In the vast wasteland, hundreds of heads gradually gathered around.

For this guy who tramples on his dignity and has an unknown origin.

Grimmjow obviously couldn't accept it.

"Haha, don't you want to become stronger and not have to play this weak game here to hunt down the God of Death or the more powerful Vastod?"

The black unicorn gave a strange laugh and walked slowly towards the road.

"You should have seen my true identity. I am neither a Hollow nor a Shinigami."

"But I am a Shinigami, and I have to prepare to manifest the Zanpakutō when I master the swastika."

"Just think about it, is a Shinigami who has lost his Zanpakutō worth hunting?"

"After devouring so much hollow power, you are stuck in a state of stagnation. Do you want to try something new? Maybe an accident can allow you to transform into the existence of Vastod?"

E Chang's words echoed between heaven and earth, full of deceptive flavor.

Grimmjow was startled for a moment and said, "You said you are a Zanpakutō? Are you inviting me to turn against your master?"

"This game seems fun."

"But, I want to know, are you sure?"

For Grimmjow, who has always hated the boring life in Hueco Mundo.

Now Hei Wu Qilin's invitation has undoubtedly caused some ripples in his life.

"Haha, why aren't you sure? He doesn't even have his Zanpakutō anymore, and he's like a tiger that has lost its fangs. Do you think he can still pose a threat?"

Black Wu Qilin smiled cruelly.

"I have a secret connection with him. If you are determined to do it, make a decision as soon as possible. If you give up, I will run away first."

Grimmjow's expression darkened and he glanced back. A trace of cruelty flashed deep in his eyes at the group of Void Queens behind him.

"Okay, I believe that if you take a gamble, the Shinigami who loses his Zanpakutō will be able to capture him easily!"

"Haha, then it will be a pleasure to cooperate."

The black unicorn laughed strangely.

The next moment, his expression changed, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

"he came!"

The black unicorn exclaimed, without any pause, in Grimmjow's eyes, he suddenly turned around and ran away.

Grimmjow looked at the sudden scene.

Feeling the huge spiritual pressure falling from the sky, it instantly felt like it was on a pirate ship.

"Black hole!"

Heiwu Qilin roared angrily, and the black tide under his feet quickly surged, turning into a huge whirlpool in an instant.

"Do you still want to escape? It's too late!"

"Binding Road Sixty-Eight·Flying Thunder Cannon!"


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

He was so fast that he took the lead and landed on the black mist whirlpool.


The huge impact was released, causing Hei Wu Qilin's expression to suddenly change, and he took seven or eight steps back, revealing a face full of unwillingness.

"Shiba Kuroba, it is absolutely impossible for you to regain me. In order to deal with you, I have roped in a powerful helper."

As he said that, the Black Kirin quickly took a few steps back and landed next to Grimmjow.

However, the scene before him clearly made it impossible for Grimmjow to recover.

Especially the way Hei Wu Qilin escaped just now was completely different from the way he had imagined.

Moreover, the harsh words that Black Wu Qilin spat out just now made Grimmjow couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Is this Achucas who you said is evenly matched with you in strength?"

Shiba Kuroba fell in the sky, and his eyes suddenly fell on Grimmjow.

"It turns out to be Grimmjow, what's wrong, give me a chance to surrender to me, or die!"

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic sound at this moment, echoing in the wasteland and unable to dissipate for a long time.

Especially when I saw that the person in front of me was not only not afraid because of my identity.

Now that he appeared on the stage, he even dropped crazy words that made him surrender.

Is this confidence?

"Grimmjow, I advise you to surrender!"

A figure fell behind Black Feather.

"It's you, Harribel, you actually got together with the God of Death?" Grimmjow's pupils shrank slightly.

"Reaper, is this your confidence? No wonder you dare to say such cruel words to me without your Zanpakutō!"

"It turns out he was in cahoots with Vastod."

Although Grimmjow is only the existence of Achiukas.

However, he is obviously different from the ordinary Achiukas, and is infinitely close to Vastod.

What he possesses is the power of destruction, and his crazy war-loving temperament, which obviously leads to many fights between him and Harribel.

"Sorry, I think you misunderstood."

Kuroyu smiled warmly.

"Harribel is just a cooperative relationship with me. She will not interfere in our battle."

"As always, surrender or die!"

"Harribel won't take action?"

Grimmjow was startled.

As the pinnacle of Achukas, the existence is infinitely close to Vastod.

He could indeed confront Harribel head-on.

But defeating her is even harder than reaching the sky.

It's good to be able to escape unscathed.

If Harribel really takes action, Grimmjow believes that he will definitely lose.

However, now that there is only one brat who has lost his Zanpakutō, that's a different story.

"Harribel, are you really not going to take action?" Grimmjow subconsciously looked at Harribel.

Grimmjow couldn't understand why Harribel would choose a god of death.

However, this is undoubtedly the best news for his current situation.

"Don't worry, I won't take action." Harribel replied lightly, turned around and left.

"However, I still advise you. If I were you, I would definitely choose to surrender."


Grimmjow's expression couldn't help but froze.

It never thought that a being like Vastod would say such a thing.

However, the stiff look on his face quickly dissipated, and a cruel smile appeared on his face: "To be able to let Harribel, this proud guy, say such words, shows that your strength is really great. good."

"But it is precisely because of this that I want to see how capable you are. Should I surrender to you or let me kill you?"

"Let me see what methods a Shinigami can use after losing his Zanpakutō!"


Grimmjow kicked hard towards the ground, and as his muscles tensed up, his whole body shot out like a cannonball.

In the short distance of tens of meters, at the extreme speed, he appeared in front of Kuroyu in the blink of an eye.

However, the next words that fell on his ears made Grimmjow's expression suddenly change.

"Sorry, it didn't tell you, did I have three Zanpakutō? It seems you were sold!"

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