Is it really sinister for people, but I didn't expect that their group of policemen would install surveillance in the room where they live for the sake of credit?

Fortunately, the final thing was terminated, and even if their side became the defendant, it would not have much impact.

It's just that they are in this hotel, and the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau, you are waiting for the summons from the court.

Seeing the appearance of this agent in front of him, things have come to this point and are still so hideous?

Not to mention this apprentice of his own, even his own self, who has always been particularly calm, wants to go over and slap them hard at this moment.

"Ms. An, please pay attention to your words, how can we, as a five-star hotel in this city, do such a thing to peep into the privacy of customers?"

The hotel manager on the side said righteously.

Not to mention what impact such a thing will have on their hotel, how many ordinary people can afford to live in the presidential suite?

Which of these characters is not the existence of the God of Wealth, how can they slap themselves and not care about money?

When the God of Wealth came to deliver the money, they would have arranged it for them with courtesy, but if they wanted to slander their hotel, this matter would not work.

"Ms. An, Mr. Wu, introduce yourself as Captain Zhao of the Baicheng Law Enforcement Bureau, and I apologize to you for the rude behavior of my police officer just now.

But today we are not here to arrest you, but to protect you.

Even if what was written on the death invitation just now was true, our law enforcement bureau would not arrest anyone without definitive evidence.

Nor will we easily sentence anyone by virtue of what is written on that invitation.

We follow strict legal procedures, but City Lights, which sent you a death invitation, will not. After

these two things, Captain Zhao also had a very high degree of recognition of the things written on this death invitation, and it seems that the things written on it should be true.

Even if he knew that the two of them had done so many unconscionable things, he would impartially enforce the law and would not arrest the two of them without definitive evidence.

After Captain Zhao said this, the two looked around the entire room, and when they checked into the hotel, they would personally pick up professional instruments for inspection, so as to prevent someone from learning their itinerary in advance for secretly taking pictures.

Did you really misunderstand?

"You two are waiting to be judged by the City Light."

Seeing the two of them like this, Li Lu muttered softly in her heart.

"Ms. An, Mr. Wu, the two of you may not know the seriousness of this matter, and this death invitation letter was not sent to you by our police station or others.

It was sent to the two of you by a name City Light.

In just two days, the two parties who received this death invitation were tried and sanctioned by the city light through their own means.

And today the two of you are the third to receive this death invitation.

When Captain Zhao finished talking about what happened to the two people who were tried in front of him, he was greeted by An Nan, and Wu Bin burst into laughter.

It's just nonsense, if the two of them were really tried, why didn't anyone think about it from another perspective?

If it was the criminal who had absconded for twenty or thirty years, he would have already been targeted by this person called City Light.

So it makes sense to design the arrangement in advance and kill him, right?

And the one named Su Shanshan is even more so, using false revelations to break other people's families, it is estimated that the people who were by her have long hated her.

Therefore, this big drama jointly arranged, even if she Su Shanshan did not hide in the Law Enforcement Bureau, even if she hid to the ends of the earth and was designed in advance, it must be the same end.

Although they also got a death invitation today, they usually have a professional team preparation for eating or doing things.

Other strangers don't come into contact, and what happened today seems to be a coincidence, this suite is monitored, and even their high-tech equipment is not detected.

Captain Zhao frowned, did these stars really not pay attention to the news?

"Ms. An, Mr. Wu, you two won't think we're joking with you, right?

I still hope that you both will take refuge in our law enforcement bureau. "

If you don't take the two of them to the lounge this time and put them directly in prison, he City Light can't enter the heavenly prison no matter how capable he is, right?

"Captain Zhao, otherwise what do you think?"

"Did I say this thing is so funny?"

"Hahahaha, of course it's funny."

An icy voice came from all sides of the room, and An Nan replied directly without thinking about the inquiry.

However, when they heard this familiar voice, the law enforcement bureau immediately tensed up and began to look around.

"Miss An, Mr. Wu, City Light, he is here, you two quickly follow me to the Law Enforcement Bureau."

If you have the audacity to stand up for me, why do you have to sneak behind your back?

Captain Zhao stared around as he spoke.

How exactly does City Light work?

"I said Captain Zhao, since the two of them don't accept your affection, why do you say you need to care about the life and death of the two of them?

If I want to say where you came from today, go back, when nothing has happened, is it not good to obediently be a melon-eating crowd and watch the live broadcast to make a splash?

There was mockery in this voice, and it seemed that these things that had just happened were also familiar to the light of the city.

"City Light, I believe that the death invitation you sent to the two of them is true.

Since you already have these things, why can't you submit the evidence to us and let the two of them accept the punishment of the law?

Why lynch yourself, you are also knowing the law and breaking the law, don't you know?

A sneer came.

"The law is fair and just, but after all, there are dark places that cannot be illuminated, can you ensure that you can find clues after I submit this evidence to you?"

In the incident 7 years ago, the party's daughter was violated by Wu Bin, because the party fought a lawsuit in this matter, and finally because no evidence was found.

I've already told you what you want to check?

The girl he assaulted was also a student, with excellent grades, and could have been admitted to university with unlimited prospects.

Because of this incident, her spirit was hit hard, her grades plummeted, and finally she was not admitted to college, resulting in schizophrenia under the double blow, and now she is still living in a psychiatric hospital, can you call the shots for her? "


City Light's words made Captain Zhao speechless, what happened seven years ago was immediately reported for investigation and no clues were collected, not to mention that 7 years have passed, and it is difficult to find a needle in a haystack to investigate the things at that time.

"Since you cannot decide the victims, leave this just judgment to me, and I will surely demand the punishment that the wicked deserve."


Captain Zhao scolded angrily.

Even if they do make a mistake, they must strengthen their conviction and let them be punished by the law.

"Unfortunately, the moment they receive the invitation to die, their fate is no longer in their hands.

Obediently accept the trial.

An Nan, Wu Bin, do you two have a trace of repentance for what you did before?

"Captain Zhao, what is this voice, what the hell is going on here?"

The two who had just laughed proudly and laughed, felt a little panicked when they heard this voice.

This voice came from all directions like a ghost, reaching his ears and making people shiver.

This time the two were completely scared.

"This is the prelude to the trial of the two of you by City Light.

Don't you two stand here, don't you hurry up and get in the car and follow us to the Law Enforcement Bureau for refuge?"

If you take a step later, the consequences are not something you can afford!!!!! "

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