Death Game: Starting as a fraudster, pretending to be a god

Chapter 1 Confession, Death, and Weird Game

"Senior Lin Yu...I like you!"

late at night.

Jiangcheng Communication University, Drama Club, on the stage.

The shy school girl was wearing a beautiful sailor uniform skirt and small square leather shoes that reflected the dazzling light of the stage lights.

She had exquisite makeup, cute and playful twin tails, and held a bouquet of bright champagne roses in her hands.

Lin Yu was a little stunned when he looked at the cute school girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, Lin Yu was wearing British-style costumes.

Deer hunting hat, double-breasted suit, white gloves...

Like the stereotypical "detective" - ​​after all, in tomorrow's official performance, the role he will play is an elegant and wise detective.

This has always been Lin Yu's habit. The day before the performance, he would wear costume alone and come to the stage of the drama club to "find the feeling."

After all, Lin Yu is a very typical experiential actor.

As the current "pillar" of the Jiangcheng Media Drama Club, Lin Yu also has such privileges - this is a privilege granted by both the president and the club's instructor.

It stands to reason that no one should disturb me at this time.


Lin Yu frowned slightly as he looked at the beautiful school girl in front of him who was eagerly confessing to him.

"It's my rehearsal time now, sorry."

"My private time is also used to study and practice acting. I have no plans to fall in love for the time being. I'm sorry."

Lin Yu said in a stiff tone.

The school girl opposite listened to Lin Yu's words, but still maintained a bright smile.

"Senior, don't get me wrong, I don't want to date you!"

"My love for you is like a fan's love for an idol - I am your ardent fan!"

Lin Yu frowned even more: "Are you a fan... If you want to send gifts, take photos and sign autographs, there will be an interactive session at the end of the show tomorrow."

Although he doesn't really like these sessions.

But the president said this was a necessary means to attract viewers.

The beautiful school girl in sailor uniform listened and shook her head again.

"No, senior, I think you misunderstood. I am not the kind of fan who would be satisfied with taking photos and signing autographs. I am a 'fanatic fan' like Mark Chapman."

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Mark Chapman?"

He searched for this name in his mind for a while and quickly recalled it.

“The murderer who shot John Lennon was also a fan of Lennon’s…”

The beautiful school girl smiled brightly when she heard Lin Yu's words.

"Correct answer, Senior Lin Yu. I knew you were not only good at acting, but also very knowledgeable!"

Accompanied by the other party's bright laughter, the champagne rose bouquet in her hand bloomed!


The girl tore and threw away the bouquet of flowers in her hand.

The pale orange petals are flying, looking like blood splashing under the light.

From the damaged bouquet, the girl took out the object that best represented the word "violence".

Just like how roses represent love.

Dark, heavy metal replaced the soft and bright flowers, and was held in her slender white hands.

That is……

A gun.

"Beretta M9."

When Lin Yu saw the muzzle of the gun that suddenly appeared and was pointed at him, his whole body felt cold and his mind went blank.

He subconsciously identified the model of the pistol in front of him.

Is it a model? A prank?

Although in China, if a pistol appears in front of you, it is most likely a model...

But Lin Yu is not so optimistic now.

Not just because the texture of this gun is too realistic.

It was even more because of... the other party's sharp, calm gaze that stared at him but never looked away.

Lin Yu, who had been speculating on "serial killers" for a long time because of his roles in the past, knew this kind of look very well...

This is a gaze that sees people as prey and targets, and can be summarized as "murderous intent."


The gun flame exploded, and the bullet penetrated a falling petal, and then penetrated Lin Yu's beating heart with the same precision.

Iron and fire, blood and death, declare that the Beretta M9 in the opponent's hand and the murderous intent in his eyes are genuine.

Pain and coldness spread rapidly from the bullet hole in his heart. Lin Yu felt that all his strength was drained and he fell limply to the ground.

From above the head, the girl's voice came again - it changed from the joking and frivolous tone just now, and became more serious than ever before.

Even a little... pious.

"May you be seen by the gods."

The girl's voice stopped, and Lin Yu also felt that his consciousness was gradually dissipating.

"Are you kidding? It's inexplicable..."

The original confusion turned into extremely strong unwillingness after realizing that he was about to die!

How could he die here inexplicably because of such an inexplicable weirdo and inexplicable shooting? !

"I don't want to die!"

There will be a performance tomorrow...

There will be many performances next week, next month, and for the rest of my life!

His acting skills also need to be refined.

So far, he hasn't even given a performance that he's completely satisfied with!

How could he die here so inexplicably? !

But no matter how unwilling and resentful Lin Yu was.

In the end, everything returns to eternal silence.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Yu opened his eyes again.

The pain of death still lingers in my chest, but it seems to have become an illusion.

He subconsciously touched his heart, but there was no wound.

Looking around, Lin Yu found that this was a dark and empty space.

"Is this hell, Hades, or the netherworld?"

"Or am I not dead at all, but I have become a vegetable or something like that, and my consciousness is trapped in such a place?"

Lin Yu looked around in a daze, and couldn't help thinking wildly in his heart.

And as if to answer his questions...

As he had these thoughts, bloody words suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

[Welcome to the death game! ]

[Here, we will give the dead who have a strong desire for "life" a chance to start over. ]

[Participate in the game and you can get a new life. ]

[Do you choose to participate? ]

Looking at these bloody words, Lin Yu reacted.

I probably encountered... some kind of "supernatural power".

As a college student, although Lin Yu is obsessed with acting, he spends most of his time studying and honing his acting skills, and his life is relatively simple and monotonous.

But Lin Yu is not a primitive man.

Online novels and anime are what Lin Yu usually reads during his breaks.

Combining those, he also understands his current situation.

A certain high-ranking being created a game called "Death Game".

The selected dead people have a chance to be resurrected by participating in this game.

And based on the experience of those works, Lin Yu knows very well.

This kind of game that allows people to "resurrect from the dead" is often cruel and dangerous.

But even so...

"Do I have any choice?"

Lin Yu sighed slightly.

If he wants to live, continue to perform, and continue his life, Lin Yu has only one choice.

"I'll participate."

With Lin Yu's response, the bloody text changed again.

[Welcome to join the "Death Game", player "Lin Yu"! ]

[You are drawing your initial profession...]

[Congratulations! You have obtained the only profession, Fraudster! ]

[Professional ability: After activating the ability, if the "fraud" you carry out on others is believed by others, it will "come true" to a certain extent. The degree to which it "comes true" depends on the degree of others' belief in you. 】

Lin Yu read the newly appeared blood-red text.

But before he could understand it, new blood-red text appeared.

[The initial profession has been generated! ]

[You will join the game soon——]

[Game name: Who is the outsider? ]

[Clearance conditions: Kill all players from different camps or survive until the specified time. ]

[Number of players in this game: 7. ]

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