Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 243 Using one’s own body as a decoy

Has the time come?

Grimmjow was startled for a moment, then lost his composure and roared angrily.

"Harribel, you promised me never to mention what happened that day."

I remembered the sneak attack on Shiba Kuroba three days ago after he got drunk and got drunk again.

The result of final defeat in seconds.

Grimmjow, who has always regarded himself as the strongest being in Achiukas, cannot accept this cruel reality.

"Grimmjow, Lady Harribel has never promised you this kind of question."

Sun Sun teased and said: "But don't worry, we won't tell others that you failed to attack Lord Black Feather and was ridden around to read a book by him."

"Although, that scene is very funny..."


Apache and Mitzi Hall couldn't help but laugh.

After all, in their eyes, Grimmjow was Achiukas second only to Harribel.

It's not a bad thing to see this arrogant and proud guy deflated.


Grimmjow exploded.

However, after feeling Harribel's gaze, Grimmjow gritted his teeth for a while, then turned around and snorted coldly.

"You may make fun of me, but when I really get the power of the Arrancar, you will definitely regret it!"

"However, that guy is really perverted. He was drunk and read the book upside down. He actually learned the ghost path after reading it once!"

"Who would believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes."

Having said this, Grimmjow said with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"I remember that guy yesterday, he had finished reading the last book on how to instantaneously cast forbidden ghost techniques."

"Do you think he has fully learned it?"

The question that suddenly appeared suddenly stirred everyone's nerves.

Harribel raised her eyebrows and said calmly.

"Grimmjow, haven't you tried it once before? Why are you still asking this question?"

"If you want to ask, it is absolutely! Otherwise, why follow a god of death..."

Grimmjow's expression froze, and he felt like he had no way to refute.

After all, he had already questioned this issue five days ago.

But he never expected that the drunkard in front of him would become so cruel that he even beat one of his own.

The Black Coffin was instantaneous at that time, and Grimmjow could still remember it.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that when he was hit, the power of the black coffin in his body was far different.

"Okay, now is not the time to vomit, those guys are already here, and it seems that the target of this hunting is too!"

Harribel suddenly spoke.

All the weak nerves present were suddenly shaken.


A thunderous roar exploded in the field without warning.

The originally peaceful desert emitted a roaring sound.

Silhouettes of Kilian, who were like mountains, brought up large amounts of sand and gravel and broke through the ground directly.

At the same time, there are all kinds of voids following them.

There are so many, at least hundreds or thousands.

As soon as they appeared, Jillian, who was at the forefront, took the lead in targeting Shiba Kuroha lying on the desert.

Under the bloody bluff, the scarlet spiritual power gathered and compressed crazily.


Pi Lian, transformed into a virtual flash, instantly penetrated the void.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Shiba Kuroba, who was lying on the ground sleeping.

The violent scene made Grimmjow and others nervous to the extreme.

This time, they are proceeding in a planned way.

But when faced with this drunkard who doesn't care about time or place, he falls asleep when he's drunk.

I would never dare to bet before witnessing the final result.

They didn't want to accidentally destroy this seed of hope by Killian's false flash.


The dazzling beam of light passed by in the blink of an eye.

Finally, one end penetrated the place where Shiba Kuroha was sleeping.

Under the sky full of yellow sand splashing.

It even stirred up large amounts of sand and dust, and blasted out a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Seeing the scorched traces of the attack, Grimmjow and the others tensed up their nerves to the extreme and quickly searched for Shiba Kuroba's whereabouts.

"where is he!"

Harribel suddenly spoke.

Everyone's nerves tightened and they followed their gazes.

The first thing that came into view was the figure sitting on Killian's head, struggling to open his drunken eyes.

"Hiccup, don't you know that disturbing people's dreams is like killing their parents?"

"I want to ask, did I kill your parents..."

"Don't hinder my sleep, I can still sleep in darkness..."

The incomprehensible words echoed between heaven and earth.

Grimmjow was left waiting, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitching.

I'm afraid this is the only master who can face hundreds or even thousands of Hollows without being frightened awake.

It's just that compared to them, those Kilians who have not yet developed their intelligence obviously don't have the patience to listen to ridicules.

That kind of spiritual power that does not belong to the void, in their perception, is like the most attractive delicacy.

It's enough to make them rush up desperately.


Seventy-eight Kilians, after catching Shiba Kuroha's movements again, fired out the false flash in their mouths again.

However, this time the targets of their attacks surprisingly included their companions.


The air wave of the explosion rolled back.

Killian, who was originally serving as Shiba Kuroba's cushion, was instantly overwhelmed by the blast of air.

"Hiccup! This annoying thing disturbs people's dreams. Regardless of whether I killed your parents or not, I will definitely kill you now!"

Intermittent drunken words suddenly sounded in the wind and sand of the explosion.

Under the swaying figure, Shiba Kuroba instantly grabbed the Zanpakutō at his waist with his backhand.

"Shijie·Compress the sky, Zhonglan!"


The sound of a knife suddenly sounded.

The invisible gravitational magnetic field, like ripples, spread out with Shiba Kuroha as the center.

All the voids were instantly enveloped in it.


Xu, who was present, followed Shiba Kuroha's spiritual power that was independent of Xu, and quickly locked onto him again.

Following the sound of roars, dozens of Kilians, and even the lowest level Hollow, quickly rushed towards Shiba Kuroha who was swaying on his feet.

The distance of hundreds of meters was shortened in the blink of an eye.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters...

Seeing the God of Death so close at hand, those Xu who were rushing to the front seemed to be going crazy.

However, in the face of all this, the drunk Shiba Kuroha obviously didn't take it to heart and struggled to open his drunken eyes.

He showed a look of disgust.

"Didn't anyone tell you that your tone is a bit loud?"

"Gravity Knife·Tiger!"

Shiba Kuroba caught Zhonglan with his backhand. The moment his muscles tensed up, the blade roared violently and he threw it out with his backhand!


The air seemed to be crushed in an instant.

In the direction of the swing of the sword, everything along the way, whether it was Killian or Xu, was crushed like paper.

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