That is the most greedy appearance in the hearts of this group of people, some people are obviously very rich, obviously do not meet the criteria for poverty subsidies, but because of some money and fight.

In fact, when such a thing occurs, the root of everything is only the word profit.

Where there are people, there are interests, and where there are interests, all kinds of things breed.

Director Xu's parents, wife and children saved all this video, leaving only the best side, and from time to time you can look at the memories.

Let him float away with the wind.

When City Light closed the live broadcast room, even the mobile phones of everyone in the dormitory who were watching the live broadcast all exited.

With these crime videos and the arrangement of City Light, the police immediately took Hai Bo to the law enforcement bureau for questioning.

Hai Bo also truthfully confessed all his crimes and was subsequently transferred to the court for trial.

The motive for the crime was clear, the method of committing the crime was cruel, it was not in line with the circumstances of voluntary surrender, and the circumstances that could mitigate the criminal law with the understanding of the victim's family, and he was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

Of course, these are all things that happen after the trial, and it can be regarded as evil retribution for the wicked.

When the group of the Law Enforcement Bureau left, only the property manager, the other managers of the property, and their three old brothers, plus other members of the security team who were watching the incident outside.

People are sanctioned and judged, O manager, do you see if you can do what you just said?

This matter really has nothing to do with the three of us, the light of the city has said it, and besides, the people of the Law Enforcement Bureau have come to prove our innocence.

"Yes, this matter is indeed that we did not do the property in place, and we casually wronged the three of you without understanding the truth of the matter, if the three of you want to continue to stay here, continue to work hard here."

Each person's entire spiritual subsidy of 1,000 yuan this month will be transferred immediately. "

Do it, let's keep working, and the security guard will work until dark."

Everyone's faces showed a smile, young people don't know how good security guards, mistake other jobs for treasure, now do security guards not fragrant?

And this city light itself can each prostitute 1,000 yuan for nothing, thanks to the city light.

The group of brothers watching outside the door each showed an envious expression, when they can also be illuminated by the city, so they can also earn 1,000 yuan.

"Okay, it's all dispersed, and I have to go to work on time tomorrow."

The property manager dispersed everyone and couldn't help but spit a groove in his heart.

"This city light, what you did tonight is not very powerful."

However, this is a few random words in his heart, and quickly closed his mouth, who knows if these words he said will be stared at by the light of the city, and finally he will be judged?

The property side returned to its previous calm, and the next day everyone still went to work step by step.

Everyone who didn't know about this matter looked indifferent, and the people in their community who knew about yesterday's trial came to the security office to meet the three security guards, opened their mouths to ask, what was the experience of being directly shone into the live broadcast room by the light of the city yesterday?

The three couldn't help but ridicule, if they could have the money to let him take a few more photos, anyway, the right person who was walking had not done anything bad, and the city light would not be judged at all.


After tonight's events were reported, various videos of remembering Director Xu were set off on the Internet.

Although Director Xu's life is short, but this life is very dazzling, some people are alive, but he is actually dead, some people are dead, but he will always live in people's hearts.

Some people are willing to ride on the heads of the people, and say with a show of might, I will be an adult.

There are also people who are willing to become a cow and work silently.

In fact, all the people are not stupid, and whoever is good to themselves will also take out their hearts and lungs.

Whoever treats the people badly, the calamity to the country and the people will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame and left behind for ten thousand years.

Until finally hearing the court's result, Director Xu's wife and children all cried bitterly.

Justice will be late, but it will never be absent.

On the other hand, the Law Enforcement Bureau, which dealt with the matter at that time, urgently held a press conference to show reporters and friends why the accidental death was characterized at that time, as well as all the evidence videos of the case at that time.

Everyone agrees and understands the statement of the local law enforcement bureau.

The most that your law enforcement bureau found was the evidence that happened after the fact, and all the evidence it saw afterwards does not prove that the deceased died of homicide.

In the end, what your law enforcement bureau got was just evidence, and People's City Light took out the video of the day.

Although no one knows how the video of the city light was made that day, everyone understands that the city light is their night god, and these things seem to be impossible to do without God.

"What did the captain say over there?"

"They just criticized us and didn't pursue the matter too much."

Fortunately, everything they do is arranged according to the process, and everything is open and transparent, so that everyone is flawless.

Otherwise, this wave will be unjust, false and wrong cases, and the state's punishment for unjust, false and wrong cases is also very strict.

"Captain, then do we still want to call on the overall personnel to learn from the city light?"

"Learn from him and learn from your sister, didn't you see the video yesterday?

People City Light said, even if he is in front of us, we can't find him, and how did the video come from, the clear look is completely someone on the side to shoot.

It can't be said that someone is crazy and shoots this thing just to rub the heat, right? "

The means of the city light are divine, anyway, this matter has been closed in this way, I am going to provoke right and wrong, and don't say that we can't learn his methods from the city light."

He criticized the surrounding police officers and asked them to return to their posts, while he read the cases that City Light had judged in the recent period from beginning to end.

God is not something they can control at all.

Therefore, this time the matter was not done in place, and it was directly planted in the hands of the city light, and he was not convinced.

After all, in the end, no one expected that this city light could be broadcast throughout the process.

White City Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Master, what this city light did this time really makes people feel strange, it should have been judged by him tonight, but in the end there was no trial, and he chose to agree to hand this person over to us?

Not only that, but he was half an hour late tonight, so it was too strange to understand.

Li Lu was puzzled, with his dealings with City Light these times, she understood that City Light was not the kind of person who could easily let go casually.

But this time it was relieved, and one had to wonder if it had another purpose.

Captain Zhao thought for a moment.

"Well, that's what really scary about City Light."

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