Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

350 This is so special! Just like cutting Chinese cabbage!

But while being moved, a trace of doubt arose in the hearts of all the audience!

It is not clear to everyone, how did Wang Xiao know that attacking the top of the little girl's head would make all the player ghosts on her disappear!

Is it possible that Wang Xiao really has the power of an unknown prophet!

Or Wang Xiao has seen the flaws in the little girl's language and behavior!

So I know the weakness of the little girl!

Some viewers desperately recalled all the pictures on the big screen just now!

But found that there is no problem!

These viewers also didn't know that the little girl's movements were a little unusual!

Suddenly, all the audience was filled with doubts, and their faces were full of puzzlement, as if they were very curious about this matter!

Everyone's eyes are staring tightly at the big screen in front of them, wanting to find the answers they want in the next live broadcast!

Some viewers even prepared small notebooks and small pens, ready to wait for the real reason to surface and record it!

After all, everyone is very likely to be randomly selected into the Death game!

Maybe you will use the accumulated experience at that time!

Therefore, this small book full of customs clearance skills is your life-saving cheat sheet in the Death game in the future!

Of course there are some viewers who just stare at the screen and do not intend to record!

Because they believe that with their memory, all these contents will be remembered in their minds!

There is no need for auxiliary tools such as notebooks at all!

Moreover, for these audiences, watching the live broadcast of the Death game is the most important thing!

[Fuck! Howling God must be a god descending from the earth! Otherwise, I know everything! 】

[Maybe it was this little girl who showed a flaw, and Xiao Shuai discovered it! 】

[There are no flaws in the eyes of so many of our audiences! Is it possible that Cheng Xiaoshuai has divine eyes? 】

[Anyway, I didn't see any flaws! As for other audiences, I don’t know! 】

[If you want me to say, Xiao Shuai will definitely tell the fortune! A glance at the little girl's face tells her weakness! 】


Feeling that all the ghost shadows behind her disappeared, the little girl couldn't help feeling very angry!

She did not expect that she herself could not avoid Wang Xiao's attack!

This really surprised her!

Named her the fastest Feng Zuo to avoid it!

But Wang Xiao seemed to know where she was going to hide!

She didn't show any panic at all, the knife was even more impartial and just fell on her life gate!

This makes the little girl feel very weird!

"Can he predict my actions?"

The little girl guessed in her heart, and then he quickly denied her own thoughts!

Because she thinks this is absolutely impossible!

Even these weird creatures, even higher-level creatures, none of them possess this terrifying ability!

How could Wang Xiao, a humble human being!

All this must be a coincidence!

However, the little girl still feels a little hairy in her heart!

Because this is the second such coincidence!

Moreover, these two coincidences actually reduced her power by more than half!

You know, it took her a long time and effort to swallow those souls!

Moreover, few players enter the Black Corpse Mountain Range!

The most important thing is that they can only come out one of these intermediate soul-removing corpses at a time!

The next time it's her turn to come out and devour these souls, she doesn't know that she will have to wait until the year of the monkey!

And this time he not only didn't add any soul energy, but was injured!

Thinking of this, the little girl's heart suddenly burned with raging anger!

Her expression became even more hideous and distorted!

A pair of scarlet eyes were full of spiteful expressions, it looked like he was about to strip Wang Xiaoshen's stock off!

"how dare you!"

The little girl gritted her teeth and said, her voice was full of anger!

Upon seeing this, Wang Xiao did not answer her question!

But without hesitation, he swung the moon-cutting knife in his hand and slashed it on the little girl!


Wang Xiao slashed with one knife after another, leaving the little girl no chance to breathe!

Without the blessings of those soul ghosts, the little girl's body became fragile!

Moreover, Wang Xiao's attacks were too intensive!

She couldn't resist it at all!

Even if you want to escape, there is no chance to escape!

In less than ten seconds, there were many more holes in the little girl's body!

The bottom of each opening is empty, and there is no trace of flesh and blood!

Many parts of the little girl's body were also like deflated balloons, flattening quickly.

Arms, belly, thighs, soles...

All became a thin human skin!

Seeing the tragic situation of the little girl, the audience in the live broadcast room heaved a sigh of relief and smiled, and their expressions were not as nervous as before!

At this time, everyone has seen it!

I went to see the souls of those players!

The little girl's body is no longer invincible!

In front of Wang Xiao, the little girl became even more vulnerable!

On the big screen, many barrages of praise of Wang Xiao were scrolled out instantly!

Those barrages actually occupy two-thirds of the entire screen!

[Fuck! Xiao Shuai mighty! It's too awesome! 】

[This is so special! Just like cutting Chinese cabbage! Cool! 】

[Ahhhhhhhh! Finally revenge for the dead players! 】

[This little girl has become such a dish after losing her acting skills! It's too weak! 】

【Ugh! It's a pity that those players were deceived by her lies! Otherwise, he hides behind Xiao Shuai now and can't walk sideways! 】


Seeing more and more wounds on my body!

An imperceptible panic flashed quickly in the little girl's eyes!

She doesn't believe it!

I don't believe how a humble human being is so lethal!

Actually cut her temporary body into this appearance!

If she let her companions know, wouldn't it mean to laugh out loud!

Those inferior creatures might never respect her again!

At that time, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of all creatures in this black corpse mountain range!

Thinking of this, the little girl became more and more angry!


"How can it be!"

"You humble human!"

"How dare to destroy my body like this!"

The little girl roared angrily, her voice was extremely sharp and terrifying!

It's like a rooster that has been trampled on its neck, shouting desperately!

She looked at Wang Xiao, her scarlet eyes were blue veins violently!

The whole face is distorted like a Devil!

Seeing her crazy appearance, Wang Xiao didn't give any answer to her question!

Not only that, even the expression on his face did not change at all, and he was still so calm and indifferent!

It seems that all this is in his expectation!

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