Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 235 The Captain’s Judgment

Jing Ling Ting, inside the fifth division team building.

Aizen Sosuke was looking at the rice paper on the table. After a picture flashed in his mind, he grabbed the brush with his backhand and dipped it in ink.

When I put down the pen, it was like a god, and it quickly moved across the rice paper.

"The word kill?"

"Captain Aizen, this is the first time I've seen you write such murderous calligraphy and painting..."

Hinatamori, who was standing aside, couldn't help but say.

"It seems that Captain Aizen, you are also unhappy about Shiba Kuroba's incident of causing a scene in the base on the first day of joining the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force."

"I have known for a long time that this guy is not a law-abiding person wherever he goes. This kind of person who ignores the rules has no qualifications to survive. He should be buried in Hueco Mundo, so that he does not have to harm the 13th Guards. "

"I heard that he has now escaped from the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force. This is the decree approved by Captain Yamamoto not long ago."

As he said that, Hinatao Sen took out the document with his backhand and handed it over.

Aizen Sosuke frowned and showed a hint of surprise when he saw the content on the document that Hinamomori had specially circled with a pen.

"Captain Yamamoto actually gave Shiba Kuroba a limited time to return to the team. If he fails to return to the team within a month, will he be sentenced to betrayal and both of them die?"

In Aizen Sosuke's eyes, Shiba Kuroba's slapstick play was undoubtedly protected by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Otherwise, pick out any farce related to Shiba Kuroba.

If it weren't for Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's shadow, I'm afraid Shiba Kuroba would have been punished long ago.

Now Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni threw out Shiba Kuroha, who had been holding it in his hand and protecting him.

This made Aizen Soyousuke feel uneasy.

Of course, these thoughts only flashed through my mind.

When he thought of Ichimaru Gin and Aizen Sosuke's faces being sent to Hueco Mundo this time, a smile appeared on their faces again.

Compare this to the hysterical lunatic that Tosen wants to do and completely reveals himself.

Aizen Sosuke, on the contrary, prefers Gin Ichimaru, who is a bit rich.

In his eyes, only those who hide deeper will get twice the result with half the effort when doing things.

"Captain Aizen, do you think Captain Yamamoto is once again favoring this arrogant person?"

Hinatao Sen couldn't hold his breath.

"It would be great if there was no Captain Yamamoto."


Aizen Sosuke glanced sideways.

Hinatamori immediately covered her mouth, quickly shook her head and explained.

"Captain Aizen, don't get me wrong. I just made a slip of the tongue for a moment. I have absolutely no disrespect to Captain Yamamoto."

As the vice-captain of the fifth division, Hinatamori has served in the 13th Guards Division for at least a hundred years.

She was well aware of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's pedantry and stubbornness.

If those disrespectful words just now were heard by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Punishment is absolutely necessary.

"Haha, Hinata, don't be nervous, I am your captain." Aizen Sosuke stood up with a smile and rubbed Hinata's hair.

"This is just an angry comment made by Shiba Kuroba, and it is certainly not disrespectful to Captain Yamamoto."

"However, Xindao, you are tired from all these nonsense, so go back and rest for a while. We will talk about anything tomorrow."


Hinatamori's expression froze.

After taking a look at the calligraphy on the table, he finally bit his red lips and nodded in agreement.

"Captain Aizen, I'll go back first. If anything happens, just let me know and I'll be there immediately."

"Haha, don't worry, I can handle the things here."

Aizen Sosuke smiled warmly and shook his head, but his eyes subconsciously glanced at the corners of the room, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Of course, Hinatamori didn't notice all this.

After she quickly left the team building, the smile on Aizen Sosuke's face suddenly disappeared.

"Dong Xian, didn't I say that you can't use the spiritual mask weapon to sneak into my room without my approval?"

"If it happens again, I will kill you!"


The huge spiritual pressure dormant in Aizen Sosuke's body exploded like a frenzy.

The spiritual pressure that rushed out of the sky was like a mountain, rushing directly into the corner of the room.


A muffled sound came from the corner.

The Dongxian Fortress hidden in the corner quickly emerged.

However, the only thing that made people feel lucky was that this huge pressure quickly receded like the tide.

Dongxian Yao, who was originally hiding behind the Lingzhen Arms, suddenly relaxed from his tense look.

"Lord Aizen, I know I didn't get your summons, and it's wrong to break into the fifth division at this time, but just now you also saw Captain Yamamoto's handwriting."

"As long as that kid fails to return to the team within a month, he will be regarded as a traitor."

"This means that even if we really kill him now, even if he doesn't show up at that time, no one will pursue us. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Urgent words echoed in the team building.

When I think of the hardships I suffered one after another and the defeats I encountered.

Tōsen Kaname couldn't wait to tear Shiba Kuroha into pieces.

However, the handwriting published by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

For Tōsen Kaname, it was the best time to kill without being held accountable.

"Dong Xian, I know what you are thinking, but I have left this matter to Yin. Do you think he is not competent?"

Aizen Sosuke dispersed the spiritual pressure released from his body.

Tōsen Kaname's successive defeats really made him feel dissatisfied.

However, as his rare captain-level chess piece, Sosuke Aizen still didn't want to abandon him too early.

At least, in Aizen Sosuke's eyes, games are indispensable without bystanders.

And the feeling of playing in the midst of applause.


Dongxian wanted to look stagnant, and said urgently: "Lord Aizen, of course I have no doubts about your vision in selecting people. Just let me go there in person, and at least I can be sure of it."

Nowadays, there is a rare opportunity to kill Shiba Kuroha in an honest and fair manner.

Tōsen Kaname was obviously unwilling to give up easily.

"Dongxian, you are worried. Don't forget that Yin's swastika is the best at assassination. As long as he is willing to kill, that kid will definitely not escape."

Aizen Sosuke raised his hand and pressed his glasses.

"Now, it's a good chance to see if Yin is loyal to me. I hope he won't let me down."

"If he comes back unscathed and doesn't bring back the kid's head, then don't blame me for being rude."

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