Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 37: Esophagus 9

Zhang Dundun is very satisfied with the status quo.

Under his leadership, the friends have gathered all the food in the monastery into his hands. Although it was only a few bags of milk powder, it was not easy.

He was acutely aware that the nun was deliberately denying them food. At this rate, these three or five-year-old children will not be able to last for three days. And those milk powder hidden everywhere are obviously precious supplies. With milk powder, they can maintain their physical strength, whether they are exploring decryption or evading the pursuit of that monster, they have more confidence.

But he doesn't understand, why does that guy named Xu Rendong always look down on him? !

Obviously they are all veteran players, so they should work together as a team! Doesn't he understand that splitting will only make him die faster?

And that Lian Qiao dared to question his ability! A mere rookie, what qualifications does he have to make irresponsible remarks about him? Does he know how much danger he has gone through to live until now!

The most annoying thing is that Ye Qingliu, who took his milk powder, was not grateful at all! Fortunately, he had anticipated this for a long time—

Zhang Dundun's mouth raised a smug smile.

What was handed to Ye Qingliu was not milk powder, but wall ash. It was his mockery of those who looked down on him.

There is a strong fragrance of milk wafting from the kitchen. A dozen friends gathered around the dining table, and a dozen pairs of eyes stared at him expectantly, staring at the milk powder he was brewing in his hand. This kind of attention made Zhang Dundun feel very good.

He was in such a good mood that when Ren Gaofei called him "little fat brother", he was not angry, just glared at Ren Gaofei.

"How many times have I said, don't call me that!"

Ren Gaofei smiled helplessly: "You won't tell us your name, so what should we call you?"

Zhang Dundun frowned and said displeasedly: "What do you know? How can the real identity be easily revealed?" The old man who doesn't match, "You guys are all too inexperienced. As people who have come here, I advise you not to tell others your real name, let alone trust others." He paused and sighed, "After all, There are not many good old people like me."

"Little fat..." Ren Gaofei almost wanted to call out the taboo name again, but fortunately he stopped in time and changed his mouth, "Brother, you are right."

The hungry children stared straight at the milk powder, and their mouths could not help. Zhang Dundun smiled with satisfaction, pushed the glass in front of the children, and announced, "Okay, the milk powder is ready. Now everyone takes a sip. Be careful, don't be greedy, save more for your friends, Don't be selfish."

Everyone showed a surprised expression: "Why only one sip?" "Don't we have several bags of milk powder?" "One sip is not enough!"

How long does it take! You have all seen it, and now you can't get out, there is only so much food in the entire monastery. If you don't save some food, I'm afraid..." He sighed, his chubby little hand hooked, and put the piece of food on the table. Several bags of milk powder were brought to his chest, "We have to restrain ourselves and maintain order. Otherwise, the situation will become very bad. Believe me, people are pressed, and everything can be done. But let's try not to become That way, okay?"

The children understood what he meant. Although they were somewhat dissatisfied, they also felt that what he said was reasonable. After all, he is an old player who has stepped into the ghost world many times, so it is still necessary to listen to his advice.

"That's right, I agree." A thin girl first stretched out her hand, raised her glass, and said, "Everyone, I'll just take a sip."

Under the eyes of the public, she only drank a small mouthful of milk powder, and then handed the glass to the next person.

Zhang Dundun said with satisfaction: "Thank you for a good start."

So, under the leadership of the old players, everyone followed the rules and tried it out. Although this small mouthful of milk powder is only a drop in the bucket, for everyone who has not eaten for a day and a night, this milk powder is extraordinarily sweet. Everyone couldn't help smacking their lips, reminiscing the long-lasting milk fragrance between their lips and teeth.

As the leader of the team, Zhang Dundun naturally did not abuse his power. He just added some hot water after the milk powder in the cup bottomed out, and drank the remaining milk in the cup into his stomach. This move won his heart again, and even a little girl was so moved that her eyes were red and she choked up and said: Fat brother, it's fortunate to have you!

Zhang Dundun heard this harsh name again. Taking a closer look, this girl still defected from Xu Rendong's team, and her heart became even more displeased. He felt the need to emphasize the importance of this matter, and was about to speak, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a pale face flashing outside the door.

Zhang Dundun was startled and felt hair on his back. Looking closely, I realized that it was the old nun again. He then thought about it, with more than a dozen teammates who supported and loved him surrounded by him, was he still afraid that an NPC would fail? Feeling confident, he smiled and said, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

The children were surprised when they heard the word "aunt". The old nun ordered them not to eat, but they gathered here to steal milk powder and were caught. I wonder how the old nun will punish them now. Everyone's heart was tense, and the newcomers' faces showed panic that they couldn't hide. Even the old players looked erratic and didn't dare to look at the old nun.

"What are you doing?" the old nun asked sullenly.

Zhang Dundun had already hid the milk powder behind him, and he was very calm at this time, pointing to the kettle: "We are drinking water. Didn't you punish us not to eat? We are too hungry, Just drink some cold water to satisfy your hunger."

"Drinking water?" The old nun let out a rustling laugh, her eyes like dead fish swept over everyone present, "Drinking water? Hahahahaha..."

"Fat brother..." The new girl who defected shrank to his side in fear.

Zhang Dundun glared at the girl and whispered unhappily: "What are you afraid of? We didn't do anything wrong." He raised his chest and looked directly at the old nun without fear. "Auntie, is there anything else? If it's okay, we want to go upstairs to sleep."

"Hahahahaha...drink water? Hahahahaha..." The old nun repeated the word "drink water" and left with a strange smile. This laughter echoed in the quiet and dark monastery, which was particularly harsh. Everyone was horrified, including Zhang Dundun.

But Zhang Dundun did not show the slightest cowardice, because the new girl had already cast an admiring look at him: "Brother Fat, you are really amazing! Are you really not afraid of her at all?"

Zhang Dundun showed a meaningful smile. The smile disappeared immediately, and he said solemnly: "Okay, we are safe for the time being. Just in case, I will keep these milk powders first. After all, I am the most experienced here, and I will take care of it if there is any danger."

The old nun did not allow them to eat, and if they were found to be hiding milk powder, they would definitely be punished. So everyone nodded and agreed to hand over the milk powder to him for safekeeping. The eyes of the newcomers gleamed with gratitude, while the old players knew it well: this little fat man said it nicely, but in fact he just wanted to hold the most precious food tightly in his hands.

Zhang Dundun continued: "I have something else to announce." He touched the smooth surface of the milk powder packaging bag and said sincerely, "Since everyone is willing to entrust such a precious thing In my hands, it can be seen that everyone really trusts me. Then I have to show some sincerity and no longer hide my identity. I will make it clear that I am Zhang Yeyun, the one who rings Ye Xingyun. "

The word "restraining cloud" is a bit awkward, and everyone didn't respond when he said it, until he explained "sound restraining Xingyun", the new girl next to him covered her mouth and exclaimed. : "Are you the Zhang Yeyun who just won the award?!"

Zhang Dundun nodded humbly.

Ren Gaofei was surprised: "You know him?"

The new girl said: "Zhang Yeyun! Great writer! Just won the XX Literature Award, and it was in the newspaper two days ago!" She looked around in surprise, "You don't know each other. him?"

"Zhang Yeyun..." The skinny girl pondered for a moment, then glanced at Zhang Dundun suspiciously, "That classically beautiful man writer who was blown away?"

Zhang Dundun humbly performed an ancient ceremony: "I don't dare to act, I don't dare to act, it's the media friends who are wrong."

"I knew I was fat...cough." Ren Gaofei quickly changed his words, "I knew our brother Zhang was extraordinary, he turned out to be a great writer! No wonder the brain is so clear and the thinking is so meticulous! It seems that this time we really It's been saved!"

There was a burst of praise. Zhang Dundun made the most low-key gesture and thanked everyone one by one. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were wise and restrained. He felt that the expressions he had been practicing for years had finally come into play—of course, he didn't practice for this moment.

He is preparing for an upcoming TV interview.

For that video interview, he even started a hunger strike three days ago to lose weight. Although he was already very thin, and he had lost the look of his childhood, he was still dissatisfied. He hoped that he would be thinner and weaker, so that he would have classical beauty, and would be in line with the beautiful name he gave himself as "Sound Drinking Xingyun".

He wants to show his most perfect self in front of everyone, and let those who look down on him and those who call him a fat pig, all turn pale with shock and regret for his blindness, Lifelong remorse for my rudeness! He wants to make them cry bitterly and deeply regret why he chose to laugh at him and bully him with everyone back then, but no one stood by his side and said a word for him.

He is about to fulfill this long-cherished wish for many years - but why, at this time - the elevator appeared? !

He has been through the ghost world several times, when he was on a diet and exercise, when he was writing all night writing, when he was toasting the committee members for a literary award nomination . He knew what the appearance of the elevator meant, and he knew that he might not have the luck to survive the next time.

But why at this time!

…he must not die!

When everyone welcomed him back to the bedroom, after everyone fell asleep, Zhang Dundun quietly put his hand into the milk powder bag and pulled out the dry milk powder from it little by little eat.

He wet his mouth with saliva, trying not to let himself make a sound. He has already estimated that according to the ration he announced, the dozen people around him will suffer from fatigue, edema, and even coma after three days due to severe nutritional deficiencies. However, he can rely on enough milk powder to maintain the normal operation of his body.

He knows best what a diet is. Dieting is his best friend. When he doesn't have the courage to go to the gym, when those people provoke him at the class reunion, and when the elevator is overweight, strangers look at him with disgust... Only dieting gives him the best help .

Only diet made him lose weight.

Really, it's really hard for him to lose weight. Three generations of their ancestors were **** fat people, the whole family shamelessly indulged their fat, and even his biological parents foolishly named him "Zhang Dundun". How disgusting! vulgar! He hated the name, hated the family, hated everything that put him in an unfortunate place.

When he sacrificed his health, overdrafted his life, and even gave up his dignity and bowed down, he was finally able to appear in front of everyone with a brand new attitude and slapped them in the face fiercely—

How could he die?

Zhang Dundun swallowed dry milk powder fiercely, his bulging chest was filled with resentment and pleasure, he could already see the panicked expression on the faces of those who had laughed at him.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help grinning and smiling smugly.

He laughed too happily, so he didn't notice the slender and pale ghost near the door.

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