Hearing the words "don't forget", Lin Yu shook his head slightly.

"It can't be called breaking the game, but there are indeed ways to clear it."

Lin Yu looked at No. 8.

"Don't be confused by its words. Although we only have two questions, don't forget that there are 'three bridges' here - when it is known that only one bridge is safe, no matter for the crow, 'Goo' What does it mean..."

"As long as you ask the same crow, its answers to three questions will be two the same and one different."

"In other words, we can just choose a random bridge to ask questions and see what the answer is."

"If the two answers are the same - then the remaining bridge is naturally safe."

Lin Yu said.

No. 8 looked at Lin Yu in shock: "How can it still be like this?!"

Lin Yu nodded slightly.


But April realizes something is wrong.

"What if its answer is different from the previous one?"

Lin Yu laughed: "Then I have a way, anyway, let's ask first and then talk."

He said, then looked at the crow on the left.

"If I asked another crow if the bridge on the far right is safe, would it answer yes?"

Lin Yu looked at Crow and asked.

The crow on the left raised its head and gave the answer again.

This time the answer was still a non-human syllable.


Lin Yu narrowed his eyes when he heard this answer.

"It's such a shame, it's different."

Lin Yu said in a relaxed tone.

Uncle Tie realized something: "If the two are different, it means that one of the two bridges must be correct!"

Uncle Tie said, Lin Yu nodded.

"That's right, the probability is fifty-fifty."

Lin Yu said, and No. 8 blinked: "The probability of fifty...isn't this even lower than the two-thirds probability in the previous round?"

April also nodded: "Does this mean that there is a 'trap' in this question?"

Lin Yu heard this and shook his head.

"No, it's a pity... I think the question this time is not a trap, but it really requires us to choose one of the two."

There is no trap in the "mystery" of the Crow Man this time.

"The theme of this room is different from the previous room."

Lin Yu whispered, and the remaining four looked at each other.

No. 8 said in a panic: "So, is it really time to try your luck now?"

"That's not the case. You still haven't noticed the essential difference between the second room and the first room... This is just a little trick played by the crow man, but it's not enough to be called a trap."

Lin Yu said and took out a pistol from his waist.

"In the first room, we all have to give it a 'direct answer' to the questions it asks."

"But when we get to this room... what we need is an answer with action."

"So we no longer have to have one answer, all at the same time."

At this point, Uncle Tie had already reacted and said in a low tone:

"I understand... So this level is more like letting us choose people to 'sacrifice' than a 'trap', right?"

Lin Yu laughed.

"Yes, although we do have to 'try our luck' next, there is only one person who has to try our luck!"

"It only takes one person to walk one of these and we'll know what's next."

Under the weak candlelight, the expressions of April and No. 8 also changed slightly.

"Then, who's going to be the one trying their luck?"

April asked aloud.

Uncle Tie said: "For the sake of fairness, let's draw lots..."

As he spoke, Lin Yu interrupted him.

"Draw a hammer to sign. I took out the gun just to remind you of something," Lin Yu said coldly, "I will decide who will be the unlucky guy."

Having said this, Lin Yu pointed his gun at the 'thief' who had been huddled in the darkness and said nothing.

"Okay, dear Miss Thief, it's your turn to play your role."

A charming smile appeared on Lin Yu's face.

Looking at Lin Yu who suddenly became angry, he sighed, raised his hands and walked out.

"Why me?"

Lin Yu shrugged: "In this case, someone has to do it. First of all, I can't do it... I can only choose from the remaining four people."

"Among the others, you have the least number of clear copies, Uncle Craftsman has the most, and the remaining two are still bound - although I am confident that no one can be a match for me, a 'soldier' ​​with a gun, in a head-on battle. , but..."

"Just in case, let's start with you, the weakest persimmon."

"What's more, you really offended me, didn't you?"

He did not forget to raise his hands, with a somewhat helpless and unwilling expression.

She looked at the others: "Hey, you just watch him behave like this... What if it's your turn next time?!"

Lin Yu interrupted her with a smile: "Don't talk about bad luck, don't forget, don't you still have a half chance of not dying? For the sake of fairness - you can choose a bridge yourself, this way you can control your own destiny In hand!"

He didn't forget to grit his teeth and said, "I'll choose the one on the left... Damn, if I really die, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Faced with the threat of Wu Forgot, Lin Yu had no worries in his heart. While keeping his gun pointed at Wu Forget, he looked at the other people.

"Speaking of which, does anyone have a prop like a 'rope'?"

As Lin Yu said this, Uncle Tie was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "I have one, and it's a safety rope."

As he said this, Uncle Tie immediately took out a bundle of very long safety ropes.

Lin Yu glanced at Siyue: "Go and tie the safety rope to her."

Siyue looked at Lin Yu in surprise, then took the safety rope from Uncle Tie and walked to Buwang's side.

She quickly tied the safety rope for Buwang.

Lin Yu said: "Now throw the other end of the safety rope to me."

Siyue threw the rope to Lin Yu, who caught the rope in the air, then wrapped it around his hand twice and held it firmly.

After all, there is no solid place to tie the rope here.

Looking at Lin Yu's actions, Buwang, who was wrapped with a safety rope, looked much more relaxed.

But she still looked unhappy.

"You bastard!"

However, Lin Yu still did not put down the muzzle of the gun, but spoke coldly again.

"Go ahead."

He said coldly.

Buwang raised his middle finger to Lin Yu, then turned and walked onto the swaying suspension bridge in the dark.

Looking at Buwang's disappearing back, Uncle Tie looked at Lin Yu and spoke in a low voice.

"You've worked so hard. In that situation just now, someone had to come out to be the villain."

"You chose that little girl just because she was the lightest... and you tied her up with a rope."

"You are taking a big risk yourself."

The look in April and No. 8's eyes when they looked at Lin Yu was also a little different - but overall they were mostly grateful.

Although Lin Yu's way of forcing Buwang just now obviously frightened them a little, but at this moment he personally held the rope, which also made the two of them come to the same conclusion as Uncle Tie.

Lin Yu was just "looking for the best solution" just now.

But Lin Yu shook his head.

"No, I'm not that noble."

He tied a rope to Buwang, perhaps with some idea of ​​"don't kill anyone if you can", but more of it was based on other reasons.

Lin Yu said softly: "If there is no rope, and Buwang chooses the right "suspension bridge", but keeps silent on the other side, or simply screams in the middle and pretends to fall down to mislead us, what should we do?"

"After all, we don't know if the suspension bridge will collapse completely if it collapses, and whether we can see any clues here."

"And-even if Buwang has no subjective intention to harm us, what if there are any soundproofing measures on the other side of the suspension bridge?"

Lin Yu said, this explanation still did not completely convince the other three.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Tieshu, April and No. 8, if Lin Yu, the strongest person in the current dungeon, has "humanity" and "kindness", it is obviously more beneficial to them.

And Lin Yu did not explain more, he just looked at the rope spreading in the darkness.

Even the words just now are not the only reason why Lin Yu chose "Buwang".

"What an interesting 'thief'."

Soon, a light pull came from the rope.

In the darkness, Buwang's cry was also heard.

"This bridge is fine, this is it!"

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