"Brother Lin, what's wrong?"

Lin Mo shared the link in the past, and when he saw that the person who was bound inside was the father and son who blackmailed him today, Bai Xue was also shocked.

However, because his father and son blackmailed themselves, they let themselves meet Brother Lin in Baicheng, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

It's just that I didn't expect that their father and son were actually judged, and it's really ridiculous to think about it.

There is also the vote below, one is life and one is death, and the life decision of their father and son is in the hands of all netizens.

Seeing the option in front of Lin Mo, Lin Mo did not choose, but this person is doing things in his own name, attracting a large amount of traffic, this swaggering method, but a little not very good.

Bai Xue is a kind girl, even if this person blackmails herself, but when she sees two people dying in front of her, she can't bear to throw her life.

"Brother Lin, do you say that their father and son will really be judged by the City Light tonight?"

I also know the rumors about City Lights, as a senior netizen who surfs the Internet every day in addition to work, and I have long seen things like this.

Lin Mo nodded.

Seeing that more and more people in the live broadcast room choose to die, the vote on death has reached more than 90%, if it is really as this person said, their father and son will die 10 dead tonight.

If he guessed correctly, their father and son should be a vendetta, and when he opened the Eye of Death to check the guilt value of the two of them, he already knew all about these things that happened to them.

Even who took revenge on their father and son had an idea in their hearts.

The police car quickly arrived in Lin Mo's neighborhood, quickly came to his house and knocked the door, but there was no reply from inside.

The landlord who called the apartment opened the door to check, and there was no trace of anyone inside.

Seeing the masked man in the live broadcast room, it seems that he has followed up with his guess, and it is indeed the light of the city.

Then opened the phone and sent a message to Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, where are you now? I went over to find you. "


Seeing the greetings from the little policewoman, there are beautiful women inviting themselves to dinner together tonight, you can't let your little policewoman come over to spoil this atmosphere, reply a busy one, reply later.

Seeing the news from Lin Mo, Li Lu frowned, and was busy replying late, are you busy killing?

Li Lu did not dare to delay, immediately contacted the General Bureau of Law Enforcement to start locating Lin Mo's mobile phone number, if he guessed correctly, as long as he located the location of his mobile phone number, their father and son could be rescued.

Time 1 minute and one second passed, for ordinary netizens, watching this live broadcast, voting choices are just a pleasure.

There were even many netizens who came into the live broadcast room, and did not see the cause and effect, so they chose dead words on the voting option.

But for the Law Enforcement Bureau and the father and son who were tried this time, the ticking sound of 1 minute and 1 second of time was like a spell that urged the father and son to die.

"The phone is located."

Lin Mo's mobile phone does not set any encryption, only need to lock the mobile phone number, you can locate its location, the location displayed is actually the commercial street in the city center.

Li Lu did not dare to delay, and immediately set off in the direction of the commercial street with his hands.

It seems that this city light is coming in a big wave this time, and if this plan fails, it is very likely that he will threaten the lives of everyone in the commercial district.

Before I thought that he was a person who could distinguish right from wrong, although he ignored the law, at least he judged some bad people, but now it seems that this person is a complete madman.

"Brother Lin, this city light can't really burn the two of them to death, right?"

Bai Xue's heart was tightly clenched, what he saw before was only a video from everyone, but today he saw what really happened.

The little girl has any bad intentions, even if others hurt him, he can't bear to hurt others.

Lin Mo did not answer immediately, still watching the video.

It seems that this person should have been planning this plan for a long time, but he didn't have the opportunity to do it.

This time because of his appearance, it created an opportunity for him, so that even after he killed someone, he could throw the pot on himself.

When the matter was over, he patted his ass and left directly, attracting the attention of the enforcer to his side again.

I always wanted to be a righteous trial, but I didn't expect to become someone else's back-pot man today, and I really have a feeling of crying and laughing when I think about it.

With 20 minutes to go, the police car ran all the way to the commercial street, locked on a barbecue restaurant, and all the police officers quickly rushed in and began to search inside.

I saw Lin Mo and the two in a corner.

"Lin Mo,"

"It's you, Officer Li, look at your panting appearance, is something going on?"

"You ? How do you ?

"What's wrong with me? What happened to make you so anxious, did you just text me something?

This is a new friend I met today named Bai Xue, whether you have eaten or sit down to eat together, count me as money.

Li Lu did not answer, and asked.

"There is indeed one thing I need your help with, give me your phone.

Have you two been together all this time? "

Li Lu didn't expect to come to the barbecue restaurant to look like this?

Lin Mo handed the phone over.

"Brother Lin, who is this?"

"Her name is Li Lu from the Law Enforcement Bureau, and you can call her Officer Li when you see her."

It was Officer Lee who came to my community and took me to the medal that the Law Enforcement Bureau had given me.

"Brother Lin, you have also won the medal for seeing righteous and brave deeds, Brother Lin, you are so powerful."

Officer Li, Brother Lin, and the two of us were at this barbecue restaurant two hours ago.

"By the way, Bai Xue, let's go to a movie together after eating, right?"

"Brother Lin, of course you can."

Originally, at 10 o'clock, their father and son should accept their own trial, but now it seems that the end of their father and son is only dead.

And the group of the Law Enforcement Bureau came to this barbecue restaurant and rushed directly to their side, and they didn't need to guess to know what was going on in their hearts.

Wherever they passed, without exception, all of them were harvested, and it was strange not to suspect that they were on their own.

Today, it seems that this city light dressed up as himself also helped him carry a pot.

"Can Officer Li give me his mobile phone?"

"Let's use your mobile phone first, and wait for the law enforcement bureau to come and pick it up tomorrow."

"Taking my phone to invade my privacy is a bit too much, right?

Or do you want to investigate City Light, are rescuing father and son, and treat me as a suspect, you don't suspect that I am City Light, right? "

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