The power of a punch could actually penetrate the body of Balegang, the self-proclaimed King of Hueco Mundo.

It seems that they still underestimated Shiba Kuroba, who was unarmed and was also not to be messed with.

One punch can destroy even Vastod.

Not to mention Yachucas.

Thoughts flashed through the minds of Harribel and Ulquiorra, and they subconsciously looked at Grimmjow not far away.

Grimmjow was startled for a moment, then roared in shame and anger: "Don't stare at me, don't compare those trash with me."

However, as soon as he said these words, Grimmjow soon saw a black shadow leap out and land in front of Shiba Kuroha.

Four ferocious black scythes slashed forward like a large intertwined net.

Nnoitra roared with a ferocious expression.

"There are flaws. Since you won't let me go, then just die!"




Three voices sounded in unison.

Nnoitra's expression paused as she took to the air.

Seeing the sleepy Shiba Kuroha in front of him, he completely opened his eyes.

The confusion in his pupils has long disappeared.

As the corners of his mouth rose, a warm smile appeared.

"Double bones!"

Shiba Kuroba's muscles were as tight as a rock, instantly tense to the extreme.

It gives people the illusion of a wild beast.

As soon as his fists were released, a fierce sonic boom sound erupted.


Nnoitra just felt his eyes flash, and his fists had already passed through the dense blades, and landed on his abdomen with lightning speed.

The huge impact hidden in his hand exploded like a volcano.


Most of his body exploded into pieces.

Nnoitra brought up a blood parabola, directly penetrated hundreds of meters of void, and hit the rocks in the distance.

Accompanied by a deafening collision, the rocky mountain, which was more than ten meters tall, shattered and opened like a spider web.

The huge ruins fell into deathly silence.

The Yachukas, who had originally planned to escape, were stunned.

A chill went straight to his forehead.

"Grimmjow, this Nnoitra seems to be at the peak level of Achiukas."

Sun Sun covered his mouth and said with a dry smile.


Grimmjow finished his sentence immediately.

Just now, he didn't want to be with those losers and used words to explain his difference.

It's a pity that Neutra, who is also at the peak of Achiukas, suddenly behaves violently.

This undoubtedly made Grimmjow's face turn red, and he felt like he had been slapped in the face in public.

If it hadn't been for Shiba Kuroba's plan, Grimmjow would have passed by and kicked him severely.

However, the only thing he could do now was to hold back his anger and look at Shiba Kuroha.

After all, they didn't know the purpose of intercepting Bailegang this time.

"Ahem, I didn't expect that a mere god of death could make this king so embarrassed. But if you plan to, let me surrender like them, but it's too easy to think of this king."

Balegang struggled to stand up on the ground.

He is indeed a powerful being at the peak of Vastod.

However, in front of Wu Po, his power obviously did not reach the level of qualitative change.

In the original work, Aizen Sosuke also played with him in the applause with his one trick, Mirror Flower, Water Moon.

Finally suppressed and recovered.

Of course, this time, Shiba Kuroba went to such great lengths not just to regain Bailegang.

What he wants to do is to strive to improve the Wine of False God to the extreme in the shortest possible time.

"Baile Gang, you take yourself too seriously."

Shiba Kuroba smiled warmly.

Now, after the farce just now, his drunkenness has obviously been dispelled, and his eyes have regained clarity.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he walked slowly to the throne of Bailegang, picked up the jug of wine and started drinking.

Drink again?

The muscles in the corners of Xu and Bailegang's eyes were twitching.

I was just drunk a moment ago, and now I'm drinking again.

This is too much alcoholism.

However, precisely because of this scene, it also clearly confirmed what Shiba Kuroha said just now.

Shiba Kuroba, who was drinking on the battlefield, didn't take Bailegang, the King of Hueco Mundo, seriously at all.

This made Bailegang's bone-white cheek almost burst.

"Kid, you can kill or cut into pieces as you wish, but if you humiliate me like this, don't blame me for being rude."

Bailegang suppressed the resentment in his heart and stepped hard, his body already recovering from super-speed regeneration.

The sigh of death dormant in his body surged out again.

With a powerful posture, he attacked Shiba Kuroha head-on.

"Black hole!"


The blackness around Shiba Kuroyu's waist shook slightly, and a black tide as black as ink surged out, instantly turning into a huge black vortex in the void, spiraling rapidly.

The sigh of death that filled the sky was plundered away like a whale devouring everything when it came a little closer.

Seeing Death Sigh, who was regarded as a trump card with the power of decay, disappear in an instant.

Bailegang was stunned for a moment.

He finally understood what Tianke felt like.

At the same time, he also understood why his death sigh never took effect.

All of this was overwhelmed by the all-devouring darkness in front of him.

His ability can accelerate the time flow of matter, causing everything to spread with signs of aging.

But darkness is an ethereal existence.

Let the darkness age, isn't that a joke, or what?

"I didn't expect that even Balegang would be defeated. It seems that Hueco Mundo is really going to change hands."

The fear on Ulquiorra's face was completely gone.

As Vastod, he also fought against Bailegang.

Of course, I know how tricky it is to derive Balegang's own abilities.

Ulquiorra was defeated by Shiba Kuroba, but he had always wanted to see how Shiba Kuroba would be tired of dealing with Bailegang's unique talent.

Unfortunately, Ulquiorra originally regarded it as a difficult problem.

In Shiba Kuroba's eyes, the so-called King of Hueco Mundo is just child's play.

"Hiccup, Old Bones, you're so welcome. Since your wine collection is pretty good, I'm going to play a cat and mouse game with you now."

Shiba Kuroba burped, his eyes starting to look a little misty.

In just a short moment, he drank three or four bottles of wine.

For others, this amount of wine may not make them easily drunk.

But Shiba Kuroba has the Dionysian system.

For drunk resistance, it's obviously zero.

This scene left everyone present confused once again.

Even Ulquiorra and Grimmjow are no exception.

It was puzzling that Kuroha Shiba, who knew that he had a body that was prone to getting drunk, would still drink as much as he could.

However, at this moment, what they care about most is the so-called cat and mouse game Shiba Kuroba said.

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