But it was this barrage that caught everyone's attention!

Everyone left a message below!

[What do you mean? 】

[Will these people die if they are covered with skins? 】

[What will happen in the end! Can you tell me! 】


The viewers in the live broadcast room know that there is always a person who has watched the live broadcast of Black Corpse Mountain Range hidden among them!

That person said before that the most terrifying thing in this copy is these black mummy!

But he was unwilling to explain it carefully!

Now this person is out bubbling again!

Everyone is naturally unwilling to let him go!

Every audience is frantically scrolling through the barrage, wanting to let this audience who knows the inside story make it clear!

Maybe it's because the big screen is completely occupied by barrage.

Or maybe it's because this audience wants to show off!

He really sent it out on the barrage!

[If the player is covered with human skins made by these black corpses, it will be completely finished! 】

[The player will be trapped in this person’s cage for twenty-four hours! 】

[Their soul will also be tested! 】

[After 24 hours, if the player fails the soul test, it will completely disappear in this world! 】

[Moreover, it's the kind of soul flies away, death is extremely miserable! 】

[That's how the corpses on that corpse mountain came from! 】

Seeing everything that the barrage was telling, all the audience was silent for a while.

Everyone’s face is full of shock!

The corpse mountain that can't see the highest point is all the players who died here!

This is too scary!

According to this calculation, the number of players who died in the hands of these black corpses would be no more than tens of millions!

And these black corpses are so terrifying, they can turn into human skin and swallow players!

With so many black corpses moving together, I am afraid that even the living Konoha of the gods can hardly escape!

Not to mention the soul test!

[What is the soul test? Do you know? 】

On the screen, someone once again raised the question in his mind!

Although the other audiences did not post the barrage, they all looked at the barrage expectantly, waiting for the big guy's answer!

They also want to know what this soul test is!

How difficult is it!

Of course, the player who had seen the copy of Black Corpse Mountain once again answered the doubts in everyone's hearts!

[A player completely wrapped in human skins will fall into an illusion woven by these human skins! 】

[This environment is based on the Black Corpse Mountain Range, which is very real! 】

[As long as the player believes that he is himself in the illusion and believes everything around! 】

[The soul of this player will be completely swallowed by these human skins! 】

[Then these human skins will turn back into black corpses again, and they will grow up because they have absorbed the player's soul! 】

Look at the barrage on the big screen!

The audience in the live broadcast room was extremely shocked!

The eyes are full of incredible!

This test is too difficult!

How could a player caught in the environment realize that he is not himself!

For a while, all viewers had no hope for these players to survive!

Even some of Wang Xiao's old fans are worried at this time!

They don't know whether Wang Xiao will be as invincible as before in the face of such a terrifying black mummy!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room became even more tense!

Everyone is holding the big screen stubbornly, without daring to blink their eyes!

At this moment, in the black corpse mountain!

The black corpses in front of Wang Xiao also began to change!

First, the face became Wang Xiao's appearance!

It's just that what is different from Wang Xiao!

The eyes of these changing corpses are still pure white, reflecting a small microcosm of Wang Xiao!

"No, instead of just sitting here and waiting for these soul-removing corpses to be devoured, it is better to attack and seize an opportunity!"

Wang Xiao thought in his heart, the weird old cane in his hand has been swiftly swayed towards the corpses that have him in their eyes and are beginning to change!


Those black soul-removing corpses had only been pumped back a few steps!

No scars were revealed on the black body!

Wang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little surprised, and a hint of surprise flashed quickly in his eyes!

"The defense is so strong?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart!

The reason why he put the Moon Slashing Knife away and used the weird ancient rattan is because the artistic conception of the weird ancient rattan has evolved to the elementary level of diamonds!

The offensive power is dozens of times stronger than platinum perfect items!

However, what Wang Xiao did not expect was that the defense power of these monsters was so amazing!


Suddenly, these black corpses that were drawn by Wang Xiao made very harsh screams!

The sound was like a sharp blade piercing deeply into Wang Xiao's eardrum!

Wang Xiao instantly felt dizzy and his ears hurt!

He couldn't help feeling very tricky!

This is the first time that Wang Xiao has encountered such a strange creature!

Moreover, there are still no weaknesses, and the defensive power is amazingly weird creature!

After being flogged by Wang Xiao, these soul-removing corpses screamed and rushed toward Wang Xiao!

There is a microcosm of Wang Xiao in the white eyeballs of every soul-removing corpse!

Their bodies are gradually changing towards the same human skin as Wang Xiao!

Just now.

The two black corpses in front of Wang Xiao's eyes have completely evolved into a piece of human skin exactly like him!

6 However, the angles programmed by the two human skins are not the same!

They are the left side and the back of Wang Xiao!

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