Death Inquisitor

Chapter 2197 The Evil Spirit’s Choice

You can search for "Douyu: Death Judge Jiutao Novel (.)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

No, maybe not all ghasts' responses. Ye Chen looked at the ghast who was sitting blankly next to the system customer service. He looked dull and didn't know what he was thinking. The system customer service saw Ye Chen looking over. He was obviously very proud but suppressed his tone and pretended to be calm. : "Host, I have regained control of the Evil Soul Banner."

Look, although many of his permissions have been closed now, he is still very useful! System customer service personnel affirm their own value in their hearts.

Ye Chen nodded and walked towards the evil spirits next to the system customer service. His intuition told him that these evil spirits were also related to the research of the institute over the years. As for why he found this evil spirit who had been silent and acted a bit stupid, it was probably because... he thought he was easy to get along with. Ye Chen thought as he replayed the appearance of the evil spirit when he fell in his mind.

"Hello." Ye Chen sat down next to the evil spirit and said.

The noisy scene suddenly fell into silence. All the evil spirits were like the evil spirit next to Ye Chen. They slowly turned their heads and looked at him with wide eyes. The evil spirit beside him touched his hair that had lost a lot and asked slowly: "Can you see me?"

Ye Chen asked, "Why can't you see it?"

The evil spirit nodded, thought for a while and said, "That's right."

"It's you, dead head. He is a living person, not like us, we are dead people!" A woman who was blind in one eye slapped the evil spirit on the back of its head from behind, directly hitting the evil spirit's head. on the ground.

The evil spirit touched the floor and found his head. After putting it back, he nodded slowly and said, "That makes sense."

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched a few times, and he asked, "What's your name?"

The evil spirit was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Chen for a long time and repeated: "Name?"

Ye Chen asked: "Don't you know what your name is?"

The evil spirit shook his head subconsciously and said, "Who doesn't know his name?" But he immediately changed his mind and asked, "What's your name?"

The previous female evil spirit couldn't stand it any longer. She pushed the silly evil spirit away, moved closer to Ye Chen and said, "This is just a fool, please leave him alone."

"If you want to know anything, just ask me. Oh, don't look at me like that. Your little look makes me happy. I have a husband, although I don't remember what my husband looks like. "Yeah." The female evil spirit twisted her butt coyly.

Ye Chen rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know how you got here?"

"How did we get here?" The female evil spirit was also stunned. She looked at her other companions. They also looked at a loss. After the female evil spirit floated over and muttered with them for a while, she floated over. He said solemnly to Ye Chen: "We don't even know how we got here."

"Do you know how we got here?" The female evil spirit asked seriously.

The stupid evil spirit glanced at the two of them and said, "If he knew, why would he ask you?"

The female evil spirit nodded and said, "You make sense."

Ye Chen felt his eyebrows twitching. He pressed firmly and said, "I really know how you got here. Did you see this thing? Someone used this thing to recruit you here." Ye Chen said. Chen took the Evil Soul Banner from the system customer service. The reason why he asked that question was to know how far Yu Changsheng, the fake owner, could use the Evil Soul Banner with the help of the virus system. Now it seems that the virus system It really shouldn’t be underestimated.

"I see, a small flag can have such great power." The evil spirits came up and stared at the evil spirit flag, amazed.

The stupid evil spirit didn't move, he put his hand on his chin and didn't know what he was thinking. The system customer service was squeezed out by the evil spirit. Seeing that the evil spirit was sitting very comfortably, he floated over and sat down next to him and asked: " Why don't you go and see it?" According to common sense, generally speaking, both humans and evil spirits are curious about novel things, right? But he couldn't see any curiosity in this stupid evil spirit, which made the system customer service very curious.

The evil spirit looked at him, and then his eyes were glued to him and couldn't turn away. He didn't answer the system customer service's question. He grabbed the system customer service's hand excitedly and asked, "Are you a ghost too? You have no scars on your body." None? Do you know how to repair the wound? "

The system customer service looked at the stupid ghost. The stupid ghost had wounds from head to toe. He said: "I am not a ghost, and there is no way to repair the wounds."

He saw the light in the stupid ghast's eyes suddenly disappear, and the cold hand holding him also dropped. The system customer service felt his throat was a little feverish, and he said: "My host is very powerful, maybe he has a way to help. your turn."

The stupid evil soul followed the line of sight of the system customer service and saw Ye Chen surrounded by a group of evil spirits. The stupid evil soul frowned and said, "I don't like places with many people."

"Why? Aren't you a human being too? Why do you hate people?" the system customer service asked one after another.

The stupid evil soul frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "It's my nature, maybe I'm suitable to be a ghost." His tone was lost, and the system customer service felt uncomfortable listening to it.

The system customer service grabbed Silly Evil Spirit's hand and pulled him to stand up, walking towards Ye Chen. Silly Evil Spirit was not happy, and the two of them started a tug of war. The system customer service person looked small, but he was very powerful. The adult ghost, who was very big and stupid, was not far behind in comparison. He said in a serious tone like an old scholar's lecture: "

Do you know why x sounds are so popular now? "

"X sound? What is that thing?" The stupid evil soul was distracted for a moment and was pulled far away by the system customer service. He came back to his senses and quickly stabilized his center of gravity. When the system customer service saw that he could no longer pull him, he said: "X sound, It is a software that has become popular among many Internet celebrities. Young people nowadays rarely play with these messy things. Many of the videos above are supported by sound. If you turn off the music in the x sound, you may not feel it after watching it. nothing."

The stupid evil spirit was even more confused. He grabbed the system customer service who was trying to drag him away with his backhand and asked: "I have never been exposed to X-rays, what does that have to do with me?"

"Maybe you just reject the noisy sounds in the crowd. I believe that the feeling in the crowd is very comfortable. You can experience yourself as an individual in it. I like staying in the crowd." The system customer service said nonstop, and in He didn't give up his actions when he spoke. ..

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