Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 5: matryoshka

Xu Rendong said: "Since the compass is given, it means..."

Lian Qiao: "The main mission is encouraging us to explore new maps."

Yuan Xueming nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. I originally planned to go outside to see if there was anything else, but now I have a compass."

The number of Russian nesting dolls in the real world is not fixed, ranging from five to ten. At present, there are only two in hand, and it is clear that the task is still far from being completed. Everyone agreed with Yuan Xueming's decision, so they stopped wasting time and went back to the house, wrapped in thick winter clothes, and followed Yuan Xueming to explore.

Xu Rendong handed the thick coat to Lian Qiao, but Lian Qiao waved his hand, indicating that he still wanted to search the house carefully. Xu Rendong asked, "Didn't you find them all?"

Lian Qiao said: "They are inexperienced, I'm afraid of missing something. So I want to search again... er, check it again."

After he finished speaking, he began to rummage carefully in the house. Xu Rendong noticed that he focused on inconspicuous corners, such as the back of the refrigerator, under the cabinet, and even got under the table to see if there was anything stuck under the table. Anyway, the furniture that can be moved must be removed, and the holes that can be drilled must be spared.

Let's look for Qiao, and talk about it while looking for it. Why this table is so light, it must not be solid wood. If this cabinet is dirty, there will be no cockroaches in it. I keep talking about it. Xu Rendong could answer at first, but later found that he was just talking to himself, not talking to himself at all.

This is probably an occupational disease. As a game anchor, you cannot let the live broadcast room cool down. But that's fine. At this moment, there are only the two of them in the huge hunter's hut. It's snowing outside, and the doors and windows inside are closed. In fact, the atmosphere is quite depressing. Lian Qiao's sentence after sentence made Xu Rendong feel a lot more relaxed.

Under this carpet-like search, Lian Qiao really found the third nesting doll. The doll was hiding behind a curtain in the corner, so we didn't find it when we explored together.

"There is something missing." Xu Rendong was very surprised. But thinking about it carefully, this position is very clever. No matter whether the curtain is opened or closed, it will just block the nesting doll. It is normal that everyone does not notice it.

Lian Qiao smiled: "Hidden props are usually in this kind of visual blind spot. If you are familiar with the routine, you can almost guess where it is."

Xu Rendong nodded and reached out to pick up the doll, but Lian Qiao said, "Brother Rendong, let me open this one."

Xu Rendong: "Aren't you afraid of triggering the death condition?"

Lian Qiao said: "You can't bear it all alone, it's not fair."

Lian Qiao's three views are very positive, which is very flattering. Xu Rendong felt that it was the right thing to save him.

Lian Qiao unscrewed the nesting doll and found a key inside.

The only locked room in the house is the basement. Even Qiao and Xu Rendong looked at each other, and they both laughed.

The two of them successfully opened the basement and found that it was a dark storage room. The dust was flying, making people cough. The clutter was piled up on the floor, light bulbs, crowbars, beer bottles… everything was there, but it didn’t look like it was going to be used for a while.

I lost a billion..."

Xu Rendong is helpless: "Are you collecting junk? What's the use of these things?"

Lian Qiao picked up the crowbar and said with piety, "Why useless! This is the holy sword of physics!"

Xu Rendong: "What is physics?"

"This is half... (Note Lian Qiao didn't know what to think, and changed his words, "Look, for example, if you encounter a box that cannot be opened, you can use a crowbar to open it; the lock The door on the top can be opened with a crowbar... You can even use a crowbar to beat people and monsters.

Xu Rendong never thought about these functions. When he was sitting in the office with a white-collar worker, he had never seen a crowbar, let alone discovered 100 ways to use a crowbar.

However, even Joe, who is thin and tender, doesn't look like someone who often does rough work with a crowbar. Xu Rendong thought for a while and asked, "You also learned this knowledge by playing games?"

"Yeah!" Lian Qiao smiled and looked quite proud. He fell into that state of fascination and excitement again, and began to fumble around, looking like a child running into the supermarket, looking at the dazzling array of goods on the shelves, and wanting to stuff everything into the shopping cart. Xu Rendong thought that these pieces of junk might be really useful, so he didn't ask any more, but took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate him.

Soon, Lian Qiao discovered the New World again.

"Sure enough, there is a ladder!" He bent down and picked up a ladder from the ground, but his fingers were still hooked on the crowbar and refused to let go, looking precarious.

Xu Rendong couldn't stand it any longer, she reached out and said, "I'll take the crowbar."

"Okay!" Lian Qiao smiled happily, holding the ladder upstairs happily. Seeing his eagerness to try, Xu Rendong asked, "Where are you going?"

Lian Qiao said: "Last night I saw a bird's nest outside the house, and there may be hidden nesting dolls inside. I'll climb up and take a look."

Xu Rendong was taken aback. Followed Lian Qiao to the outside of the house, and sure enough, there was a bird's nest on a big tree outside the yard.

They were chased all the way by Brother Sledgehammer last night, and they coughed up their lungs from running. Even Joe still had the mind to notice the bird's nest? His power of observation was so meticulous that it was terrifying.

It's like reading a script...

By the way, when I peeked at him this morning, he also woke up suddenly... Was he simply feeling sensitive, or was he pretending to be asleep on purpose?

Xu Rendong felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, she couldn't help looking around, trying to find some evidence to deny her guess. Soon, he breathed a sigh of relief.

—The room they lived in last night was facing this tree, and looking out the window, anyone could see this bird's nest at a glance.

Discovering this, Xu Rendong felt inexplicably relieved. At this time, Lian Qiao had already set up the ladder and climbed up the tree. As soon as he got to the top of the tree, he shouted excitedly: "Brother honeysuckle! It's true! Dangdang~ Let's start with the fourth nesting doll!" He took out the nesting doll from the bird's nest and dangled it happily.

When he swayed, even the ladder swayed. Xu Rendong quickly held onto the ladder and said helplessly, "You come down first, be careful."

"Oh." Lian Qiao smiled, step by step, carefully returning to the ground.

There are two candies in this nesting doll. It looks like candy can be seen everywhere, and the cellophane paper reflects a dreamy light. It feels **** the inside, and I don't know if I can eat it.

"The things opened in the previous two nesting dolls all guide the direction of the next nesting doll," Lian Qiao pondered, "What is this candy suggesting?"

Xu Rendong thought about it and asked: "In your game, what is this kind of thing usually used for?"

Lian Qiao looked at him, not knowing what to think, those clear eyes crooked into crescents again with laughter.

"Usually it is blood recovery," he said. "It can also be given as a gift to others to increase your favorability."

Xu Rendong thought for a moment, but still had no clue. Lian Qiao said: "Just two candies, let's take one with us, maybe it will be useful later."

Xu Rendong agrees.

The interior of the house has almost been explored. It is still early and the snow has stopped. The two decided to follow the footprints to find other companions. I didn't know how long I walked in the snow until Xu Rendong was tired of the constant whiteness, and finally a dilapidated church appeared in front of him. The architectural style of the church is very unique. It is not a Gothic spire, nor a Byzantine dome, but a top with a round bottom, a sharp top, and a threaded top.

"It's like kisses chocolate..." Lian Qiao swallowed.

Xu Rendong recalled the "History of Western Architecture" he read in college: "This should be a Russian-style church, I remember it's called... War Helmet Top."

"Russia again?" Lian Qiao rubbed his chin in thought, "So many details are reminding Russia, what does this mean?"

Xu Rendong shook his head: "I can't guess. Let's take one step at a time."

The two entered the church, and the first thing they saw was a huge **** cross. **** on the cross was haggard with his head down, his hands and feet were nailed with iron nails, and there seemed to be dried blood on closer inspection. This church is very big, and there seem to be other rooms behind it. Yuan Xueming took a few people and just came out of it, and was a little surprised to see the two.

Xu Rendong said about the nesting doll, Yuan Xueming was even more surprised, and sighed at Lian Qiao. The team members who were exploring separately also came back one after another. Yuan Xueming said, "We also found a nesting doll here. Is this the fifth one?"

"What's inside? Open it and see?" The man with the most anxious temper began to urge again. Xu Rendong remembered that this man was named Zhao Lin. Zhao Lin's face was full of anxiety, but he didn't move, just turned his attention to Xu Rendong.

It seems that even if someone has pioneered it, everyone is reluctant to do it themselves.

This is normal. Xu Rendong didn't think much, took the doll and twisted it open. There were actually two more candies inside.

Everyone said in surprise: "Huh? It's sugar again?" "Why is it the same as the fourth one?"

Xu Rendong noticed that Lian Qiao's face changed slightly, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Lian Qiao sighed: "Too bad, there must be supplies before the war..."

Xu Rendong: "?"

Lian Qiao said: "I feel like an accident is about to happen..." He sighed again, "I hope I think too much. In short, be careful."

Everyone was still studying candy, and Lian Qiao had already walked up to Yuan Xueming and said that he wanted to go back early. Yuan Xueming saw that it was getting late, nodded in agreement, and turned around to announce the return trip to everyone. At this time, he seems to be the leader of the team, and everyone has no objection to his decision.

Unexpectedly, when the door opened, everyone's expressions sank. It was snowing heavily outside.

It was sunny when they came, but now the wind is howling and snow is blowing. The thick snow grains even hurt a little when hitting the face, which is really not suitable for travel.

Lian Qiao looked at the heavy snow, gloomy. Xu Rendong asked in a low voice, "Is this what you are worried about?"

Lian Qiao nodded. Xu Rendong asked again: "What will happen when it snows?"

Lian Qiao replied in a low voice, "I don't know. But there must be nothing good in the snow."

Xu Hong hugged her arms, and her voice trembled slightly: "Why don't you wait until the snow is smaller..." She is a woman and wears little, so naturally she doesn't want to risk such a big out of the blizzard.

Yuan Xueming pondered: "If we don't leave, it will be dark. Then we won't be able to go back tonight."

Someone suggested: "It's better to stay here for the night, after all, it's a church, maybe it's safer than our hunter's hut..."

Before he finished speaking, a girl screamed: "Look! **** is bleeding!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the places where Jesus' limbs were nailed began to bleed. The blood flowed down the cross and pooled into a dark red pool under the statue, which was very disturbing.

Lian Qiao said: "It's over, **** can't hold it anymore, it seems that the ghosts here are more powerful than gods."

Everyone's face is not very good. Yuan Xueming said: "Let's go."

This time everyone stopped talking, just wrapped their jackets and silently followed behind Yuan Xueming. Before leaving, Lian Qiao turned around and took a deep look at the church. Xu Rendong asked, "What's wrong?"

Lian Qiao: "It's a pity that I didn't bring the beer bottle in the basement, otherwise I can pick up some blood back, maybe it's useful. The blood of **** is an important prop."

Xu Rendong: “…”

Lian Qiao said again: "But **** himself was beaten to the point of bleeding, and this blood is probably not much use. Forget it, slip away."

Xu Rendong: “…”

The sky outside was gray, and the snow particles were flying like a fog. Yuan Xueming held a compass in his hand and walked at the forefront. Everyone's nerves were tense, fighting against the bone-chilling cold. No one spoke, only the wind and snow whistled in his ears.

The atmosphere became very chill. Lian Qiao came to Xu Rendong, rubbed his eyes and said, "Brother Rendong, I can't see the road a little bit."

Xu Rendong did not speak. He also felt that it was foggy in front of him, gray and white everywhere, and even his companions who were close at hand were a little blurry. After thinking about it, he grabbed Lian Qiao's arm: "Follow me."

Lian Qiao showed gratitude, as if she had caught a life-saving straw, and immediately hugged his hand. Xu Rendong only felt warm on his hands - he didn't wear gloves, even Qiao's hug was a lot warmer.

At the same time, he suddenly noticed that although Lian Qiao looked thin, the muscles on his arms were very strong, not the thin otaku he imagined. Warm and firm, like a big golden retriever.

I don't know if it's because it's too cold, both of them feel stiff in their limbs and can't move. Seeing the companion in front of him getting further and further away, Lian Qiao shouted, "Wait for us!" But the companion ignored them and walked forward without saying a word.

Lian Qiao panicked and tried her best to catch up with them. Obviously the speed has accelerated, but the distance between him and his companions has not narrowed. Xu Rendong immediately reacted: "There is a problem with this snow, don't waste your energy."

Lian Qiao was out of breath and watched helplessly as his companion disappeared from sight. Lian Qiao hugged his arm tightly and said uneasy, "Brother Rendong, I'm a little scared."

Xu Rendong has been frozen to death once, and she knows very well what it is like to get lost in the snow. He was also troubled in his heart, but as the older one, he still comforted him: "Don't be afraid, hold on to me."

"Well." Lian Qiao pressed closer to him, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the smile he couldn't hide was smudged in his eyes.

The author has something to say:

Note: "This is half...": The reason why the crowbar is called the holy sword of physics is mainly because it first came from the game "Half-Life". The protagonist of the game, Dr. Gordon Freeman, is an invincible doctor of physics. He is only a thin scholar in name, but in the game, he can fight in and out under the heavy siege of thousands of soldiers, more than Zhao Zilong. It's still powerful (player complains: this is unscientific! What must be the hook?), and his signature weapon is a crowbar (player complains: that crowbar must be a holy sword with an attack power of 999) This stalk spreads After that, it is often quoted in other anime, such as "Sneak!" Naiako, the heroine of Naiako, especially likes the crowbar, and the colors and shapes are exactly the same as those used by Dr. Freeman. Naiako also likes to call this crowbar an "indescribable stick-like object", which basically appears once in every episode of animation. *The above popular science is copied and pasted from the Internet. In the article, Lian Qiao originally wanted to explain this game stalk, but changed his mouth because he thought that Ren Dong might not be interested.

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