Looking at the vaguely dark scene around him, Wang Xiao's expression became extremely solemn.

"It seems that this time is much more dangerous than everything experienced in the mall before!"

"I don't know, will those customers take advantage of this opportunity to become monsters!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart. Then he turned his gaze to the shivering crowd on the other side of the rooftop.

I saw that those customers took out their own phones and turned on the flash.

Under the faint flashlight, Wang Xiao could clearly see which customers were still human at this time.

It's just that their faces were full of fear, and they all looked around anxiously.

"The danger is not these monsters?"

Wang Xiao wondered in his heart.

"Could it be..."

Then, with a thought, he quickly typed in the search box:

[What does dark mean? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted.

[After it is too dark, the magnetic field of the entire Black Corpse Mountain Range will become extremely special, and the illusion will merge with reality, and it is difficult to tell what is real and what is fake! 】

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao's brows frowned slightly.

"Illusion merges with reality?"

He secretly said in his heart, the brain is running quickly.

The surrounding players were even more panicked, and no one knew what would happen next.

"What to do? If a monster comes, I can't see it clearly!"

A player asked, his voice full of fear.

After others heard it, the fear in their hearts became deeper.

"What should I do?"

"Yes! It's too dark, the flash is not very useful at all!"

"Or let's go back to the mall, the fire should be burned out!"

"There must be no electricity, maybe it's darker than this rooftop!"


All the players have expressed their own ideas, but no one can come up with an effective solution!

For a while, everyone was extremely anxious, just like ants on a hot pot.

At this moment, a loud cry sounded in everyone's ears!


"You must think of a way to save everyone!"

"It's so dark, we don't know if any player is killed by a monster!"

Feng Chengcheng cried and stumbled in the direction where Wang Xiao was!

[This Feng Jiancheng calls the boss whenever something happens! 】

【that is! Can't be as big as you can imagine! 】

【Yes! Why should Xiao Shuai take care of such a large group of people every time! 】

[Furthermore, it's just getting dark, maybe it'll dawn in one night! 】

[Judging from my years of experience watching the Death game live broadcast, things should not be that simple! 】


The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot, and everyone's eyes never left the big screen.

Because the content on the big screen is too dark!

If you don't watch it carefully, you will miss some wonderful pictures if you don't pay attention!

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room put down the instant noodles and coke in their hands at this time, and even the smokers extinguished their cigarettes.

In case it is blocked by the smoke ring.

Everyone is like elementary school students in class, sitting on the bed, on the stool, on the sofa, looking at the big screen seriously!

That preoccupied look, I'm afraid it didn't show up when I was in school that year!


On the rooftop, after hearing Feng Jiancheng's voice, everyone looked at him subconsciously.

Who knows, because the surroundings were too dark, Feng Jiancheng did not see what was under his feet, and tripped once again.

But this time he was not so lucky, so he flew at Wang Xiao's feet.

Instead, he hit the wooden table next to Wang Xiao with a direct "boom".

In the darkness, Wang Xiao only saw a black shadow rushing towards him, and then he lay on the ground, seeming to twitch twice.

"It seems that this time I fell hard!"

The female ghost standing beside Wang Xiao smiled secretly in her heart.

This is the third time Feng Jiancheng has fallen!

Even the 9 super-cursed women on the side showed a faint smile on their faces.

"Fell well."

"This way you don't have to trouble adults!"

Super Cursed Woman thought in her heart, her eyes had already turned to Wang Xiao.

In the darkness, the super cursed girl vaguely saw that Wang Xiao didn't seem to care about Feng Jiancheng, just glanced here, and then turned his head.

When other players heard Feng Jiancheng's words, they all thought of it, and Wang Xiao was also on the rooftop.

Everyone's faces suddenly showed a hint of winged eyes and looked over there!

Waiting for Feng Jiancheng to continue to ask Wang Xiao, what is a good way to get out of here!

Who knew that Feng Chengcheng, who was lying on the ground, never made any sound again.

I don't know if I fainted because I hit my head, or if I hit him to death!

At this moment, one side suddenly happened!

A terrifying song suddenly sounded around the entire rooftop!

The voice was extremely gloomy and cold, as if it were a reminder!

If the devil can sing for a while, I am afraid the owner of this song is dozens of times more terrifying than the devil!

All players suddenly have a creepy feeling!

They gathered together in twos and threes, back to back, and looked around with the flash of the phone!

In case a monster suddenly appears, everyone is caught off guard!

Fear is like the rising tide of sea water, which completely submerged everyone in an instant!

Everyone desperately restrained the fear in his heart, but it was of no use!

For this singing, everyone is the kind of trembling from the soul!

That feeling of fear is simply beyond control!

It seems that in the next second, everyone will suffocate completely in this desperate sea!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room, listening to the singing from the big screen, all showed fear!

It was as if an invisible thug came out from the screen and held the heart of every audience tightly!

That kind of suffocation is like being held down by someone!

As long as you dare to act rashly in the slightest.

You will completely lose your own life!

Every audience is breathing with big mouths, as if only in this way can they take in the oxygen in the air!

Their faces are full of fear!

No one knows what this song is!

Some viewers even want to quit the live broadcast room and stop watching the Death game.

However, they didn't even have the courage to raise their hands and turn off the screen!

They are afraid that as long as they move, the owner of the singing on the big screen will pass through the screen and kill them directly!

Every audience watched the live broadcast tremblingly, and a heart plopped very fast!

At this time, no one is in the mood to send a barrage!

On the big screen, there are no lonely bullet screens!

There are only dim pictures, and the horrible songs that keep coming out.

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