On the other side, Lin Mo, who closed the live broadcast room, stood upstairs and glanced at the traffic outside, and a smile appeared on his face because of the final trial result.

I didn't feel excited because I was in control of other people's life and death.

But because he came to this world, there are systematic reasons why he can be a existence that punishes the wicked and protects the good.

Law is the foundation of the country, and what is important is fairness and justice.

But always in some dark corners, there are some people who do some dirty things that are not known, so be the cleaner and clean up all this dirty everything.

[Ding, the host completed the live trial task, according to the feedback of the world in the live broadcast room, the host won 1000 points this time] 1000 points

is not bad.

Open the system mall and look at the variety of products.

I searched down and found the two skills that I had in mind.

Fighting skill level 1 costs 500 points, and physical fitness enhancement level 1 costs 500 points.

The revenge of the three members of the host family in front of his body has not yet been repaid, and that developer dares to do such a rash thing, presumably there must be a greater underworld force standing behind it.

If they know that they are not dead, they only think of themselves as an ant and do not care about their life or death.

I am afraid that this group of them likes to cut grass and remove roots, knowing that they are not dead and want to eliminate their future troubles, although they have a judgment system in hand, but this system cannot help them kill people directly.

Don't end up before you can judge the wicked, you will be killed first, and this little arm and leg is not an opponent at all.

By exchanging the two skills, you can clearly feel that your body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the appearance of the whole person is not different, at the moment I have the confidence to fight against two adults.

If they are really found by the enemy, even if they can't kill them all and escape.

He is already a person who has died once, and he will definitely not be as reckless as he was when he was alive.

If the enemy is weak, I am strong, and I am directly crushed strongly, and if the enemy is strong, I am weak enough to outwit.

After a few busy hours, I opened my phone to check the time, and soon it was 1 a.m., brushing my teeth, washing my face, applying a mask, lying in bed, and falling asleep.

What he didn't know was that what happened tonight had caused an uproar on the Internet of Country A.

In the live broadcast room of various online platforms, the video of the trial is being frantically forwarded.

The murder of five people during the escape of a monopoly trader in Baicheng 30 years ago has also begun to be read on the Internet.

Some people use advanced technology to compare the photos of previous fugitives with the current deceased, and after comparison with advanced technology, the similarity between the two sides has reached more than 90%.

If twins or plastic surgery can be ruled out, it can basically be determined that the person on trial is the monopoly of the year.

However, if you want to know the news specifically, you have to verify and finally determine it by the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"The judgment that night was truly divine, and everyone felt as if they were there.

This city light is definitely not an ordinary person, I guess he is a computer whiz, otherwise he would not have hacked into everyone's computer, mobile phone, or TV.

Let these people watch this live broadcast. "


Short video platforms, gaming platforms, and various other online platforms have launched investigations after learning of the incident.

According to the player's previous report, I was watching the hot dance, but I was forced into a live broadcast room, was our platform hacked?

Some players reported that they were playing the game and suddenly flashed back, and major officials conducted a thorough investigation overnight, and did not find any traces of hacking.

For a while, the major platforms were stunned, either their live broadcast platform was not hacked, or the hacker strength of this invasion was at least a big step ahead of them.

It is easy for a strong force to invade their network, and the traces after the invasion cannot be found at all because of the relatively low strength on their side.

In terms of the Internet, they are only a lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean, could it be that all these things that happen are arranged by their lighthouse country?


Bureau of Law Enforcement, Laboratory.

After an hour of laboratory comparison, the DNA extracted from the deceased was compared, and the deceased was indeed the monopoly dealer 30 years ago.

All his information has long been entered into the information database of the Law Enforcement Bureau of Country A.

In the captain's office, looking at the information submitted by the laboratory in front of him, Captain Zhao exhaled deeply.

"I really didn't expect that this Zhao Chuan was a murderer on the run 30 years ago, and he has lived under our noses for 30 years, which is really ashamed."

I feel sorry for my two brothers who died 30 years ago, and even more sorry for those three innocent people. "

Thirty years ago, everyone was just out of school and into the police service.

Determined to change the whole country through his own hands.

After 30 years, I have long ceased to be as young and frivolous as before, and time flies so fast.

"Master, if I want to say this, I can't blame anyone, I can only blame the system at that time that was not as perfect as it is now.

I believe that with the continuous upgrading and improvement of our system, each of these criminals cannot escape the punishment of the law.

Captain Zhao pulled back in his thoughts.

"By the way, what happened to the two people I asked you to raid the censorship?"

Hearing the master's inquiry, the policewoman in front of her sighed helplessly.

The two of them said everything they knew, the three of them were just ordinary friends, usually playing cards and drinking some alcohol together, Zhao Chuan was a murderer, the two of them didn't know at all.

Or was I reminded by other relatives and friends who saw the live broadcast room to know about this. Hearing

this, Captain Zhao pondered for a moment.

"Could it be that all the clues really broke off like this, how these photos came from?"

And who is this person, and how did he know that the deceased was a fugitive from murder?

Including the video that everyone was able to watch the whole time, searched all the corners of his house, and found no surveillance at all.

It's weird, it's really weird.

"Team Zhao, this is all the information we have after a night of analysis."

"The light of the city, the judge of sin, is quite rampant, but the judgment of evil can only be left to the law and not to him personally.

If everyone thinks about judging sin, the world is not chaotic?

Pass on my order to send people to launch a carpet search, and report as much as possible on the things done by the people who came into contact with the deceased before his death, and I will check them one by one.

"It's Team Zhao."

Looking at the news in front of him, Captain Zhao couldn't squeak.

City lights?


On the same day, a notice was issued in the Law Enforcement Bureau that the deceased Zhao Chuan was indeed a murderer 30 years ago.

And how did this person called City Light find him, and how did he get that video online, the law enforcement bureau is still sending people to investigate.

Immediately after that, an announcement was issued again, although City Light killed a criminal full of evil, but the state has national laws and family rules, I hope he can take the initiative to turn himself in, thinking that he has also done a just situation, and can be lenient.

For a while, the entire network, everyone sighed.

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