Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 33: Esophagus 5

As if falling from the sky, her body shook violently.

Xu Rendong looked at the void absently. There was a voice ringing in his ear, and he couldn't tell what it was for a moment. His head was empty, like a big hole had been drilled by an electric drill, and he couldn't remember anything.

He only remembered that Lian Qiao was leaning against him softly, his body was still warm, but there was no trace of anger.

Nothing else, he doesn't even know how he died.

After some time, the brain finally woke up from the stimulus of death. He also finally heard what the ragged voice was saying.

"Lamb skewers, lamb kidneys, roasted chicken hearts, roasted chicken wings, roasted eggplants, enoki mushrooms..."

This voice—

Xu Rendong turned back suddenly and saw that Lian Qiao was drooling at the word "esophagus". At this time, Lian Qiao has not become smaller, still in his twenties, but still has a childlike innocence and softness in his demeanor.

He is alive...

He's alive!


Xu Rendong suddenly felt his eyes numb, but he couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

For the first time, Xu Rendong felt lucky to be reborn. Fortunately, everything can be done all over again, and he still has a chance to save it. He can save Lian Qiao, he can save Ye Qingliu... He can return to the real world safely with them—

As long as the death spin goes long as he makes good use of his own death.

"…Brother Honeysuckle?" Lian Qiao looked at him in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Your eyes are so red."

Xu Rendong smiled: "I'm hungry too."

Lian Qiao is inexplicable: "…Huh?"

Before even Qiao could understand the relationship between hunger and red eyes, the bodies of the two began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. This time, Xu Rendong already had experience, and calmly rolled up his long-sleeved trousers. His calm is in stark contrast to the fussing Lian Joe, who is still in shock and excitement until the change stops.

"Look at Brother Honeysuckle!" Lian Qiao pulled him to the elevator door, "I'm taller than you!"

Xu Rendong saw two children, one big and one small, holding hands through the reflective surface of the metal. Lian Qiao's palms were warm and soft, and the warmth of each other's bodies came from the shoulders that were close to each other. This feeling was too warm, and it made him feel a little lost for a while.

Lian Qiao suddenly squeezed his face lightly. Xu Rendong was frightened and yanked Lian Qiao's hand away. Lian Qiao was taken aback by him and hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong! You look so cute now, I couldn't hold back for a while... I'm sorry I was wrong! I won't dare in the future!"

Xu Rendong quickly realized that she was overreacting. He wasn't actually that disgusted with even Joe pinching his face, but he hadn't fully recovered from the shadow of death, and now he was like a frightened bird, and a little stimulation could make him jump up.

Lian Qiao misunderstood, Xu Rendong was a little embarrassed. But the five-year-old Lian Qiao looked silly, like a glutinous dumpling, and it was easy to pinch at a glance. Xu Rendong suddenly had the idea of ​​a prank, so he made a serious face, pretended to be unhappy, and waved to Lianqiao: "Come here."

Lian Qiao was cowardly, showing an aggrieved expression that he was afraid of being punished by his parents but did not dare to be disobedient, but he still came over obediently.

Xu Rendong raised his hand, Lian Qiao thought he was going to hit him, so he shrank his shoulders and closed his eyes. Xu Rendong just poked his cheek with his finger, and then pinched his face.

It feels much better than expected. Soft and tender, like egg pudding. Xu Rendong couldn't help pinching a few more times.

. Even Qiao Dun felt that the deer was bumping around, rubbed his face forward like a dog, and said happily and flatteringly, "Brother Honeysuckle, I'll pinch you here too!"

Xu Rendong accepted his kindness frankly, hugged his cheeks, and kneaded like dough. Lian Qiao was well-behaved throughout the whole process, wishing she could lay down and touch her belly. I have to say, this feeling is really unforgettable. It wasn't until the elevator door opened with a "ding" that Xu Rendong took back his hand and coughed a little awkwardly.


Lian Qiao followed out: "Brother Honeysuckle, are you not angry?"

Xu Rendong: "Well."

Lian Joe wagged his tail happily again.

The two came to the door of the monastery side by side, and Xu Rendong saw the familiar Ye Qingliu again. This time, everyone was divided on whether to take the baby with them. Ye Qingliu was stubborn, the little fat man formed a gang, and no one would give in, which soon led to a quarrel.

Xu Rendong looked at the baby in Ye Qingliu's hands and suddenly thought of a question:

Why does the white basilisk suddenly scream frantically after eating the baby?

Although the reason is unclear, it is certain that once the basilisk screams, no one present can escape. At that time, Lian Qiao was directly shocked by the sound wave and vomited blood, and even though he was protected by Lian Qiao, he still had severe headache and nausea, and even his eyeballs fell out.

He guessed that it was after the brain was strongly stimulated, the intracranial pressure increased rapidly, causing the blood vessels to rupture, and the massive gushing blood directly squeezed the eyeball out of the orbit.

They were too close to the basilisk at that time and bore the brunt of it, and suffered severe internal injuries. But the other people separated by a wall are probably not much better. After all, everyone has short legs and can't run very far. The penetrating power of that voice is too strong, I am afraid that within a few hundred meters of the radius, it will be disabled even if it does not die.

—That is to say, if the baby is eaten, it will directly lead to the destruction of the whole group.

There is no doubt that they must keep the baby safe. Xu Rendong remembered that when the white basilisk was chasing them, when he heard the baby's cry, the basilisk immediately dropped Lian Qiao in his mouth. It seems that white basilisks tend to eat babies more than their four or five year olds. This means that people with babies are more likely to be hunted by basilisks, but as long as the babies don't cry, they have a chance of survival.

After Xu Rendong figured this out, he spoke out to stop the quarrel.

"Stop arguing." He said, "I'll bring the baby. I won't act with you, and I'll be responsible for anything that happens."

When this remark came out, everyone including even Joe was stunned.

Ye Qingliu hugged the baby tightly: "What do you mean?"

The little fat man asked suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

Xu Rendong said: "I know it in my heart." He paused and looked around coldly, "I'm an old player, this is the eighth time I've come in."

Everyone who has experienced the ghost world knows what "the eighth time" means, and the old players are all silent. Ye Qingliu was a newcomer and didn't understand the weight of those words, but she could see that Xu Rendong had already overwhelmed everyone in his aura. She hesitated for a moment, and asked uncertainly, "You really will protect him? You won't throw him away while I'm not looking, will you?"

"No." Xu Rendong twitched the corner of his mouth and drew a somewhat self-deprecating smile, which seemed out of place on his childish face, "I am an abandoned baby myself. Believe me, I I won't do the same thing as my parents."

Ye Qingliu breathed a sigh of relief. Lian Qiao took a deep look at Xu Rendong, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

In the end, Xu Rendong's proposal was unanimously approved, and Ye Qingliu handed the baby to him. Soon, the old nun appeared, and came up with another yin and yang accusation. Everyone followed the old nun into the convent, with different expressions on their faces, all making their own plans in their hearts.

When everyone stepped into the door of the monastery, Xu Rendong heard an almost inaudible click from behind. He looked back and saw that the big iron gate in the yard had been locked.

It wasn't the nun's lock.

It seems that the scope of activities this time is limited to the inside of the monastery, which should mean that the elevator and buttons are all in the monastery.

As last time, the old nun led the children into the large bedroom and left. Xu Rendong left the team as agreed, picked up the baby and walked out, Lian Qiao followed without hesitation.

Xu Rendong said: "You stay here, don't follow me."

Lian Qiao puzzled: "Why?"

Xu Rendong said coldly: "Don't you understand me? This time I will act alone."

Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment: "But haven't we already formed a team? ... I thought that when you said 'me', the default was 'we'."

The confusion in his eyes gradually turned into grievance and injury. Xu Rendong looked at the puppy-like eyes that were soaked by the rain, and couldn't bear it for a while. He sighed and softened his attitude: "You are right, we have formed a team. Then can you promise to be obedient?"

Lian Qiao hurriedly nodded vigorously, patted her chest and swore: "Absolutely obedient! I will listen to whatever you say! As long as you let me..."

Xu Rendong smiled and interrupted him: "Then just stay and don't follow me. Just tonight, eh?"

Lian Qiao didn't expect Xu Rendong to dig a hole for him here, and was stunned.

Xu Rendong asked: "Do you listen to me?"

Lian Qiao looked at him helplessly and nodded reluctantly.

Xu Rendong said: "Go back and go to bed early. It's dark outside, don't come out no matter what happens."

Only then did Joe notice that the corridor was pitch-dark and there was no light at all. Sensen ghosts are like icy mist, invading the skin, causing a layer of goose bumps immediately. Lian Qiao became cowardly for a second, crossed his arms and said, "Okay, then I'll go in. Brother Rendong, you must be careful."

Xu Rendong: "You too."

After finally getting Lian Qiao, Xu Rendong took the baby to the kitchen on the first floor and began to make milk powder for the baby.

When the hot water was cooling down, Xu Rendong recalled the reluctance of Lian Qiaoyi. Lian Qiao relied on him very much, even though he was the more powerful one, he always liked to follow his ass. I foolishly worship him and foolishly listen to him.

Like a silly little bird, my parents don't know if I admit it wrong.

Xu Rendong thought about it, raised the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and his eyes were filled with a gentle smile.

When he came back to his senses, the water temperature was almost the same. This time, the baby was fed by Xu Rendong before crying, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Although the bottle is empty, the whole kitchen is still filled with the rich smell of milk. Xu Rendong never knew that milk powder could be so fragrant, and his stomach also growled. But he is not in the mood to drink milk powder now.

Although the baby is full, the smell of milk will attract basilisks. The three-year-old body can't fight, let alone with a small baby, there is only one way to die when encountering a basilisk.

What should I do?

…If it was Lian Joe, what would he do?

When she was about to wash the bottle, Xu Rendong suddenly had an idea. So I went to the living room, got into a cupboard with the baby, and put the bottle outside the cupboard.

Close the cabinet door and the cabinet is dark. Xu Rendong held the sleeping baby in his arms and waited quietly.

Soon after, he heard a soft rustling outside. The sound was like a snake crawling in the desert, dull and dull, and it was particularly clear in the silent monastery.

The white basilisk is crawling towards the cabinet.

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