In the Heaven and Earth Resurrection Qin, Ji Dongfeng looked at the phantom in front of him, his eyes full of solemnity.

Just like seeing himself ten years later, these phantoms seemed extremely magical to Ji Dongfeng at this moment, with a hint of reality and a hint of absurdity. Ji Dongfeng believed that no living being could predict his future, but the scenes in front of him at this moment made him feel that his future was like this.

The first phantom, Ji Dongfeng held a long knife and attacked a phantom frantically. This phantom seemed to be Hongshu's thoughts, but it was not clear.

The second phantom, Ji Dongfeng had a beard on his face, and the whole person looked much more decadent. He stood in front of tombstones, with murderous aura on his body.

The third phantom, Ji Dongfeng knelt on the ground, as if praying to the sky for something.

The fourth phantom, Ji Dongfeng split a star and took a strange crystal from the core of the star.

The fifth phantom, Ji Dongfeng destroyed most of Honglin with countless crystals, and then flew towards the sky alone.

Starting from the sixth phantom, Ji Dongfeng continued to fight non-stop, and the aura on his body became more and more terrifying. Immortals, gods... The realm of cultivation continued to improve, and the enemies in front of him kept changing, but Ji Dongfeng couldn't see who these enemies were, and couldn't even judge whether they were dirty things.

Until the end, Ji Dongfeng stood in the void with white hair, his figure gradually became hazy, and he had already merged with this world.

Seeing this, Ji Dongfeng took a deep breath and tried to step away from these phantoms, but the next moment he found that he could not move forward in any other direction except following the trajectory of the future phantom.

"What's going on..." Ji Dongfeng frowned, looked up, and was shocked to find that two walls composed of the power of time appeared around him, and the two walls trapped him tightly. There was no other direction to move forward except to continue forward.

"Damn it, you won't let me go anywhere else? Then I'll fly!" Ji Dongfeng sneered, and was about to fly, then he felt a headache, looked up, and suddenly found that a ceiling composed of time power appeared above his head.

For a moment, Ji Dongfeng felt like a little white mouse in a closed pipe, and could only move forward according to the will of other wills.

"These time forces... are too strong... I have never seen such a strong time force, even the time force of the nine-year-old master combined cannot be so strong." Tuodao said with a shocked face.

"This was arranged by the Lord of the Law of Time." Qingfeng said.

"If it was really done by the Lord of the Law of Time, it is very likely that it deliberately led Xiaofeng here." Yinglong said.

"Why did it do this? Are the Lords of the Laws very idle?" Zhulong asked.

"It wants me to follow the path it has paved for me." Ji Dongfeng looked at the future phantoms in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Since I entered the space ten years later, the Lord of Time Law has been telling me what will happen in the future, intentionally or unintentionally. If you think about it carefully, it seems that I used the information it provided to change the cause and effect, but this cause and effect is probably what the Lord of Time Law wants to see."

"It's like the butterfly effect. On the surface, I look like the butterfly, but in fact, it is the one who manually makes me flap my wings, so that I can fan out a future it wants."

After the voice fell, Ji Dongfeng took a deep breath and continued: "So... these phantoms seem to be predicting my future, but in fact, they are hinting at me and controlling me to take this path on my own initiative."

Thinking of this, Ji Dongfeng's eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look at the black puppet behind him.

"Lord of the Law of Time! If you can hear me, take back the power of time immediately, or I will crash into it with this Heavenly Puppet. It's hard to say what will happen then!"

"If you don't believe me, I can also survive the catastrophe on the spot! Let me see whether your law of time is powerful or the law of thunder is more domineering!"

Ji Dongfeng originally just wanted to try to communicate with the Lord of the Law of Time, but he didn't expect that after a few words, the power of time around him dissipated, and the phantoms in front and behind also disappeared!

"Hehe, although I don't like being threatened by living beings, I have to admit that the two things you said are quite troublesome."

The next moment, a chuckle sounded on the roof of Ji Dongfeng's building.

Ji Dongfeng heard the sound, looked up, and was shocked to find a blue dragon's body in front of him. The blue dragon was surrounded by water vapor and had no vitality at this moment, while a translucent dragon formed by the power of time was biting on the blue dragon's corpse, as if it wanted to replace it!

The eyes of this translucent dragon were red, and the power of time on its body was trembling slightly, emitting a violent aura, and even a hideous and twisted bloody human face could be seen on the dragon's body.

"It's this thing! It's this face! It was this damn thing that entered my body! It controlled me for so long!" Tuo Dao shouted angrily.

"But what's the matter with this long dragon that gathers the power of time..."

Ji Dongfeng heard this and said in a deep voice: "Lord of the Law of Time, what's going on."

"Ji Dongfeng, let me ask you, have you ever thought about the root cause of Honglin's chaos?" The voice of the Lord of the Law of Time rang out.

"Isn't it because of the Lord of Dirty?" Ji Dongfeng said coldly.

"Of course not. This is just a small reason. At most, it will aggravate the chaos. The root cause of the chaos in Honglin is that the supervisor Hongzhu still has hope for these Hongshu." The Lord of Time Law laughed.

"So if you want to get rid of the chaos completely, what should you do? You can only completely destroy this hope. If Hongzhu loses hope in Hongshu, he will no longer care about Hongshu, and even give up this prison. If Hongshu loses hope in Hongzhu, he will no longer pursue the birth of creatures that can surpass Hongzhu's strength."

"And the fundamental purpose of all the actions of the dirty master is to prevent the birth of creatures that are stronger than Hongzhu. If Hongshu no longer tries hard to breed creatures, the dirty master will naturally not be interested in this Honglin, and will most likely leave."

"At that time, Hongzhu will give up this Honglin, and the dirty master will also leave. The Hongshu in Honglin will fend for themselves, and get rid of the chaos. Although it will slowly go to extinction, it will also be much more stable. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Ji Dongfeng heard this and raised his middle finger to the sky.

"What the hell is the relationship between you Lords of Laws and Lords of Hong and Lords of Wu? Are you trying to PUA me? Don't talk nonsense. Just tell me what's going on with this Yulong." Ji Dongfeng said.

The Lord of the Law of Time chuckled and said, "Cangsang is divided into two factions, Cangtian and Sanghai. The two factions are divided into life and death, and the way of heaven is the master."

"If Cangtian wins, the world will rise, and if Sanghai wins, the world will sink. Call the gods on the battlefield, and punish the guilty creatures to take root!"

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