As a big fan of the night god, this rustling sound feels how familiar it feels.

The night god came and wanted to start the live trial, but I didn't know who to judge this time.

"Brother, why did you suddenly hang up and not move, there is about to be a team battle, you won't want to pit us, right?"

"Your sister, did you watch the live trial of the night god in the fierce team battle?"

"Who is the night god, is his live broadcast so interesting?"

"You know a fart, the night god is an eternal god."

The live broadcast room officially opened a familiar taste and familiar feeling, some of them were netizens who watched Zhao Chuan's trial yesterday, and some of them were new to the scene and did not understand what happened, and began to greet all kinds of crazy.

The live broadcast room was divided into two factions for a fierce war of words.

Lin Mo's supporters are greeting new netizens.

"A few little whites upstairs, you really are in the blessing and do not know the blessing, and the trial of the night trial is randomly invited."

"We're watching the beautiful women dance, and you got us straight in, damn it."

As soon as the camera turned, a room appeared in the eyes of everyone, and the netizens in front of them found that this room was different from the room where Zhao Chuan was judged before.

The big bed room has various ornaments, air conditioning, and the bathroom on the side, isn't this in the hotel?

There is also a pure-looking beauty standing restlessly, a computer printer, and the sound of bathing in the bathroom, and a figure can be faintly seen.

The new crowd in the live broadcast room began to cheer, is this ** media in the live broadcast rehearsal?

As a veteran night lover, it is really a familiar feeling and a familiar taste, especially seeing that beautiful woman's little hand that has nowhere to place, there will definitely be a long-standing battle in this house later.

The wind reviews in the live broadcast room immediately turned, and the new netizens praised one after another.

"The anchor is really a good guy, I said why those old drivers call him the god of the night, this is simply a god for all of us."

"The anchor loves it."

"Is the anchor suspected of breaking the law and committing a crime by doing this?"

"I advise the upstairs to be a good person."

"Oh, what situation am I going, isn't the Night God broadcasting the trial live tonight, this is to make some excitement?"

"Brothers, don't you feel that this girl in front of you is particularly familiar, you always feel like you have seen it somewhere, but you can't remember anything."

"Familiar, if you can't think of it, it's right, it's all thousand-year-old foxes, what are you playing with me?"

About a moment later, the sound of the shower in the bathroom disappeared, and a woman wrapped in a bath towel came out inside.

"Xiaoshu help me get a hair dryer."

Netizens fryer in the live broadcast room.

"What's the situation, I thought it was a man, but in the end it was a woman?"

"I'm all off my pants, you're going to show me this?"

"Hurt my feelings, bad review."

When the assistant opened the suitcase, he saw an envelope on the side of the hair dryer appear in front of him.

A letter?

I carefully looked at the contents of the envelope, the death invitation.

When I saw these 5 big words, isn't this exactly the same as the death invitation received by the deceased last night?


Fear came to his mind, and he shouted.

"What's wrong, what's going on?"

"Sister Shanshan, come soon, something happened, something happened."

When Su Shanshan came to the side and looked at the death invitation in the box, her face became ugly.

Stepped forward and opened the invitation, his name, age, and introduction were written on it, exactly the same as the content of Zhao Chuan he saw yesterday.

When the death invitation was opened, all the netizens in the live broadcast room fried the pan again.

"Death invitation, this is the death invitation of the night god, it seems that the two of them are in trouble tonight."

"The night god appears, and the invited person is either quacked or on the way to be quacked."

"It's a pity for these two beautiful beauties."

"I said how do I feel that this little beauty is so familiar, it turns out to be the two of them."

Su Shanshan looked up at the surroundings, only felt a coolness hit her, and then glanced at her assistant, this suitcase from the company itself after loading things, to today the only contact is her own assistant.

Why did this so-called death invitation appear in his suitcase for no reason, it can't be said that it teleported in, right?

Seeing Sister Shanshan's questioning eyes, Xiao Shu shook his head repeatedly.

"Sister Shanshan, I don't know anything, this suitcase is also the one I just opened today, or the password you just told me, Sister Shanshan.

Sister Shanshan, why did we receive an invitation to die, and could we also be killed?

I just graduated from college, my parents and my family still have to wait for me to help them, I don't want to die. "

After all, I am just a recent graduate, where have I seen such a big scene, don't look at what usually happens to others, I can comment as a bystander."

But when things really happened to themselves, this heartfelt sense of fear arose, helplessness, fear, all appeared in their own bodies.

"Susan, have you ever repented for what you did before?"

At the same time, a cold voice reached Su Sanshan's ears, how similar was this voice to what happened last night?

"Who, who the hell are you, you get out of here for me?"

White City Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Team Zhao, news has come from our informant that the one called City Light has begun to go online for trial again.

This time it was Miss Sushanshan who was judged. "

Susansan? Is that the one who likes to break the news?

Call her to get in touch to see where she is now, and send someone over immediately to make sure she's safe.

"It's Team Zhao."

The phone from the law enforcement bureau was connected, and when she learned the identity of the person on the other side, Su Shanshan's expression became extremely excited, and she immediately provided her location, and 10 minutes later, the law enforcement bureau's group rushed to the hotel and came to her residence.

When she saw the policeman with live ammunition, Su Shanshan's expression gradually calmed down, this death invitation was too terrible, especially when the voice came, reaching the depths of her soul to make her have a heartfelt fear.

"City Light, you are a shameful thing, since you have such courage, you are here to judge the old lady?

I am standing right here, awaiting your judgment. "

Now I am protected by the police, even if I borrow the 10 dares called City Light, it is estimated that I dare not come over, it seems that everything is self-defeating, and the City Light jumping beam clown."

"You mean you don't have any remorse for what you did before?"

Another cold voice came, this time Lin Mo did not specify, his voice could be heard by the whole room.

"Everyone is on guard, who the hell do you have the courage to stand up?

Everyone escorted Miss Su to the Law Enforcement Bureau, I don't believe that this person dares to do something when I get to the Law Enforcement Bureau?

"I said that my name is the Light of the City, the judge of justice, and the judge will be judged by me wherever he goes to the ends of the earth."

Susansan, let me ask you one last time, have you ever repented of what you did before?

"Why should I repent, I have done nothing wrong, why should I repent?"

With this roar of his own, no sound came this time.

Until the police escorted Su Shanshan and the two left the house and walked downstairs, the moment the two left, the portrait of the live broadcast room was frozen in this room.

Netizens in the live broadcast room talked about it again.

"It seems that tonight's trial of the night god is over, and that Sushanshan has been escorted to the law enforcement bureau by the police.

Even if the night god is strong, he can't go to the law enforcement bureau for trial, right?

Some people also saw the introduction on the death invitation of the night god and sighed

: "I originally thought that this person was a beautiful woman, but I didn't expect that as a whistleblower, he actually did these bastard things?"

Because her false revelations caused many families to be separated by their last wives, combined with the fact that they were almost chopped today, all this makes sense.

Hatefully, the state does not have this relevant law to sanction, and in the end, it just can't make amends.


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