Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

348 The role of those soul ghosts!

Seeing Wang Xiao's cold expression, the little girl suddenly felt a little hairy in her heart!

However, the little girl soon suppressed this feeling completely!

Because she knew that as long as the phantom behind her was still there, the humans in front of her could not destroy her temporary body!

More importantly, those phantoms have another function!

It can replenish her energy!

"Since you dare to look at me with this look, then I will show you the fate of your humble compatriots!"

The little girl said softly in her heart!

Then she turned her head abruptly, and the phantoms behind her shook violently, almost all of them collapsed!

What's more terrifying!

The little girl's head turned a full 180 degrees around her neck!

[Fuck! What kind of trick is this? 】

[Don't say half eighty degrees! I have a problem with the cervical spine and it is a little difficult for me to turn 60 degrees! 】

[This weird creature can come out to be a circus! 】

[I remember Billy Doll seems to be able to turn his head like this! 】

[What is she doing? Reprimand those phantoms? 】


Looking at the teeth and dancing spirits behind her, the little girl's scarlet eyes were indifferent!

"Let me see who is the luckiest darling in the Black Corpse Mountain Range!"

The little girl Jie Jie smiled, her voice was full of horror!

Those phantoms squeezed back desperately in fright.

But no matter how crowded they are, they can't escape the little girl's back!

Because every phantom's legs are firmly fixed on the little girl's back!

And their feet are in the little girl's body, and they can't move!

It's as if there is a huge machine in the little girl's body, sucking them!

At this moment, she suddenly opened her mouth and blew at the phantom behind her!

A black mini hurricane rushed out of her mouth instantly!

Blowed away on the bodies of those phantoms!


Those phantoms suddenly uttered heart-piercing screams, which seemed extremely painful!

There are several phantoms that have become almost transparent, and it seems that they will completely disappear in the air in the next second!

"Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."

Upon seeing this, the little girl suddenly let out a terrifying laugh, and her scarlet eyes were even more crescent-shaped!

It seems that the horror of these phantoms makes her feel very happy!

Then the little girl opened her mouth again, but the mini hurricane did not appear!

It's a black smoke!

These black smoke instantly spread to all the phantoms!

A strange energy instantly locks all the player's phantoms!

All the phantoms were fixed in place, looking tremblingly like girls!

At this time, the eyes of these ghost shadows are no longer shining with bloodthirsty rays as before, but are full of fear and despair!

They know what the little girl is doing!

This is to swallow them completely!

Every phantom was trembling, and no one knew who the hapless ghost was chosen!

The little girl coldly looked at the phantoms of the players behind her, and finally fixed her eyes on the phantoms of the two or three players who screamed the least!

"You are the lucky ones this time!"

The little girl smiled, and then took a breath!

The phantoms of these players instantly turned into a gray smoke and entered her mouth!

As the little girl's throat rolled into her body!

Afterwards, the little girl closed her eyes and chirped, as if she was aftertaste of the smell!

Only then showed a satisfied look!

Seeing such a weird behavior of the little girl, the viewers in the live broadcast room became more puzzled!

Everyone doesn't understand what is going on with the ghost of the little girl behind her!

How can you build an indestructible body!

And it seems that what the little girl said is true!

Because Wang Xiao didn't cut through the hollow body of the little girl with the knife just now!

This surprised all the viewers in the live broadcast room!

What surprised everyone more!

Since this phantom of the soul can create an indestructible body for the little girl.

Why does the little girl eat part of it!

Isn't she afraid that her own body is broken?

【I go! I see! The souls of these players may have many uses! 】

[Looking at her contented look, is it possible that these phantoms are a big tonic for her? 】

【Probably! Otherwise, what did she do so hard to consolidate so many souls! 】

[I just want to know, how does this soul help her build an invincible body? 】

[It is very likely that she was killed for her! Listen to how tragic the phantoms called just now! 】


Seeing this weird behavior of the little girl, Wang Xiao quickly typed in the search box into the search box:

[What's the matter with the phantom on the little girl? Can it be resurrected? What are the uses? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted!

[The phantom on the little girl's back was devoured by her, but there are still souls that have time to digest. Don't suppress the rational and artistic conception of these souls. Even if they recover, they cannot be resurrected. 】

[They have two functions. 】

[The first function is that they can help the little girl resist attacks, so that the little girl's body does not suffer any harm. 】

[The second role is to help little girls replenish energy. 】

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao's eyes flashed quickly.

He felt that those souls had blocked his attack for the little girl!

Otherwise, the hollow body of the little girl cannot suddenly be changed to be as hard as the Vajra stone!

However, Wang Xiao originally thought that since these souls were not completely swallowed, there might be a possibility of resurrection!

Now that he saw everything written in the answer, Wang Xiao decided not to show mercy to these souls anymore!

Because no matter how merciful he is, these souls will endure tremendous pain and will eventually be used by the little girl to replenish energy!

So instead of being merciful, it's better to wipe out the little girl from this world as soon as possible!

In this case, the souls of these players can also be relieved earlier, and don't have to endure these unnecessary pains!

However, these souls can withstand physical harm for the little girl, this is a problem!

"It seems that if you want to solve the little girl, you must first solve these souls in her!"

"But maybe, there are other ways to destroy this little girl directly!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and then he quickly typed in the search box again:

[How can we destroy the invincible body of the little girl in a simple way? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted!

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