Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 283 Did you just want to touch my people?

However, these words have just been spoken.

Grimmjow stood among the ruins and said with a ferocious smile.

"I thought I heard you say just now, swallow as much as you come."

"However, I still warn you, I'm afraid you won't be able to swallow it."

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic sound at this moment, echoing in the heaven and earth for a long time without any way to disperse.

Urahara Kisuke's nerves suddenly became tense.

He turned around hastily and looked behind him.

The first scene that caught his eye made his pupils suddenly shrink.

Dozens of figures, densely packed together.

In particular, the completely Arrancar-like posture makes people feel like they are being stabbed straight into the soul.

Feeling the huge spiritual pressure coming out of those figures, Urahara Kisuke felt as if he had been slapped in the face.

After all, he kept saying it just a moment ago.

There are very few Arrancars like Grimmjow in Hueco Mundo.

Without the influence of Bengyu in his hands, there would be almost no Hollows who could break through independently.

However, not long after he said these words, the Arrancar that appeared in front of him could be described as a group.

For Urahara Kisuke, this slap in the face was too harsh.

At least, when facing this kind of lineup, even the well-connected Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but curse Aizen Sosuke.

This horse riding is too harsh!

In particular, when staring at the leading figures, the spiritual pressure fluctuations emitted were more powerful than those of Grimmjow who had just taken action.

This can only explain one truth.

The leading Arrancars are probably from the most superior Daxu, Vastod Arrancar.

This is simply bad news for Urahara Kisuke.

"Urahara, what should we do?"

Hirako Mako's face also turned livid, and he inserted his Zanpakutō into his waist with his backhand.

"What kind of monster is this Aizen? He can actually gather so many Arrancars in Hueco Mundo. He must have become the King of Hueco Mundo."

"It seems that our trump card is still a bit weak compared to his."

As the leader of the Masked Legion, Hirako Mako is indeed very confident in his own strength.

After using the mask, I am even more confident that I can be ranked in the upper reaches of the ranks of captains of the Thirteen Guards.

However, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Faced with the luxurious lineup in front of him, dozens of Arrancars appeared in unison.

Hirako Mako was conceited, but he also knew that they couldn't swallow this kind of lineup.

"It seems that we still underestimated Aizen's preparations over the years. If Shiba Kuroha, that arrogant brat, knew about it, I don't know what his expression would be."

Urahara Kisuke walked out of the crowd, glanced at Hirako Mako and said.

"But isn't this kind of melee just right for you?"

"Although I don't know why Soyousuke Aizen discovered my whereabouts, but we can no longer stay here."

"If you cut off the queen for us, there should be no problem."

The sight of dozens of Arrancars coming to his door was indeed beyond Urahara Kisuke's expectation.

If the Masked Legion is not here, he may need to use some means to escape.

But faced with this kind of battle involving numbers.

The power possessed by Mako Hirako's Zanpakutō in reverse stroke has undoubtedly become the best ace in the war.

Both are hallucination-type Zanpakutōs, and Hirako Mako's reverse caress may not be as perverted as Aizen Sosuke's Kyoka Suigetsu.

But it can also put enemies within a certain range into chaos.

At least, facing the menacing enemy, Urahara Kisuke was obviously helpless and thought of a better way.

"Don't worry, I can't defeat them, but if you want to escape, there are so many of them, they will become a burden."

Mako Hirako showed a smile and walked out slowly.

The Zanpakuto clenched tightly in his hand made a slight roar as the spiritual pressure surged.


A low voice came from Hirako Mako's mouth.

Urahara Kisuke and others' nerves suddenly became extremely tense.

As long as Hirako Makoto displays the swastika of Nifu.

Then this is their best chance to escape.

However, this thought flashed through Urahara Kisuke's mind just now.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly looked up at the sky.



A blast of spiritual pressure fell from the sky without warning.

Mako Hirako, who was about to use his swastika, suddenly changed his expression.

Unfortunately, this spiritual pressure impact was so fast that it was obviously stronger and faster than before.

The only thing Hirako Mako could do was to watch the impact fall.


The violent spiritual pressure rolled back in all directions, and the waves of sand and dust raised directly pushed Urahara Kisuke and others back.

Faced with this violent scene, Hiyori Sarugaki and other members of the masked army were the first to lose their composure and spread their masks with a backhand on their cheeks.

At the same time, there was no trace of fancy. With one step, the whole person disappeared in place like a ghost.

When he appeared again, he had already plunged into the sand.

However, as soon as they got closer, an invisible purple ripple spread out without any warning.



The vibrating sound of the air sounded without warning.

Sarugaki Hiyori and the others felt their bodies become heavy, as if they were carrying a mountain on their backs.

Before they could react, the next moment, their bodies lost their balance and fell heavily to the ground.


A heavy collision echoed.

Looking at the members of the Masked Legion, it was like Waterloo.

Urahara Kisuke and others, who had just planned to retreat, couldn't help but look stagnant.

A pair of eyes, staring straight at the dispersed sand and dust, couldn't help but brighten.

"Shiba Kuroha, you came at the right time. Hurry up and join forces with us to deal with these Arrancars and cut off Aizen Sosuke's wings."

Urahara Kisuke spoke first.

Facing these crazy masks in front of him, he had no foundation in his heart.

But after seeing Shiba Kuroba, Urahara Kisuke clearly smelled a glimmer of hope.

At least, in his eyes, this unfathomable brat might have a way to solve this predicament.

However, this idea just sprouted in my mind.

The next moment, your words that had just drifted away in the wind hit Urahara Kisuke's soul like an invisible heavy hammer.

"Hiccup, Urahara Kisuke, did you just want to touch me?"

When the dust in the sky cleared, the first thing that came into view was the drunken Shiba Kuroha.

Mako Hirako, who was about to use his swastika, was grabbed by Shiba Kuroba's wrist with one hand.

The body that was struggling to support itself under the invisible gravity heard the words coming from Shiba Kuroba's mouth.

Finally, the stubborn energy gave out, and his whole body hit the ground with a thud.

Damn it!

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