"A mimetic soul that can even copy spiritual pressure?"

Haruto is indeed very interested in this information.

I just don’t know how much spiritual pressure it takes to copy a captain-level Shinigami, and what kind of materials I need to prepare.

If you can only copy a Shinigami at the level of a lower-ranking official, then its effect will be very limited.

Moreover, we must also consider whether the copied soul can be further improved, as well as the resulting ethical and moral issues...

This technology discovered in Land Mirror Valley may not be able to see the light of day in Soul Society.

"Interesting, where are the things?"

Haruto stretched out his hand towards Land Mirror Valley.

"To be honest, the spiritual body is indeed worth more than your life."

"If you really have this skill, based on the principle of fair trade, I can still make up for you..."

"For example, these five gold medals?"


Haruto's banditry almost caused the Land Mirror Valley to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

However, since the other party said it so seriously, that means... he might really let himself live?

To know.

What Haruto said before, Rikuhang Kagaya told many people he killed with his own hands, he didn't believe it at all as he was born in a lower-level noble family.


"terribly sorry."

Lu Shangjinggu couldn't speak too directly, he had to be a little roundabout.

Since Haruto knows the information related to Yigui, it is basically impossible to expect to use false news in this regard to fool the other party.

After all, he didn't know much. If he showed any flaws, he might die on the spot.


"I just knew this thing existed."

"As for technology..."

There was a trace of bitterness on the corner of Lu Shangjinggu's mouth.

"Except for a skeleton body without spiritual pressure, I couldn't get the relevant technology. Even the soul pills were bought."



Haruto's overly bland reaction allowed Rikuhang Kagaya to completely judge what the man who controlled his life and death meant.

Immediately afterwards.

Feeling the hollow feeling in his chest, he quickly understood what Haruto meant:


He wanted to make a sound, but the spiritual pressure and power accumulated in his body as a Shinigami continued to flow out from the hole under his neck.

There was no blood.

That's because the blazing lightning has already scorched the blood... and the heart has been transformed into a sacrifice of lightning long before that.

At the last moment before his death, Lu Shangjingya had a clearer understanding of Haruto's "decisiveness".


The sound of flesh falling to the ground sounded for the second time on this street.


Haruto lowered his raised finger.


"Although the matter of killing or not killing is still a matter of choice."

Haruto walked over to the fallen body of Mirror Valley on the landing, and used the waste flame to burn the opponent to ashes as usual.

"But being able to copy the soul of a Shinigami... this thing should be a secret that cannot be seen in the Soul Society."

Lu Shangjing Gu is a little clever.

It's a pity that as a lower-level noble, his vision is still lacking a lot.

In addition, this guy really failed to provide enough information to buy his life - Haruto is very contractual. He will give the guy who wants his life a chance to survive. Haruto thinks he has some Holy Mother... It's not easy to find such a benevolent God of Death in Soul Society.

Through the conversation just now.

After determining that the Mirror Valley on land had only accidentally obtained the results of the spirit skeleton technology, not the technology itself.

Haruto also lost interest in him.

Lies or deception...

These routines usually wait for a shocking truth.

Instead of listening to the carefully woven routines of the Land Mirror Valley, it would be easier to buy goods directly - as the third wave of waste flames fell today, a delicate blue-silver steel bead-like object appeared in the Land Mirror Valley and was blown away by the wind. The place.


Haruto pinched his trophy from the scorch.

"This should be the physical body of the spirit skeleton... If there is really only one, there is no need to go into so much detail."


Haruto lightly stamped his feet, and the burned corpses on the land in Kagami Valley turned into fly ash and scattered into the wind of Rukongai.

"It would be nice to take things out sooner..."

"I don't know if I'll survive."


Haruto finally finished cleaning up the battlefield.

As for the secretly hidden sights around him, he didn't pay much attention.

Even if a Shinigami really comes to investigate, we can only know that there is a Shinigami here who has a dispute with ordinary people - this is also the reason why Haruto deliberately hides the Zanpakutō when operating in Rukongai - as for more details , even if the Gotei 13 found out, his investors must have found a way to cover it up.

Haruto did not go away immediately. Instead, he randomly found a house on this unknown shabby street and knocked on the door.

After the other party tremblingly invited him in, Haruto didn't make any excessive demands, but asked for some water.

The battle didn't last long, but after staying in a dirty environment for so long, his throat felt a little thirsty.

It is necessary to drink a glass of water.

Moreover, he didn't forget that he didn't even have time to wash his face in the morning, so he naturally had to freshen up after the fight.

"The stay is not short. We are only halfway through the return journey. It is time to continue on the way home."

District 45 seems to be only about 20 Rukongais away from District 66. However, considering that the area of ​​Rukongai becomes larger the further you go, you still have to catch up in terms of time.

Finally, he looked at the place where he had just fought.

"Let's go~"

After confirming that all five people had been burned to ashes by the waste flames and it was difficult to find any obvious traces, Haruto left with confidence and boldness.

Being able to rely on Kidō alone to defeat the Shinigami whose Zanpakutō specifically restrained Kidō, Haruto gained a further understanding of his own fighting power.

Coupled with his gradually improving physical fitness...

Haruto thinks that maybe his comment about himself "only worthy of hanging around in Rukongai" a few days ago can be mentioned a little bit.


Volume 1: 022, District 66


Passing through the lush and lush paths in summer, Haruto emerges from the forest covered in green leaves.

"Pah, pah."

Haruto vigorously slapped the gift of nature hanging off his body.

If he were walking on the road normally, he would definitely not be so miserable. Haruto got hit by constantly practicing Shunpo along the way.

"finally reached."

After six days, Haruto finally arrived at District 66, which he had not seen for a long time.

"It's changed a lot..."

This road is quite familiar to Qingren.

After all, Haruto did not replace the memory of any "past life", it was entirely his own traces left in this Rukongai.

including but not limited to:

In order to increase the number of people in the grove, he lost the fight with other gangs and turned to the grove——

The list goes on and on.

“It’s been a few years since I last saw it, and it’s become even more shabby.”

Haruto walked towards the village that was not very clear in the distance.

At this point in Rukongai, there are basically no buildings with more than two floors. Even purely wooden houses are rare. Most of them are woven with free building materials such as thatch and rattan. .

While Haruto was still there, we could still see some young figures.

but now......

When Haruto came to the "village entrance", he subconsciously thought that the ten years he spent here

Years ago, but it quickly returned to the present.

"There are fewer people."

In the distance from the woods to the entrance of the village, Haruto did not see anyone in charge of security. Villages like the one he once lived in often have their own wells as a wealth that can continue to produce precious water resources. , villages that are similar to gangs in nature are usually closely guarded.

The road at the entrance of the village is the first warning method that can be discovered.



Haruto didn't stop and walked straight towards the village.

"It's not that I'm blind."

As he walked, he observed the surrounding scene.

"It doesn't matter that there aren't many new houses built, these old houses are in a state of disrepair, and some even look like they've been robbed..."


The corners of Haruto's mouth, which contained two parts of helplessness, two parts of bitterness and six parts of smile, were slightly raised.

"They must have been robbed, probably quite a few times."

The road can still be vaguely seen after Haruto renovated it, but it is difficult to see the two sides. The small groups that should have gathered in twos and threes are not even the "old men" who are basking in the sun and waiting to die.

"After such a long time, it's impossible that there won't be new souls coming to District 66."

"According to past rules, plus a small number of newborns, we can add a new population of No. 100 no matter what."

Although ordinary souls are also made up of spirit sons, they without talent will not show the aura of spiritual pressure on their bodies.

In Haruto's perception, although the sound of breathing could be found occasionally or deliberately hidden or naturally weak from inside the house with a hole in it, there was no trace of spiritual pressure at all.

Haruto is here...

It's like another higher-dimensional life form.

"After I left, these guys had a really bad life."

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