Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

323 The premise of plundering souls!

When the little girl fully reacted, it was time for Wang Xiao to run.

Wang Xiao's back figure is getting smaller and smaller, and the game with him is getting bigger and bigger!

The little girl hurriedly ran towards Wang Xiao's direction!

However, it was too late when she reacted!

Before she ran two steps, Wang Xiao had completely disappeared in the thick smoke!

You can't see a little bit of figure!

Seeing the thick fog, the little girl stopped, her face becoming extremely gloomy, so black that it could drip water.

The eyes that looked at the dense fog were full of spiteful emotions!

That looks terrifying!

It's like a devil with a child's body!

"Insidious human!"

"Do you think you can escape?"

"When the time is up, you will still be gone!"

The little girl cursed in a low voice, and her tone was full of viciousness! |

It's as if Wang Xiao did something heinous!

I don’t know, I thought Wang Xiao was her father-killing enemy!

Hearing the little girl's curse, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

The expressions on each of them are no longer as nervous as before, and their eyes are full of joy. ·

Their hearts that mentioned in their throats instantly fell back to the original place!

The speed of the beating has also returned to the normal speed, no longer thumping like before!

It's as if it will jump out of the mouth in the next second!

That kind of nervousness and worry was even more dissipated!

The haze shrouded in my heart has completely disappeared!

Everyone is truly happy for Wang Xiao!

They didn't expect Wang Xiao to leave so smoothly.

This is really surprising to everyone!

Everyone thought that there would be a fierce battle between Wang Xiao and this little girl!

You know, the little girl in front of you is not the ordinary little girl in the real world!

This is a little girl wrapped in a huge strange human skin on the corpse!

This is totally a monster!

And it's still that kind of terrifying monster!

Wang Xiao was able to leave directly after just saying a few words!

He didn't even move his hands!

This is too simple!

But if it hadn't been for the slow response of this monster, I'm afraid Wang Xiao would have been in the mouth long ago!

It can only be said that Wang Xiao's luck is really not covered!

Randomly meet a monster, it is still a bad head!

Who doesn't want this luck?

On the big screen, there were many more bullet screens in an instant!

[Fuck! Xiao Shuai just left? 】

[Is this a bit...heaven-defying? 】

[Although this monster has first-rate acting skills, its IQ is a bit low! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! Look at his silly look, laugh to death! 】

[If I were him, I would definitely stamp my feet with anger! 】


In the smoke, Wang Xiao faintly heard the cursing of the little girl coming from behind.

"It looks like I should ask that scary little girl!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, the expression on his face is no longer as solemn as before!

He knew that the little girl must be so angry that she couldn't catch up with him anymore!

Otherwise, Wang Xiao should not just hear his curses now.

But it has been chased by the monster!


The little girl wrapped in a huge weird human skin stood there, staring at the gray smoke in the distance for a long time, then turned and left!

She walked towards the other players lying on the ground!

Of course, what she chose this time was still the same as Wang Xiao, with players covered in human skin!

Only this player who hasn't completely fallen can he be able to plunder their souls!

As for the remaining dead people, their souls have dissipated and become the nourishment of the corpse mountain. She is powerless even if she wants to plunder!

After all, Shishan is her home camp, how could she have trouble with the own family!

Therefore, this little girl can only plunder these players who are wrapped in lower human skins!

Of course, even if you want to absorb the soul power of these players, there is a prerequisite!

That is, this player must completely believe in this monster, and after waking up, he will have physical contact with this monster!

This monster can plunder the soul power in this player!

Otherwise, the soul power of this player will only be absorbed by the weird human skins that cover their bodies!

Looking at the players on the ground that seemed to be full of patches, the little girl chose a thinner girl!

"It's you!"

"Girls should be easier to cheat!"

"After all, I look so pitiful, her sympathy should overflow!"

The little girl whispered, her eyes filled with a vicious look!

The whole face looks particularly hideous and terrifying!

Just like a Devil!

As the little girl said, she walked to the female player and tried the same trick again to wake up the female player!

After the female player opened her eyes, her face was confused, and there seemed to be a trace of fear in her eyes!

She still remembers what terrible things she experienced before she lost consciousness!

Therefore, after she saw the little girl for the first time, she slammed back!

There is still a trace of tremor in the body!

Until the female player saw that there was no connection between human skin and human skin on the little girl.

She completely believed that the little girl and she were the only remaining survivors!

Moreover, she remembered that the little girl in front of her seemed to be the little girl who had been following Wang Xiao!

So her guard against the little girl suddenly became much smaller!

And she soon believed everything the little girl said!

[Fuck! Why is this female player so naive? 】

【that is! After just saying a few words, I believed the monster in front of me! 】

[Nor can't blame the female player, after all, the monster is a powerful acting school at this time! 】

【Ugh! Why does this monster trick the player into believing him every time? 】

[It is estimated that only in this way can he make a sneak attack on this player? 】

[Something makes sense! 】


The little girl told the female player that they were the only remaining survivors.

Other players have been killed by that weird human skin!

But because they passed out, they escaped!

After that, the little girl used exactly the same routine as Wang Xiaoshi.

She said to the female player, first help her up, and then the two will discuss countermeasures together!

Upon hearing this, the female player readily agreed!

It just so happened that she didn't want to sit in a pile of corpses and talk to the little girl!

Moreover, her calf was severely injured before, and now the pain from the wound is still very clear!

Therefore, the little girl is still very happy that she is willing to give her a hand!

However, the moment the little girl's hand touched the female player!

The female player only felt that she had suddenly encountered something extremely cold and greasy!

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