
Although Mamoru Tsunayashiro felt that he was the boss, he basically couldn't tell Uji what to do except for fighting.

But he didn't have any complaints.

It was because of the powerful Zanpakuto of Mangekyō that Uji focused all his energy on its cultivation and practice. Although he had extremely strong strength, he knew nothing about most of the Kidō.

He was the only one who could do things like touching corpses.

"Hadō no 5--"

Mamoru Tsunayashiro pulled his Zanpakuto out of his waist along with the sheath, and was about to use his Zanpakuto as a medium to release Kidō.

"The Earth Dances!"


A muffled chanting sound came from underground.

As the gravel in the deep pit spun and stirred rapidly, the door-like "wall" soon pushed out from one side of the pit.

At the same time

"...Tigers roar, wolves run."

"Cut off the heaven and earth before they collapse."

The chant, which was completely different from the dance of the earth, gradually became clearer and clearer into the ears of Mamoru Tsunayashiro and Uji.


The two looked at each other quietly, and almost at the same time, they tightened their Zanpakuto again.

"That one just now..."

"Danku, I will chant later."

Uji frowned, confirming Mamoru Tsunayashiro's guess.

"So small?"

The wall pushed from one side of the deep pit was at most two meters high, and the width was barely enough for two people to stand side by side.

"There is no one else who can block the Kakutentai Cannon except Danku."

Uji knew very well what kind of ability would restrain his Zanpakuto. Even though he had never used it, he knew Danku quite well.


Danku could block the Kidō with the same spiritual pressure below 90, and the Thousand Hands Kakutentai Cannon was not in this category; in order to take the attack without damage, as the caster of Danku, his spiritual pressure must exceed the former.

More spiritual pressure than Uji?

That must be a captain-level warrior——


The compressed soil pile fell into the pit.

“Your inspiration for the six-stick light prison was timely.”

Just under the eyes of Mamoru Tsunayashiro and Uji, the male Shinigami, whose black robe was already tattered, was half-squatting with his back to them without any defense...his arms were deeply inserted into the ground like digging potatoes.

The two did not take action. The previous broken air gave them a great shock. No one dared to be sure whether this was a trap to lure them into action.

“Otherwise, it would be a bit bad to use the mountain-falling crystal to block this move.”


The little man, who was also dressed with rags wrapped around his upper body and a slightly younger figure, was pulled out of the ground by the male Shinigami.


It was hard to tell whether he was being sarcastic or just spitting out the dirt in his mouth.

"The degraded version of the Thousand Hands Kakutentai Cannon is at best at the level of a 80-odd Hado. It can be blocked by two overlapping mountain crystals."

"Why use Dankong..."

"Otherwise, we would not be buried!"

The two people who emerged from the ground were naturally Haruto and Byakuya.

Before the flame bomb formed by the Kakutentai Cannon fell, Haruto immediately opened Dankong for defense - this move was far from chanting Poqi, but with the subsequent chant, he could barely maintain it by adding spiritual pressure before the Kidou Wall formed by Dankong dissipated.

Of course.

Compared to the complete version of Dankong, the coverage of his Kidou Wall is really pitifully small, and the defense strength is far less powerful than the original.


Used to deal with the same degraded version of the Thousand Hands Kakutentai Cannon, it can be considered evenly matched.


"Kuchiki... Byakuya."

While Haruto and Byakuya were still arguing, Uji, who was holding a Mangekyo, had become very ugly.

The moment Byakuya was recognized, things had already developed in an unpredictable direction.


Byakuya brushed off the dust on his body, and imitated Haruto and tore off the tattered cloth strips of his shirt.


Byakuya's eyes swept over the two people, especially the special haori of Mamoru Tsunayashiro and the accessories tied around his waist.

"Your knot..."

Byakuya recognized the owner of this thing.

"I haven't seen a face before."

"The heir of the Tsunayashiro branch family, just came to the Soul Society not long ago?... It seems that his seat is relatively low, otherwise he wouldn't be equipped with a deputy captain-level guard."

For the Tsunayashiro family, which is also one of the four great nobles, Byakuya obviously knows a lot about their internal rules.


After saying this, both sides fell into silence at the same time.

There are many things that don't need to be brought to the table - the Tsunayashiro family and the Kuchiki family have always been in a relationship of the eldest and the second, and they can still maintain superficial harmony within the Soul Society, but outside this area, the private competition is extremely fierce.

This is Rukongai.

The guards of the Tsunayashiro family, under the instigation of the children of the Tsunayashiro branch family, launched an attack on the grandson of Kuchiki Ginrei; whether the matter is exposed or not - even if the Tsunayashiro family applauds it - the two of them will inevitably become victims of the exchange of family interests.

Unless this matter does not exist at all.

Uji and Byakuya knew this truth very well, and Haruto and Tsunayashiro Mamoru, who were a little slower to react, were not stupid people. They quickly knew what was going to happen next from this weird atmosphere.


"Thunder Roar Cannon!"

Naturally, we have to strike first!


Volume 1: 043, Is money an external possession?

Haruto immediately launched his Thunder Roar Cannon.

The golden lightning struck directly at Tsunayashiro Mamoru—the guard was obviously stronger, and had already released his Zanpakutō, so it was much more difficult to kill him.

Persimmons should be picked soft and pinched.

This is the safest way to kill Tsunayashiro Mamoru and then surround his guards with Byakuya.


Thick smoke billowed up with the explosion.

Chanting of abandonment is divided into three stages:

The most basic thing is to abandon the chanting words, then to abandon even the roll call, and finally to chant the ghost path completely silently without any sound.

Haruto's Thunder Roar Cannon has advanced rapidly and has now reached the second stage.

But no matter what.

When dealing with opponents of the same level, the power of the more than sixty ghost paths that were sung by the abandonment is still lacking——

"Take flight, Willow Bird!"

Accompanied by the sound of the Zanpakutō being released.


Strong winds blew away the smoke.

The Zanpakutō in Tsunayashiro Mamori's palm turned into a scimitar shape like a bird's wing - not only was the Thunder Cannon just bounced away by the sword, but even the smoke that obscured the sight was also deflected by the Zanpakutō's The ability is cleared instantly.

The strong wind comes from the "flying type" Zanpakutō itself, not from the power of Kidō.

"Is this all you have?"

Tsunayashiro Mamori shouted loudly as he missed the thunder cannon with his sword.

Dankong, who had previously blocked the Kyouten Tai Cannon, really shocked him, especially when he saw that the other party directly attacked him with the Thunder Roar Cannon that chanted Destruction. Tsunayashiro Mamoru was even more frightened and immediately released his Zanpakutō.


This god of death who can use Sky Break is not as powerful as he imagined. Lei Roar

The spiritual pressure contained in the cannon was not much greater than his own.

Although Tsunayashiro Mamoru is not good at perception, it is not difficult to judge the strength of his opponent in a head-on confrontation:

Sixth level spiritual power.


Haruto asked with a smile.

The Thunder Roar Cannon just now was not used to control the enemy:

Although he had just learned Thunder Powder not long ago, it was not difficult for him to combine broken paths with similar attributes - Haruto referenced Byakuya's experience of using the Red Fire Cannon to create thick smoke and combined Thunder Powder into the Thunder Roar Cannon. ...

This move is just waiting for the opponent to hit!


Amidst the undetectable noise, Byakuya, holding the sword behind his back, appeared behind Tsunayashiro Mamoru——


Tsunayashiro Mamoru's whole body suddenly went cold.

Although he was more skilled in Shunpo than Haruto, due to lack of intelligence, he was completely unprepared when facing the Senka; Byakuya, who was stepping on the Senka before he even had time to turn around, had already sent his Zanpakutō to his back.

at this time.


Uji's voice suddenly sounded.

He did catch a glimpse of Byakuya's flash flower movement, but Uji, who was standing in front of Tsunayashiro Mamoru, could not attack Byakuya through the latter.


Raise the gun and shoot.


A fierce ball of fire rose into the sky.

The Senju Jiaotian Tai Cannon has run out of projectiles, and the ghost projectile just fired copied the No. 71 broken path:

"Silver Maple Red Cannon"

This is the top-match red cannon that is not recorded in the textbooks and is secretly passed down by the Tsunayashiro family.


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