In the Soul Society, the Bai Dao Gate of Jing Ling Ting.

This is located at the west gate of Seireitei, and is also the main entrance and exit, connected to Rukongai.

However, it is precisely because of this door that completely separates the Seireitei and Rukongai into two parts.

Being able to take action from this place means that he is not the God of Death.

As for other than the God of Death, no matter what status you have in Rukongai, once you forcefully break into the White Path Gate, it will be regarded as a travel disaster.

A further meaning of these two words can be understood as intruder.

Once it is identified as a travel disaster, the gods of death on all sides have the opportunity to make their own decisions and kill the attackers.

It is precisely because of this extremely strict regulation.

As a result, there have been very few intruders over the years.

In recent years, there has been none.

However, today, a few small bugs appeared in the Baidao Sect.

This undoubtedly made the guards guarding Baidaomen a little interested.

This is a rare opportunity to kill some time.

"Ichigo, are you really confident that you can defeat this guy and break in? Don't forget what our real mission is. If it doesn't work, we can find another way to get in."

Ishida Uryu raised his glasses and looked at the confrontation with Kurosaki Ichigo. The huge body like an iron tower showed a dignified look.

The west gate guard in front of him may not be a god of death, nor does he possess powerful spiritual pressure.

However, the brute force he possesses has the ability to tear apart mountains and crack the earth.

Every blow made one's scalp numb.

As an agile archer, Ishida Uryu knew very well that if he was asked to take a hard hit.

The end result is probably that it will split into two pieces.

Perhaps Chadou, who has awakened the power of virtual manifestation, can confront him head-on.

However, due to his lack of mobility, he is obviously not the most suitable for quick battles.

It can be said that Kurosaki Ichigo, who has both offensive and defensive abilities, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Otherwise, the longer time passes, the more ferocious the counterattack caused by Jinglingting will be.

After all, not everyone knows that plan.

"Haha, I didn't expect that this travel disaster could actually block the power of my Doudanfang's axe. It seems that you are not an unknown person."

Doudanfang, a tall man with a giant ax in both hands, a gorilla face and a red hat, laughed heartily.

"However, I still advise you to leave quickly. What happened here has been reported back to the 13th Guards Team. If other seats or captains arrive, you may not even have a chance to escape."

"Not to mention breaking through my guard."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that for so many years, no one has been able to withstand my attack. It's pretty good that you can reach this level."

"However, you can block the first blow, but the power of my second and third blows will gradually increase. If I accidentally split you in half, I'm afraid it will be very embarrassing."

The deep voice roared like thunder, falling on the ears, making people feel a pain in the eardrums.

The guards stationed around him also cheered excitedly.

Looking at Doudanfang with a confident expression on his face, he was obviously convinced.

After all, in their eyes, the mouse in front of them has some strength.

But compared with Doudanfang.

The size alone is enough to overwhelm a head, and it can be rolled over easily.

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, but this time I have someone I must go to save. It's impossible to just retreat casually."

Kurosaki Ichigo tightened his grip on the Zanpakutō and said.

"So, I'm sorry, I hope you can step aside."


Kabutanbo couldn't help but be startled and said: "Is the person you want to save Rukia Kuchiki who is about to be executed?"

"I didn't expect that a guy like you who is not afraid of death exists."

"However, I just heard that Rukia Kuchiki's execution time has been advanced. If you want to rush there now, you may still be able to make it in time."

"But, are you really capable of going there?"

The deep voice exploded like thunder.

Faced with this sudden information, the expressions of Kurosaki Ichigo and others suddenly changed.

This is different from what they planned.

Now Rukia Kuchiki's execution time has been moved forward.

So what are they going to do?

"Ishida, is there any news?"

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but look back.

He might be sure to defeat the Doudanfang in front of him.

But after seeing with my own eyes the all-star lineup that appeared in this world.

His little bit of pride had already been shattered.

Kurosaki Ichigo knew clearly that they might be able to break through the first level.

But the next levels are difficult to pass.


Ishida Uryu shook his head, raised his glasses and said.

"Kurosaki, what are you going to do now, are you going to retreat?"

The current early execution of Kuchiki Rukia is undoubtedly forcing them to make a decision in advance.

However, as soon as he said these words, Ishida Uryu quickly noticed a change in the atmosphere.

Inoue Orihime and Sadatari Utora, who were standing behind them, stepped forward even more.

Although he didn't speak, he clearly made a firm statement.


Ichigo Kurosaki took a deep breath and said, "Although I don't know what condition that guy is in now, it seems that he still has to bite the bullet."

"Thirty seconds, thirty seconds later, let's break through together!"

The low voice fell, as if it was filled with magic sound at this moment, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

The guard who was still holding on to scare away the travel disaster was startled at first, and then burst into laughter.

"Haha, Captain Doudanfang, it seems you have been underestimated, hurry up and let them suffer a little!"

"Use your big ax to chop them into submission!"

"Travel disasters are caused by frogs in the well!"

Chaotic hooting sounded one after another.

Facing Kurosaki Ichigo's domineering declaration, even the good-tempered Kabutanbo couldn't help but darken his face.

"Boy, you really underestimate me."

"Since you said you can defeat me in thirty seconds, let me show you how powerful the Baidaomen guards are."

Technique·Ten editions of Doudan Festival!


Doudanfang was the first to explode.

The huge body, as if it was not restricted by size and weight, took long steps and appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

The huge ax clenched tightly in his right hand, without any fancy, struck at Kurosaki Ichigo one after another.

"The speed has increased?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Seeing the oncoming attack, he quickly raised his hand to block.

Bang bang bang bang!

Thunderous thumps sounded one after another.

Ten axes fell in a row, shattering the ground in an instant.

Under the huge impact, large waves of sand and dust were set off.

Rolling backwards.

That powerful and heavy attack caused many people's expressions to change drastically.

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