Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

310 Various musical instruments, suona is king

Seeing that the super cursed girl released herself, the female ghost turned her head again and walked towards the edge of the rooftop!

The steps were still extremely stiff, like a walking dead.

The little girl transformed into a female ghost walked to the edge of the rooftop and did not stop.

Instead, he continued to walk forward, completely disappearing from everyone's eyes!

Seeing that the female ghost jumped so straightforwardly, many viewers in the live broadcast room even covered their mouths with their hands to avoid shouting!

Their faces are full of shock, even intertwined with puzzles!

Everyone never thought that the female ghost would jump down!

Even if he is a weird creature, he will definitely be over if he jumps like this!

All the audience felt very puzzled by the suicidal jump of the female ghost!

Everyone even put forward their own point of view, and heated discussions!

[Fuck! Isn't she a ghost, why would she want to die again? 】

[No, right? Is it possible that a ghost will also be possessed by a ghost? 】

[I think the abnormality of the female ghost must be related to this horrible singing! 】

[I think so too! I use earplugs to plug my ears! I dare not listen to this voice at all! 】

【Same! But I don’t have earplugs, the toilet paper I use! 】


At the moment when the female ghost fell off the roof, the volume of that terrifying song seemed to be a little higher!

There is only such a slight change, if it weren't for Wang Xiao to keep most of his attention on this weird singing, I am afraid I would not be able to notice it!

"Unexpectedly, a strange creature like a female ghost can't resist the magic of this singing!"

"And this singing voice has actually strengthened!"

"Is it because the female ghost died?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and at the same time he found that his anxiety was getting stronger and stronger!

The blood in his body also seemed to become a little stiff, and his limbs were gradually out of control!

"Can't listen to it like this anymore!"

Wang Xiao whispered.

Then he thought, and quickly typed in the search box:

[How can I resist this singing? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted.

[This singing has its own melody, as long as the melody in this singing is disturbed, it will naturally not be affected by this singing. 】

[It’s just that the interfering voice must be very high-pitched, and the singing can be completely suppressed to have the interference effect, otherwise it will only be assimilated and become a more weird voice,]

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao's eyes quickly flashed with surprise.

This solution surprised him a bit!

He didn't expect it to be so simple!

"But what sound can completely suppress this singing?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes!

The super cursed girl on the side looked at the empty rooftop, and there was no more female ghost, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes. Her mouth was so long that she could lay two eggs and couldn't close it for a long time!

She didn't expect this singing to have such a great influence on the female ghost!

This is really terrible!

You know, although the female ghost is only a ghost, but the level is not low!

When those low-level weird creatures saw her, they all walked around!

Otherwise, she won't be assigned to Carriage No. 44 to perform the task!

Moreover, the Super Cursed Woman found that even she herself seemed to be a little bit unable to control the tyrannical emotions in her heart!

She yearned for blood more and more in her heart!

This crazy thought makes the super cursed woman feel extremely disturbed!

Moreover, this uneasy mood is very strong!

She desperately suppressed the anxiety in her heart and moved to the position where Wang Xiao was. It seemed that this could reduce the anxiety in her heart.

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Wang Xiao's mind!

He remembered the musical instruments that the people of Xia can use in the real world, whether they are holding celebrities or funerals!


After all, there is an old saying in Xia Guo.

All kinds of musical instruments, Suona is king, either ascend to heaven or worship!

Presumably everyone blew the suona together, this song will definitely be disturbed!

"It seems that I have to copy Suona as soon as possible, otherwise the players will die soon and it will be useless!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Then he focused all his attention on the instrument, desperately thinking about everything about the instrument of Suona.

And in the brain according to the principle of Suona to manufacture, split and re-manufacture!


At the same time, four or five players on the other side also appeared abnormal!

The eyes of several players were suddenly filled with bloodthirsty light!

And frantically picked up the weapon and props in his hand and poked Own's eyes!

The scarlet blood suddenly came out of their eyes like a fountain.

Some blood even splashed on the faces of the surrounding players, and the surrounding players only felt a sudden warmth on their faces, and a bloody smell came out!

The look suddenly became extremely frightened, and his eyes were swollen and full of shock!


This behavior is too abnormal!

The surrounding players quickly wiped the blood off their faces with their sleeves.

And hide to the side to prevent these crazy players from hurting themselves by mistake!

However, what makes everyone feel more cruel and perverted!

These players didn't seem to feel any pain from the eyeballs!

Not only did he not stop the movement of his hand, but the weapon in his hand churned wildly in his eyes.

Wring everything in the eye sockets into a mess!

The minced flesh of the eyeballs mixed with bear red blood flowed out along the eye sockets and fell to the ground!

A strong smell of blood instantly flooded the entire rooftop.

The most terrifying thing is that these players pulled out their own weapons from their eye sockets!

He stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on his face, revealing an unsatisfactory look!

It's terrifying!

Some female players were so scared that they screamed and ran away frantically!

The rest of the players also showed very horrified expressions, and their eyes were full of fear and shock!

All this happened too suddenly!

It shocked everyone too, terrifying and disgusting!

You must know that the eyes are the most vulnerable part of the human body!

It hurts if you accidentally touch it!

These players turned their own eyes into pieces of meat!

And it looks like he's enjoying it!

This is horrible!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room felt very scared!

Every audience's eyes are full of horror!

Originally they thought it was weird for a female ghost to commit suicide!

Will know that the next thing is the highlight!

[Fuck! Scared me! I f*ck peeing in my pants! 】

【I go! It's too disgusting! I vomited a lot of it! 】

【real! Horror movies don't dare to shoot like this! This is too superb! 】

[I thought I could bear it enough! But I still knelt when I saw this picture! Don't ask, ask is soft legs! 】

[It turns out that everyone is the same! I can rest assured that! 】


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