After 10 minutes.

Directorate General of Enforcement.

"It was reported that our technical department had located the phone, and the signal source came from an abandoned chemical factory somewhere in the south of the city."

At that time, they thought that the location of this crime should be outside the city, but they did not expect it to be an abandoned chemical factory.

The law enforcement bureau did not dare to delay, and immediately sent a police car to quickly rush in the direction of the chemical plant.

When I arrived at the chemical plant, I saw a room in the distance full of fire and smoke, and it seemed that this was the place.

"Don't go near a chemical plant, although all the dangerous goods inside have been emptied, but it is inevitable that there may be some residue of negligence.

If this smoke is mixed with toxic gases in the air, without professional equipment, it will also cause irreparable harm to us, wait for the fire department to come over. "

In a few moments, the fire department arrived, put on professional equipment, connected the water pipes and began to fight the fire.

Don't think about saving people, with the means of killing people by the light of the city, plus the location is confirmed for more than 20 minutes after the fire, this person is estimated to have been burned dry.

All armed, launched emergency firefighting, more than ten minutes later two dried corpses tied to iron stools were carried out, the two people have been burned black, just like when they were children roasting sparrows in the countryside, lightly touched the head and came with a click.

And all the mobile devices such as mobile phones, batteries, and networks inside were also burned by this fire.

Seeing these electronic devices that could not be recovered by the fire, everyone's mood was chaotic.

This person is really too arrogant, and this city light simply does not mean to put all of them in their eyes.

He thought he was punishing evil and promoting good, but he didn't know that what he did was also a crime.

My White City Law Enforcement Bureau is at odds with the light of the city.

The fire was extinguished, and people were sent to stay here to continue collecting evidence, but what was hateful was that the search for one night did not collect any strong evidence.

In the other two cities, the owners of the mobile phone numbers registered on the platform were all arrested.

The criminals who thought they were assisting were, but after some investigation, it was their personal information leakage that caused others to do it through technical means.

It is urgent to rectify the leakage of personal information.

All night, the law enforcement bureau and the group were investigating the crime.

"Report captain, an invitation to death was found at the place of the crime."

An invitation to the same as the other trials appeared in front of the crowd, and when opened, he saw the sins committed by the father and son.

The things committed by this platoon are not big mistakes or small mistakes.

The appearance of the death invitation once again proves that everyone thinks that this city light is too arrogant.

Now one thing after another has happened, if he is not arrested and not punished by the law, he must be arrested and let him know how stupid he has done these things.

Until the mobile phone was burned and the live broadcast room was closed, but what happened today made everyone in the live broadcast room forget for a long time.

The forum has become a carnival for City Light fans again.

Everyone uploaded the matter, and some people judged the person's height, weight and appearance by speculating about the appearance of the city light that appeared on the side.

Through the magic change operation of the Internet god, various portraits of him were simulated on the Internet.

The image of a cold and righteous man is presented in front of everyone's eyes, which is the nemesis of sin, especially this sentence is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone.

So handsome, so domineering, so good sense of justice.

A vehicle on the road sped quickly in the direction of the chemical plant towards the city.

Soon he was stopped by law enforcement at the entrance to the city for inspection.

Every vehicle was inspected.

"What's going on? Uncle police, you and uncle traffic police jointly enforce the law, is this investigating drunk driving?

"Don't check drunk driving tonight, it's not what the city light did, tonight the city light of the Seongnam chemical plant broadcast live there two more trials, the father and son were burned alive by the fire."

We were notified and arranged a sentry here to make inquiries, and you all came over there, didn't you find any particularly strange people and vehicles? "

There is no need to hide things like this, you can also use the power of big guys to investigate, there is a good saying, the power of the masses is infinite, and this matter has been broadcast live, and everyone knows it in their hearts."

"The light of this city is so abominable."

"Uncle policeman, we have also heard from other brothers about this live broadcast today.

Actually, I think this city light is fine. "


City Light used such a means to sanction, and in their eyes they felt that there was nothing wrong with it?

Are they crazy, or are these people crazy?

"Uncle Police, instead of trying your best to arrest the City Light here, why should you think about why the City Light appears?"

The policeman in front of him frowned.

Having said that, the father and son only blackmailed some people, but did not kill and set fire.

Isn't it a little too unfair to be tried like this? Hearing

this, the driver who drove the car smiled.

"My salary is more than 4,000 a month, there are old and young, and they all rely on my money to live.

As a result, I was blackmailed for 1,000 yuan for doing good deeds, which means that I have worked for at least a week.

What will our wives and children eat this week, is the northwest wind?

No one's money was blown by the wind, it was originally that I did good deeds and did not get rewarded, and in the end, I was blackmailed into so much money.

And blackmailers because they can play hooligans, even if they are arrested by the law enforcement bureau, it does not matter at all.

But who will protect us from those of us who want to live a stable life? Is it possible to break the wealth and avoid disasters?

It is clearly our money, why is it blackmailed by them?

You belong to the Law Enforcement Bureau, because of your identity, they dare not come to the law enforcement bureau's vehicles to blackmail them.

Ten thousand steps back, even if you are blackmailed, not only will you not suffer any loss, but because you have done this good deed, you have been wronged, which has become your resume for promotion.

It's just that each of us stands in a different position and sees things differently.

In addition to this kind of porcelain-touching, I also hope that City Light will punish the fuel guzzler.

The most fearful thing we were when we drove out was the fuel guzzle, and when we woke up, the whole car of oil was stolen.

Originally, in order to earn some money to support the family, in the end, not only did not earn money, but even Ben'er took it in.

The driver said as he picked up a cigarette and smoked it.

After watching these incidents, City Light does not seem to have attacked those people who have not made any mistakes.

Perhaps he is also an ordinary person, so he can really understand what ordinary people want to get.

After checking the vehicle and letting it go, the driver waved and left the place.

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