Lin Yu took a look at the message from Fu Luo.

More than a hundred messages were sent after midnight. Because Lin Yu kept his mobile phones in silent mode all year round, he did not see these messages.

After reading it, Lin Yu was even more emotional.

"More than a hundred messages are all about 'are you there' and 'urgent'. Can't you tell me what happened first?"

Lin Yu expressed great dissatisfaction with Fu Luo's behavior.

But he still called Fulo back.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

"Hey, hey, May?"

Fu Luo's voice sounded.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Lin Yu asked straight to the point.

"Brother, I'm about to advance. Can you help me?"

"I bought the team card...the remuneration is negotiable."

Fu Luo said sincerely.

Lin Yu was a little surprised when he heard Fu Luo's words.

He did some mental calculations...

When Fu Luo met him, he claimed to have passed sixteen dungeons.

In other words, next is Fulo's nineteenth copy.

It shouldn't be...

Although there is not much content about "Second Level" and the second 'Upgrade Trial' within the player community, some basic Lin Yu has learned about it.

The time for the second ‘upgrade trial’ is usually an even-numbered copy.

Because it is equal to the appearance time of the first-order copy.

For example, if you complete the "First Level" upgrade in the seventh dungeon, then the "Second Level" upgrade will be in the fourteenth dungeon.

Of course, if you fail the first trial.

The time of final approval shall prevail.

For example, the first ‘upgrade trial’ appeared in the seventh copy, but was not completed.

Then the second "First Level" 'Upgrade Trial' will appear in the seventeenth copy - if completed at this time, he will usher in the "Second Level" at 17+7, which is the twenty-fourth copy. "Level Up Trial".

But why was Fulo the nineteenth copy promoted to "second level"?

It’s somewhat unscientific!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu asked directly.

"Why did you upgrade to the second level from an odd-numbered book?"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Fu Luo smiled sheepishly on the other end of the phone.

"Brother May, this is actually the first level for me...the first level for the second time."

Fu Luo said, Lin Yu was silenced by Fu Luogan.

He always thought that this 'detective' had already reached the first level.

After all, although he is a coward, he is famous and well-connected, and he actively posts various strategies on the forum every day.

In addition, the opponent's performance in investigating "Tiangong" in the [Winter Mountains] dungeon and in reality was both good. In addition, Lin Yu thought that he had already reached the first level!

"In other words, your last first-level upgrade mission failed, so now is your second first-level 'upgrade trial'?"

Lin Yu asked, and Fu Luo spoke seriously.

"That's right, friend, so for the sake of safety this time, I hope you can team up with me."

Lin Yu sighed.

"Why are you such a coward? The accumulation of nineteen dungeons... Even if you can't pass the promotion mission, there will be no problem in surviving, right?"

It seems that there is also a gap between cowards. Although the 'Almond' who can join the 'Predator' is also a type that can run away and never fight, he has at least passed the 'First Level' mission!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu suddenly seemed to realize something.

"Eh? Wait a minute... Could it be that you didn't even dare to take a look at the first mission, so you just formed a team and got through it?"

In the 'Upgrade' copy, as long as there is a team, the 'Upgrade' task will not be completed.

Facing Lin Yu's question, Fu Luo's embarrassed laughter came from the phone.

"a ha ha ha……"

"It's true," Lin Yu sighed, feeling a little resentful, "It's okay to give it away for the first time. There are already nineteen copies... I have to give it a try, right?"

"If you don't accumulate experience, even if you get more props next time, you will still be blinded when faced with the 'upgrade mission', and you might waste another opportunity."

"What's more, what if it happens this time?"

Faced with Lin Yu's statement, Fu Luo made a statement that Lin Yu had never imagined.

"That's it, Brother May... What if I don't plan to advance?"

“Isn’t it cost-effective to only buy team props once for every ten copies without taking any risks?”

Fu Luo said seriously.

Lin Yu was shocked by Fu Luo's statement.

" are really a talent!"

It has been a while since Lin Yu joined the ‘Death Game’, and he has met many players of all kinds.

There is a beautiful woman who looks weak but is actually scary, a medical student who is obviously infatuated but finally kills her boyfriend with her own hands, and an otaku who looks like a loser but is still alive for some reason...

Even in the last dungeon, he got a glimpse of the true faces of many high-end players.

But no player could shock Lin Yu so much that he didn't know how to react with just two sentences.

After a long time, Lin Yu sighed.

"I can accept it, but I think it's not good for you."

"As a friend...I wouldn't do that."

Lin Yu said sincerely.

"Although there is no confirmation, I still hope that you can improve your own strength, otherwise one day... you will encounter a copy that you cannot cope with by relying on [ordinary props] that do not belong to you."

"What's more, players never have to worry about more than just the copy... but also other players."

As he spoke, Fu Luo was also deeply touched on the other end of the phone.

"Maybe what you said makes sense, but I... I am really afraid."

"No one is not afraid," Lin Yu said firmly, "I was also very scared when I faced my 'upgrade' copy... But, we have no choice, friend."

"'Death' will never become merciful just because you are cowardly."

As Lin Yu spoke, Fu Luo seemed to be persuaded.

"I understand, May... This time, I will try my best!"

Lin Yu said with relief: "That's right!"

When Lin Yu was about to hang up the phone, Fu Luo spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, May, there is one more thing!"

"What little thing?"

Lin Yu asked curiously.

"Brother Shan just sent a private message, asking you to add him as a friend. 'Order' has something to talk to you about."

"Do you still remember Brother Shan?"

As Fu Luo spoke, Lin Yu recalled it a little bit and then recalled it.

"Oh, Officer Gao Shan... Of course I remember!"

Lin Yu took out his wallet and dug out the "business card" he got last time in Zhengcheng.

"What exactly is it?"

Looking at the business card, Lin Yu asked casually.

Fu Luo did not hide anything and told him everything he knew.

"It seems that something is going to happen in Jiangcheng, and the "Order" side is going to transfer people."

"I don't know too much about the inside story for now... But Brother Shan said that he might ask me to help solve a puzzle later. If I know something then, I will tell you!"

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