Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 262 The Future King of Hueco Mundo


The deafening explosion sounded like thunder from the Nine Heavens.

The rolling back posture set off a huge sandstorm.

Facing the violent scene, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou's expressions suddenly changed, and they all took action to block.

After more than half a minute, everything gradually calmed down.

But as far as the eye can see, the terrifying spiritual pressure still lingers between heaven and earth.

The faces of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou gained a hint of solemnity.

As for Kibuneri, he was so stunned that he couldn't even care about his glasses that were blown away by the wind and sand.

"This...what on earth is going on!"

As Hueco Mundo's permanent expeditionary force, Kibuneri has experienced battles large and small, but he doesn't know how many.

Among them are Killian, Yachukas, and even Vastod.

Although in the end Amagai Susuke fought hard and allowed Vastod to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

However, the aura of spiritual pressure and the momentum of the battle were clearly far beyond any battle Kifune had known.


It should be said that the fluctuation caused by the explosion just now far exceeded the sum of all Kifuri's battles combined.

That terrifying aura could still have such a powerful sense of oppression even though it was unknown how many miles away it was.

This gives people a shocking illusion.

"It seems that that guy is still alive and kicking. I'm afraid the trouble with the Calamity Body is not false. Captain Yamamoto is right. Where there is that guy, there will never be peace."

Zhifeng glanced at Kifune indifferently.

Kifune's expression froze, his face turned extremely pale, and he couldn't help but tighten his hands hidden in his sleeves.

A moment ago, he had sworn to conclude Shiba Kuroba's death.

I never expected that things would turn out so unexpectedly.

Not only did this guy who was known as a troublemaker not only not die, but he also caused a greater uproar.

However, when he thought of Amagai Suisuke's plan, Kibuneri quickly suppressed the unwillingness in his heart and took a deep breath.

"Captain Broken Bee, the spiritual pressure impact just now far exceeds the records of our expeditionary force. It can create such a momentum, I am afraid it has reached the level of Vastod."

"As for whether it was caused by Shiba Kuroha, I'm afraid it's still unknown."

"For the sake of caution, I'll contact Captain Amagai who is nearby and come to us in person, which can be regarded as taking care of us."

"After all, Vastod is a king-like existence in Hueco Mundo. He can command and control countless Hollows. I'm afraid he still has Achiukas under his command. We should be more careful."

The expressions of Zhifeng and Hitsugaya Toshiro also changed slightly.

In the face of Kifuneli's proposal, it seems to be a bit of a waste of time, but it obviously has its meaning.

What's more, Kifune is the deputy captain of the expeditionary force, and his experience is undoubtedly very important.

"What Vice-Captain Kifune said is right, then this matter will trouble you."

Hitsugaya Toshiro was the first to speak.

"It's just that this place is obviously more than ten miles away from the center of the explosion. In order to avoid any mistakes, we'd better go ahead and take care of one or two!"

For this key figure who can help him regain his former childhood sweetheart, Hitsugaya Toshiro undoubtedly does not want Shiba Kuroba to capsize in the gutter.

The most important thing is that the aftermath of the battle can spread so far.

It was far beyond his knowledge.

This proves that the two sides fighting against each other are definitely no longer fuel-efficient.

"Okay then, I'll lead the way for everyone!"

Kibuneri hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He clearly knew that in order to implement Amagai Suisuke's plan, he needed to know the exact situation of Shiba Kuroba in advance in order to make the most appropriate response.

With the three people's opinions reached a consensus.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, without any hesitation at all, took the lead in setting off.

The Broken Bee that followed was no exception.

On the other hand, on the battlefield, the rolling waves of explosions receded like a tide.

The thick sand and dust rising into the sky gradually calmed down as time went by, blown by the strong wind.

When everyone came back to their senses, the sight they saw made their pupils shrink suddenly.

The bottomless black abyss, under the attack just now, obviously penetrated even the earth.

The Arrancar headed by Nnoitra had even disappeared.

Looking at this deep pit with a diameter of several miles, it suddenly appeared on the desert.

Nellie's face also turned pale.

Especially the two followers following her were trembling with sweat all over their bodies.

Subconsciously looking at other people's faces, the expressions were extremely wonderful.

After all, in their eyes, the power possessed by Achiukas' Arrancar after breaking through was far beyond their knowledge.

Not to mention Nnoitra, who is the pinnacle of Achucas.

His Arrancar strength is such that even without Arrancar Vastod, he can't fight against it.

However, the most powerful existence in Hueco Mundo was directly exploded together with more than 20 subordinates in one encounter.

This makes people feel too shocking.

"Sun Sun, what are you looking at? I must be better than Nnoitra, even if I am an Arrancar..."

Grimmjow glared at Sun Sanxu, who used him as a negative example.

It's just that the rebuttal was only half-sentenced, and the second half of it reached the mouth but could not be uttered.

At least in Grimmjow's eyes, when he breaks through to the Arrancar, no matter how much he breaks through and becomes stronger, he probably won't be much stronger than Nnoitra, who is also at the peak of Achiukas.

Facing Shiba Kuroba, the attack that directly cracked the earth exploded, and his heart was filled with chills.

"Okay, it seems that Master Kuroba is done, but let the guy from Balegang escape. This guy with oil on his soles has officially lost the title of King of Hueco Mundo."

Harribel spoke first.

As the first person to be taken under Shiba Kuroba's command, her right to speak and status are obviously somewhat different.

Moreover, Harribel still cared about the fact that Balegang felt sorry for her in the past.

The strength currently displayed by Shiba Kuroba and the dark power of Tenke Bailegang.

Undoubtedly, Harribel wished she could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Balegang's men were fucked a lot this time, and even the soles of his feet were greased, and he ran away in public. In the future, Hueco Mundo will no longer be able to call himself the King of Hueco Mundo. Those who joined his group will probably have to do the same. Weigh this matter."

Grimmjow regained his composure and quickly took over the conversation.

"Let him escape for a while now. Lord Kuroba will definitely eliminate him in the future and become the future King of Hueco Mundo."

The awe-inspiring words were mixed with undoubted admiration. Whether it was Grimmjow or Harribel, there was obviously a subtle change in the name of Black Feather.

Grimmjow, who was silent on the side, nodded in agreement after a moment of silence, but looking far away, he quickly frowned.

"There is a situation, be careful!"

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