Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 250 Amagai Susuke’s response

"Haha, Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Zhifeng have been staying in the 13th Guards Corps. It's not surprising that they don't know their names."

Amagai Susuke laughed dryly.

"Actually, this Balegang is the most superior Vastod, who claims to be the King of Hueco Mundo."

"He has rarely left Xuye Palace. If it weren't for a special enemy, we wouldn't be able to attract him."

As the captain of the expeditionary force, Amagai Susuke has never dealt with Bailegang.

I'm afraid it's just a lie.

"Are you saying that this commotion might have been caused by Shiba Kuroba?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression couldn't help but froze.


Amagai Susuke nodded in agreement.

"However, Captain Hitsugaya, I want you to know clearly that Bailegang is a king-like existence in Hueco Mundo."

"It has gathered many Achiukas-level Hollows under its command."

"If Shiba Kuroha provokes Bailegang and is completely targeted by him, I think he will definitely die."

"So, if you can, I advise you to give up this pursuit."

There was a hint of persuasion in the slightly arrogant words.

However, only Kifune knew clearly.

These words are just a temptation.

"Sorry, Captain Amagai, we are well aware of your good intentions."

Hitsugaya Toshiro shook his head and said.

"It's just that Captain Yamamoto gave us the task of bringing Shiba Kuroba back to Seireitei, so even if the opponent is the King of Hueco Mundo, we will never give up the pursuit."

"However, what makes people happy is that I did not expect to be able to find the whereabouts of Shiba Kuroba so quickly. It seems that Captain Yamamoto's suggestion is still very useful."

"Captain Amagai, can you provide us with the coordinates?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro had already heard about Shiba Kuroba's fight with the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force.

Faced with this kind of thing that slaps you in the face as soon as you appear.

Hitsugaya Toshiro believed that no one would like him and watched Shiba Kuroba leave alive.

"Haha, Captain Hitsugaya, you are indeed very brave."

Amagai Susuke laughed dryly.

"However, since Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Zombie have already paid attention and made a decision, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for us to continue persuading them."

"Kifune, according to the plan, you should lead the way for the two captains."

Regarding Hitsugaya Toshiro's decision, Amagai Suosuke obviously got the result of the test.

As a small BOSS with deep knowledge in the city, Ambei Xiusuke quickly thought of a new response plan.

Since Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zuihou are determined to rescue Shiba Kuroba.

Instead, he hoped to take advantage of this opportunity.

The variable Shiba Kuroba and the two captains were also resolved.

This can at least greatly weaken the strength of the Thirteen Guards Team.

"Captain Amagai, don't worry, I will definitely complete the mission."

Kifune raised his glasses and glanced back. Hitsugaya Toshiro and Suihou took one look at them and quickly turned around and ran away.

Seeing the agitated figure, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression paused for a moment, but he followed quickly without stopping.

For a long time, Toshiro Hitsugaya couldn't bear Shiba Kuroha's noisy behavior and wished he would die young.

It's a pity that this arrogant man now shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving Soul Society and the present world, and it is closely related to Hinamori's escape from Aizen Sosuke's death as a good person.

Now even the King of Hueco Mundo can be provoked.

This made Toshiro Hitsugaya unable to calm down.

Seeing the three figures disappearing all of a sudden, the smile that was originally on Ambei Xiusuke's face gradually dissipated.

He looked down at the Zanpakutō at his waist and said.

"Originally, I didn't plan to use it so soon. Now it's rare to encounter something that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni values. It's good to practice first."

"It's time for me to take action."

After saying these words, Amagai Susuke didn't linger at all, turned around and disappeared.

At the same time, it was located dozens of miles away from Xuye Palace.

Three figures were running away quickly.

Watch behind you from time to time.

"Lord Nelly, run away quickly. With us, you won't be able to escape from the clutches of Balegang."

A Yachukas, who was as short as a winter melon but had a red face, spoke first.

Immediately next to it, there was another person, Yachukas, who looked like a masked Superman, with the face of a human ant.

After hearing these words, he nodded in agreement.

As for the Lady Nellie they are talking about, she is Nellielu, the third seat of the Ten Blades Central Plains in the original book.

As Hueco Mundo, there are only a few Vastod.

Nellie has always had great freedom.

Although, there were conflicts with Balegang.

But this is the first time I have seen such a large-scale pursuit.

However, Nellie's current mask has obviously not been broken yet.

Except for the antelope horns and half mask on the head, the lower body still retains the strong body of the antelope.

It feels like a heavy knight wearing armor.

But this seemingly weight-bearing posture obviously did not hinder Nellie's movement.

Her powerful body gave her the same speed as a god.

If she hadn't taken care of her two followers, she believed that no one would be able to pursue her if she escaped with all her strength.

"Chaka, Kadishe, don't say any more."

Nellyelle shook her head and said.

"I sensed the surroundings just now and found no trace of Bailegang and his lackeys. It seems that they have given up the pursuit."

"Although I don't know why he chased and beat us this time, without full confidence, Bailegang shouldn't dare to offend me to death."

As one of the few Vastods in Hueco Mundo, this is not the first time Nellie has fought against Balegang.

She knew clearly about Bailegang's ambition to become king, and she also understood his obsession with Xuye Palace, a place that symbolized the identity of the king.

What's more, Nellie believes that besides her and Balegang, there are a few Vastod in Hueco Mundo.

If word of this crazy pursuit gets out.

I'm afraid it will only force other Vastod to join forces to resist.

By then, I'm afraid Baile Gang will just walk around without food.

"Ms. Nelly, you are right. The three of us together are the strongest combination. Bailegang is just showing off. Now that we have escaped far away, he probably won't dare to follow us."

Chaka said with a grin.

"Why don't we stop and rest now!"

Regarding this proposal, Nilielle was silent for a while, and then spread her spiritual power again, intending to sense the situation around her.

However, just as this idea came to mind, the next moment he suddenly turned back to look behind him at where Chaka had landed.

"Chaka, get out of the way!"

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