Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 1: matryoshka

Friday, 10pm.

Xu Rendong left the company building just after working overtime to write the report. In the middle of the night in early summer, the stars are low, and there is a refreshing fragrance of plants in the night sky. Xu Rendong greedily took a sip of the smell, and then slowly spit out the turbid air in his chest.

Whew...a little tired.

The parking lot is opposite and the traffic lights are still red. He rubbed his eyes and stood patiently at the zebra crossing. The pedestrian traffic light quickly jumped to green. He took a step forward, and the scene in front of him suddenly swayed, like a drop of water falling into a calm lake, and the entire vision was blurred for a moment. He rubbed his eyes instinctively, and at the same time heard a sharp braking sound, and screams erupted around him.

"Be careful!" "Get out of the way!"

A car about to hit? !

The sense of crisis is like an explosion, instantly adrenaline. Xu Rendong opened his eyes in horror, took two steps back instinctively, and followed the source of the braking sound. At this glance, the sense of horror replaced the sense of crisis, and goosebumps suddenly appeared.


That's right, the one that rushed towards him at high speed and stopped in front of him with a strange sudden brake was a boxy elevator. There was nothing around the elevator, and the metal ladder body reflected a cold silver light. The elevator door is closed, and there is a prototype metal button on the side, which looks like an ordinary, ubiquitous elevator.

—but an elevator that almost hits a person on the road is not ordinary at all!

Xu Rendong's complexion changed, because he found that the mutation did not stop there!

The one who screamed and reminded him to be careful were two girls standing across the road, their faces were full of fear and worry, their mouths were wide open, and their hands were pointing in the direction of the elevator. However, their whole body seemed to be frozen, and they maintained exaggerated movements, exuding a strange deadness.

Behind them, the old man was walking with the puppy, and the raised left foot had not yet been put down. In the supermarket across the road, the clerk just took the customer's money when a few coins slipped from their fingers and stayed still in the air.

As if the stop button was pressed, everyone's time stopped. The whole world fell into dead silence, and Xu Rendong felt that he had strayed into the horror wax museum for a moment. These were not flesh and blood living people, but cold wax figures.

In this sudden strangeness, Xu Rendong's heartbeat suddenly increased sharply, and her breathing couldn't help but quicken. He forced himself to remain calm, looking around warily. At the same time, a doubt flashed in my mind:

Why am I still moving?

He moved his fingers and didn't feel any difference. He took two more steps, trying to confirm what was going on around him, but he didn't expect to stretch out his foot as if he had kicked something, and made a light thud.

Xu Rendong frowned again, tentatively stretched out her hand forward, and felt the touch as hard as a wall. However, there was really nothing in front of him.

He groped around along the air wall, and finally realized after two minutes that he was completely surrounded by the air wall. No, to be precise, he was trapped by three air walls and an elevator door.

The weirdness is crawling behind the back like a snake, cold and creepy. Fortunately, Xu Rendong was calm and self-controlled by nature. Although he was afraid at this time, he was not in a mess. He beat the air wall hard, only to hear a muffled sound, and the air wall seemed to be motionless. He turned his attention to the elevator that appeared out of thin air.

Time stands still outside the air wall, and there is an elevator inside the air wall. Then there is only one choice left for him.

Xu Rendong pressed the elevator button without hesitation.


The elevator doors opened immediately. Inside is a silver-gray metal body of the same texture, which vaguely reflects Xu Rendong's broad shoulders and thin waist. He walked in, feeling a little stuffy in the small elevator space.

In this situation, I am afraid that no one will come to save my throat. He can only rely on himself.

After he entered, the elevator door closed quickly, and there was a low motor running sound. This is also inexplicable, because from the outside the elevator looks like a bare metal box with no wires or cables attached to it - so where does it go?

Where will it take me?

Only one step at a time.

Square elevator, each metal surface reflects its own figure. Xu Rendong felt chest tightness inexplicably, so he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his suit jacket one by one.

After taking off his jacket, he habitually confirmed the neckline. The shirt buttons were carefully buttoned to the top one.

He tidied up the dark blue suit jacket a little and tucked it in his arms. Soon, however, he put the suit jacket back on.

Because of the cold.

The temperature in the elevator is dropping rapidly, obviously not the cold of early summer. At the same time, a line of words appeared out of thin air: матрёшка.

This is... Russian?

Xu Rendong reached out and touched the line of characters, and found that it seemed to be just a projection, not a substance. "Ding", there was another sound out of nowhere. He felt the elevator stop, and then the door slowly opened.

In front of me, there is an endless white. Biting cold wind poured into the elevator, Xu Rendong tightened his suit jacket and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The air is filled with the smell of ice and snow, which is extremely chilling and sobering. He was not in a hurry to go out, but quietly looked at the scene outside the elevator.

This is a forest, the branches are bent by the heavy snow, and from time to time snow falls from the branches and slams into the snow. The ground is also thick with snow, and there is a row of footprints not far away, extending obliquely into the depths of the forest.

There was still heavy snow in the sky, but the footprints were deep and clear. It seemed that the person who stepped on the footprints did not leave for long.

Xu Rendong took out her mobile phone and looked at it. There was no signal. The time displayed on the screen stayed at 10:10 on Friday - 10:00 at night. However, outside the elevator at this time, it was twilight. Dark evening. Although it was snowing heavily, I could still see the afterglow of the setting sun above the forest.

This is not really Russia...

No, even in Russia, the time difference is wrong.

In any case, you can't sit still.

Xu Rendong got out of the elevator. The moment he left the elevator, he felt empty behind him. When I turned around, the elevator had disappeared. As if it appeared out of nowhere, at this moment it suddenly disappeared again.

Not even the slightest trace was left on the snow, only the footprints Xu Rendong had just stepped on. This time, Xu Rendong was not too surprised, but had a feeling of "as expected".

It was very cold. Xu Rendong was only wearing a summer suit, which could not resist the cold at all. But he didn't flinch, and he didn't hold himself tightly. He was still calm and self-sufficient, and he didn't want to lose his temper even in the cold wind.

He stopped wasting time and walked quickly towards the footprints. Just as he was about to lean over to examine the footprints, he suddenly heard a scream from the depths of the forest.


The voice is clear and high-pitched, and the lung capacity is amazing. It is a young man full of vitality. It's just that the content of what he called was too messy, and Xu Rendong only heard one message:

He is in danger!

The source of the sound is exactly the direction in which the footsteps extend.

Xu Rendong immediately ran away. The snow is so deep that every step sinks into the soft snow. Xu Rendong followed the footprints and moved forward at the fastest speed, thinking about what the young man would encounter along the way.

Bears? kidnapper? Or something unnatural? ... Anyway, hurry up and save people!

The footprints are getting clearer. Xu Rendong heard his gruff breathing and thumping heartbeat, and the cold air poured into his lungs, which made his throat hurt.

He quickly stopped due to lack of energy, leaning on a big tree to pant. Breathing a little calmer, at the same time, he heard a strange voice.

Pfft. puff. puff.

Slowly and heavily, as if something hard was hitting something soft.

It was not far.

Xu Rendong suppressed her breath, covered her violently beating chest, and walked carefully towards the source of the sound.

The sky was getting darker, the snow reflected a dazzling faint sunlight, and the dark trees were mixed up, making it impossible to see things too far. Xu Rendong narrowed his eyes and slowly approached, and found that the source of the sound was a small clearing in the forest.

There is a stone tablet in the middle of the clearing. In front of the stele, a tall figure turned his back to him, holding something in his hand and smashing it to the ground, making that unpleasant pop, pop.

Just as she was about to move forward, Xu Rendong suddenly emptied her feet, staggered a few steps, and fell heavily into the snow. His fall was too loud, and the figure in the open space immediately stopped and stood up.

Now he saw it clearly, it turned out to be a tall and terrifying strong man. In this cold and snowy field, the strong man was still wearing a burlap vest, his two stout arms were exposed, and his muscles were full and hard.

A khaki sack was placed over his head, and two holes were punched in the sack, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes.

The strong man stood up to about two meters tall, holding a huge hammer in his hand, and blood was dripping from the hammer. The bright red blood fell on the snow and melted into steaming blood holes, which looked particularly shocking.

This violent image made two words in Xu Rendong's mind - butcher.

Xu Rendong glanced quickly at the ground and saw what the strong man had just tapped.

It was—the corpse!

A young man in a gray hoodie is lying alone in the open snow. The man's entire upper body was soaked with blood. The place above the neck where the head was supposed to be was gone, only a vague mass of flesh and blood, mixed with brains and bone fragments, was sticky and spread on the ground.

The white snow under the man was dyed a lot of red, and he was like lying on a huge red rose. From a distance, he had a perverted beauty.

The air was filled with an extremely rich and **** smell, Xu Rendong resisted the desire to vomit, and there was only one word left in his heart!


He quickly got up from the snow, but heard the strong man squeeze out a "click, click, click" sound from his throat.

Then, stride towards him!

Xu Rendong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and instinctively turned around and ran. Fear turned into a piercing chill that made his back hurt. To reduce resistance, he stepped on the previous footprint with each step. However, the butcher behind him always followed closely, his heavy body pounding in the snow.

Closer and closer!

Being caught up!

The heart almost smashed into the chest, Xu Rendong ran with all his strength, trying to restrain the urge to turn back. He fled in a hurry, he quickly lost his direction, and the footprints when he came can no longer be found, his feet began to sink into the snow, and the running speed became slower and slower!

"Ka, Ka Ka Ka..." The sound as if the throat was squeezing the vocal cords finally got close to Xu Rendong's back!

Don't look back! run! Run hard!

Adrenaline is secreted sharply, and all the cells in the body are clamoring to release all the energy. Xu Rendong refused to give up even a shred of hope, gasping for breath and rushing desperately.

However—a sharp pain in the back of the head!

A strong force came from behind, knocking him off balance and plunging his head into the snow!

Get up! quick! climb up!

My eyes were black and my ears were rumbling. Xu Rendong tried to stand up, but felt something approaching behind him. Immediately afterwards, the same part of the back of the head was hit again!

"Hmm!" This time, he never got up again.


The ear was itchy, and the warm liquid ran down her cheeks, staining the snow in front of her.

For a while, he was turned over. The stout butcher sat so **** his stomach that he almost squeezed his intestines out.

"Uh..." Xu Rendong's throat moved slightly, pushing the butcher weakly. The butcher ignored this futile resistance, stared at him with blood-red eyes, and then slowly raised the giant hammer in his hand.


The giant hammer hit the bridge of his nose hard!

Xu Rendong clearly heard the sound of the collapse of the bridge of her nose, clack-clack-clack, as if the skull was screaming. His vision was quickly distorted, and his brow bone was probably broken, and his eyes were slanted in strange directions by the flesh.

"...Uh..." He was so sore that he almost collapsed, and his hands desperately grabbed the ground under him, but he could only grasp the soft snow.

The remaining vision captured a trace of movement, and then, with a bang, the giant hammer fell again! This time it hit his left cheek, and his left eye was instantly invisible. When the giant hammer was lifted from his face, it dragged a red and sticky thing.

Pain! it hurts!

Xu Rendong's heart almost smashed her chest. He had bitten his own lips, and his mouth was full of blood. It seemed like something was about to burst out of his throat. He wanted to mourn and call for help, but he could only squeeze out a trembling sound like a gossamer.

“Uh, uh…”

The butcher seemed a little excited when he heard his cry. The big sticky hands touched his blood-stained face, kneaded his swollen and broken lips, and even put his hand in his mouth, pinched his tongue, and pulled it hard.

"Woo..." The tongue is about to be pinched. Xu Rendong desperately pulled his arm and tried to push him away.

The butcher tugged violently a few times, but failed to pull his tongue out and had to give up.

Then again, the hammer!


This time, the smashing sound became muffled, probably on the rotten flesh. His skull was no longer able to provide protection for the fragile brain.

He clearly felt blood, consciousness, life, a little bit away from him. The pain gradually dulled, but oddly, he could still see in his right eye.

He saw a big blood-stained hand digging on his left forehead, then that hand picked up a piece, twisted it in his hand, and crushed it.

Clap. Soft pieces fell on his face, warm and soft.

In an instant, he suddenly understood what it was.

It was his brain.

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