Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

297 There will be punishment for more than three people standing in front of the gate!

Several players directly picked up the weapons and props in their hands, and exhausted all their energy to swing towards the gate!

However, the door didn't move at all!

Everyone had no choice now, and they turned their eyes to Wang Xiao!

Although the super cursed girl and the female ghost standing next to Wang Xiao lost all their abilities.

But they faintly felt that there seemed to be Restrictions for the Death game on this door.

Unless certain conditions are met, no props of any level will be able to open the door in front of you!

The two monsters turned their heads to Wang Xiao, thinking in their hearts how to let Wang Xiao know everything about this gate through actions!

at this time.

The door in front of everyone suddenly made a "hum" sound.

Then tremble violently!

Surprised expressions appeared in everyone's eyes, all of them stared at the door in front of them, wanting to know what this door would become!

Even Wang Xiao shifted his gaze to this door, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes!

"Could it be..."

"Like the previous levels, you must enter a password or meet certain conditions to open the door?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and a pensive expression flashed across his face.

The players on the side also had a few thoughtful emotions flashing in the eyes of a handful of people.

Because the front door changes seemed a bit familiar to them.

There was a faint speculation in everyone's hearts.

There are only a small number of players, standing still and not turning their own brains at all.

These people felt that instead of wasting brain cells and energy here, they might as well just wait for Wang Xiao to figure out a solution.

Anyway, Wang Xiao knew everything, and his strength was so tyrannical, there would be a way to open the door in front of him!

Soon, the door in front of everyone stopped trembling.

The entire door also changed from white to black, shining with pitch-black light.

It seems like a door to The Underworld.

Everyone hasn't had time to make any response.

A huge electronic display screen appeared above the gate.

There is also a small cipher in the lower right corner of the electronic display.

There are ten numbers from 0-9 on it, and there is a confirmation button.

A line of bright red fonts appeared on the electronic display

【Enter the correct password, otherwise the door cannot be opened! 】

Looking at the pictures on the big screen, the audience in the live studio showed even more expressions of watching a good show.

Everyone became extremely excited, and his eyes were full of leaps and bounds.

Because they know the orgasm is coming.

These players will definitely do everything possible to crack the password.

This is the favorite part of every viewer when watching the Death game live broadcast.

Many viewers even took their notebooks and prepared to record the key content of cracking the password.

At that time, if they are accidentally selected into the Death game, they can survive according to the experience methods recorded in these small books.

Of course, the barrage on the big screen was scrolling crazily, quickly occupying half of the screen.

[Tsk tusk, it's another familiar password link! 】

【expect! I don’t know who is the first player to crack the password! 】

[This still needs to be said? It must be Xiao Shuai! 】

[Why is there no hint at all? How to guess this? 】

[What a hurry, there will definitely be a warm reminder in a while! 】


Seeing the door that suddenly changed its appearance, all the players were full of doubts.

No one knows what the correct password is!

No one dared to come forward and try it.

Because they all know that as long as the password is tested in the Death game, there is a cruel punishment for entering the wrong password.

This kind of punishment is simply not something that people can bear!

So for a while, all players were motionless in front of the gate.

Everyone's face is full of various emotions, and their eyes are full of calculations.

Most of the players directly turned their attention to Wang Xiao.

Looking at the electronic display on the gate, Wang Xiao was going to directly query the password in the search box.

At this moment, there was a change again on the big screen.

Two lines of huge scarlet fonts slowly emerged.

Everyone once again looked at the electronic display on the door.

[Reminder, when three people stand at the gate at the same time, an accident will happen. 】

[Reminder, the password is in the mall. 】

Seeing the warm prompt on the electronic display screen, Wang Xiao's eyes flashed and he quickly retreated.

The super-cursed female and female ghosts who followed Wang Xiao even went violently and flew to the rear.

There are also some smart players who responded directly and stepped back.

However, there are still some players who did not understand the warm reminder, and still stood in place, looking at the backing people in confusion.

At this moment, an accident happened!

The electronic display on the door suddenly disappeared, only the place where the password was entered in the lower right corner still exists.

The entire door is completely scarlet, except for the password input device in the lower right corner.

It's like being soaked in blood for a long time, and it looks strange and gloomy.

At this time, there were eight or nine players standing in front of the gate.

Some of them are players who have responded to the content of the warm reminder, but have not had time to make a back move.

Some players just waited for Wang Xiao to enter the password and didn't even read the warm prompts at all.

At this moment, these players suddenly felt a super bad feeling in their hearts.

It feels like being stared at by a bloodthirsty monster!

What makes these players feel weird the most is.

The door in front of him suddenly exudes a very gloomy mood.

It seems that the surrounding temperature has dropped more than ten degrees because of this door?

The back of these players was even colder, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up.

It seems that even the blood in their bodies is frozen and flowing very slowly.

An idea emerged from these players at the same time.

That is to run!

But at this time it was too late to run.

These players have completely lost control of their bodies!

No matter how hard they tried, their legs would stand still.

There was a panic on the faces of these players.

They can't even turn their heads now.

Don't say turning their heads, they couldn't even make any sound from their throats.

The players who retreated to the surroundings and at the back naturally also saw the changes in the gate, but because of the position where they stood, they no longer belong to the penalty area of ​​the gate.

So they didn't feel the gloomy emotions.

However, they also noticed that something was wrong with the player in front of the gate.

Everyone was full of horror, their legs shook into a sieve, and no one backed away.

This is obviously a problem!

Looking at the trembling players, Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart:

"It seems that they should no longer be able to control their own body."

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