Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 79: Three become tigers

The second floor and the third floor have almost been explored, and this time, no additional clues have been found. Everyone finally gathered in the sun room on the top floor. Outside the glass curtain wall is a bottomless darkness, which surrounds the bare sun room like an island. The wild wind slapped against the windows, and the entire glass house looked crumbling.

Fifteen chairs in a circle that looked like some kind of cult ritual. There was a task paper on one of the chairs. Xu Rendong picked up the note and read the words that he had read countless times:

"Guts training camp instructions: 1. The theme of this issue: the deepest terror. 2. Activity content: Please turn off the lights at 00:00:00 every night, and share one in the glass room Ghost stories, face the horror in your heart. Share at least one story every night. 3. Friendly reminder: The story can't be repeated, it will die. The story can't be scary, it will die. 4. Lie to you."

Xu Rendong has almost memorized this sentence. After reading it again he handed the note to the next person, then fell into thought.

There are two ways of death this time, one is that the ghost story is not scary enough, the narrator will be frozen into ice and die on the spot. The second is that the ghost story comes true, and everyone will die according to the setting of the story. However, once a ghost story is established, not only will the ghosts in it come to reality, but some key settings will also come true. Lian Qiao deliberately added the element of "elevator" to Sadako's story, which is proof of this.

But the problem is, before that, there was a setting in Xu Rendong's "juniper tree" story, that is, you can't probe into the box, otherwise your head will be pinched. He didn't think that the elevator car also belonged to a "box", so that when Lian Qiao entered the elevator, he was caught in two sections and died tragically in front of him.

This time it was worse than last time. After this rebirth, he has been out of shape, unable to recover from the blow of Lian Qiao being cut in half in front of him. So I couldn't beware of the sand sculpture president, so that the president actually mentioned the names of the two movies, Ghost Street and Huihun Ye, in advance.

It's a headache just for a ghost street, this time it's two horror movies together, I'm afraid it will be destroyed tonight.

Xu Rendong glanced at the time, only two minutes left until midnight. President Little Sun stepped forward and was about to speak when Xu Rendong interrupted first: "Anyway, I'll try the water first. If something happens to me, please take care of my two little followers for me."

President Little Sun had a stunned expression of "how did you steal my lines?", but since this is a big guy in Jiuguan, he didn't dare to make trouble. Lian Qiao was a little worried, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Brother Rendong, what do you want to do?"

Xu Rendong glanced at him: "Wipe your ass."

Lian Qiao: "???"

Why did even the ten thousand in Qiao's heart have time to ask, the light in the glass room suddenly went out. The eyes could not adapt to the sudden darkness, and Lian Qiao was pushed into the chair by Xu Rendong in a daze, only to hear Xu Rendong's low and sweet voice in the darkness:

"Sit and trust me."

Full of aggression, Lian Qiao was so handsome that he couldn't close his legs.

He suddenly felt that being beaten by the irritable and mad Xu Rendong against the wall seemed to be quite emotional! It's better to beat him until he has no strength to resist, and then treat him like this, turning him into a crying rag doll...

Wow! With a sense!

Wait, I seem to be starting to pervert in the other direction…

Xu Rendong certainly doesn't know what indescribable things are in Lian Qiao's head at this moment. He walked to the center of the circle surrounded by chairs in the dark, feeling that everyone had taken their seats, so he calmed down and began to tell his story.

"I am a financial practitioner. This job is very stressful, and there are endless data to read and reports to write every day. Not only that, but my interpersonal relationships in the company also It's very bad, I don't know how to get along with my boss and colleagues, so I've been living a very depressed life."

"My only sustenance is when I go to bed at night, I pray to have a good dream. In my dream, I am omnipotent, and the pleasure of controlling everything balances the pain of the day."

"But even so, the burden of life gradually overwhelmed me. The negative energy in my heart accumulated more and more, and I had to find something else to vent."

"I started going through all kinds of violent pictures. Homicide, car accident scene, natural disaster... those broken human bodies excite me. The bones are white, the fat is orange and it looks slimy, Very slippery. The blood vessels are different in thickness, but they are all fragile. Once they are broken, they will bleed. If it is a carotid artery, the blood can spray to the ceiling..."

Xu Rendong screened the memory and described it slowly. These detailed descriptions brought those fragmented human bodies to everyone's eyes, and everyone couldn't help feeling a little terrified, and at the same time began to wonder: Does this man usually have this hobby? Otherwise, how could he know so clearly?

No one will know that Xu Rendong's knowledge of human body structure is all he has seen with his own eyes. He had personally experienced what it was like to have a carotid artery cut.

“…Gradually, I stopped being satisfied with the pictures and videos on the Internet. I really wanted to experience the excitement for myself.”

"I bought a rabbit and he was very docile. But when I cut his ears off, his limbs were kicking all over the place and the fur was flying all over the bathroom. I Accidentally let it run away, it was **** and it made a mess in the living room of my house. I managed to catch it and put the scissors in its stomach."

"This taught me to be good. In the future, when I buy frogs, chickens, and cats and dogs, I will tie them up first so they can't escape. But I still feel uncomfortable, scissors and kitchen knives are easy to dull. Whether it is to use a sharpening stone or buy new tools, it is very troublesome.”

"If only my hand could be one with the blade. That's what I thought before I fell asleep."

Hearing this, someone took a breath and seemed to have guessed the direction behind the story. Xu Rendong paused for a moment to let fear brew in everyone's heart, and then said with a smile in a slightly excited tone:

"After falling into a dream, my wish came true."

"In my dream, my hands were turned into razors. They were so sharp they glowed coldly in the moonlight. I admired these new 'hands' with satisfaction, trying to A knife was cut on the arm, and the blood came out immediately."

"I know it's in a dream, and I know I'm omnipotent, so it's nothing special. I walk the streets at night. An unfamiliar place. I saw my boss hugging a woman who was having fun. Looking closely, she was actually a popular actress."

"This is the world of dreams, it seems that the boss is also having a good dream."

"Since it's in a dream, it doesn't matter what I do to him. So I stabbed my finger, which is a razor, into his body slowly. He sounded like killing a pig. He asked me why, why I was here, and at the same time his blood spurted to the ceiling... As I said before, the pressure on the carotid artery is very strong, even if you cover the wound with your hand, Blood will also spurt out of the fingers, high and high..."

"He wanted to run away, and I wanted him to run away, I liked the feeling of chasing prey - because I thought so, an elevator appeared in front of him. Silver and white, the elevator door was open He was covered in blood and rushed in staggeringly. He slammed the door shut while looking at me in horror. What did he say about his expression at that time?"

The expressions are so funny."

This description of the torture and murder of the boss made everyone shiver. If you didn't really do it, how could you know so clearly?

Everyone - even Zhong Xiu and Lian Qiao couldn't help but start to wonder: Is this a story or a real thing?

In the darkness, Xu Rendong gently stroked his neck, recalling the feeling when Jiang Li stabbed his artery and trachea with a knife. Unconsciously, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“…looking at the dismembered body of my boss, I felt so relieved, and all the stress was swept away. I woke up content and went to work. Strangely, the boss actually I'm late. The guy who always likes to deduct my attendance award didn't show up until noon. In the afternoon, a few police officers suddenly came to the company and said that they would invite a few people to go back to assist in the investigation. Only then did everyone know that the boss last night died."

"The way my boss died was exactly the same as in my dream. At two o'clock in the morning, he was stabbed to death in his sleep. The murderer stabbed him a dozen times with a sharp blade. , and each knife stabbed him in the opposite direction. The most terrifying one was the knife on the neck, which pierced the carotid artery and trachea, and blood spurted everywhere."

"The strange thing is that there is no trace of the murderer left at the scene."

"No fingerprints, no footprints, no clue what the murder weapon is. There are no signs of damage to the doors, locks and windows. The police suspect that an acquaintance committed the crime, but after some verification, everyone is found. Suspicion cleared."

"It is reasonable to say that with such a large amount of bleeding, the murderer should be splashed with blood when he committed the murder. When he leaves, he will leave some traces in the corridor. But no, nothing No. The murderer evaporated like a drop of water, leaving no trace."

" Colleagues have been discussing this murder all afternoon. The familiar boss was killed in such a **** way that everyone felt scared and excited. I also pretended to be scared and mixed with them In the middle, I listened to their various guesses and analysis of the case. I couldn't help laughing until I got home from get off work."

"It turns out that I can really enter other people's dreams."

"It turns out that if you kill them in a dream, they will also die in reality."

Xu Rendong suddenly stopped when he said this. Everyone listened with bated breath, wondering what terrible words he was going to say next.

However, Xu Rendong just smiled and said lightly: "Since then, I have become a gentle and kind person. I no longer need to buy small animals."

The voice just fell, only to hear a "click", and the light in the glass room turned on.

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden light on. Someone shivered and said: "Who, who turned on the light?"

Xu Rendong said: "No one, it opens by itself." He glanced down at his legs, and there was no sign of freezing. It seemed that the story was scary enough, and he passed.

The faces of everyone were pale, looking at each other, and they saw fear and suspicion on each other's faces.

President Little Sun couldn't help but said, "The story you just is it similar to "Monster Street"? Murder in a dream or something..."

Xu Rendong narrowed her eyes: "You mean I copied?"

The president still had the scars on his face from the beating he just beat. Seeing Xu Rendong pick up the chair and walk towards him again, the president quickly begged for mercy: "No, no, I didn't mean you plagiarism..."

Xu Rendong put down the chair with satisfaction, and suddenly realized that everyone was looking at him with a panicked look.

The rock monk said deeply: "So you are a murderer."

Xu Rendong "..." You are too straightforward. He retorted to himself kindly, "No, it's just a story."

Rock Monk: "Really? I don't believe it."

Xu Rendong pointed to the president with a bruised face, and said sincerely: "I just beat this person violently in front of you, which fully proves that I am not a gentle and kind person, so it can be seen that I'm not the murderer in the story either. Got it?"

Everyone: "..." Your inference is really well-founded and convincing!

Lian Qiao's expression was very complicated when she heard this.

Seriously, he thinks that Xu Rendong is really gentle and kind in real life, but he occasionally turns violent when playing a copy... He used to think it was the unique personality charm of the big boss Rendong, but now Thinking about it, isn't this a typical pervert murderer! I usually pretend to be harmless to humans and animals, but when I get to a non-natural environment, I let myself go!

Lian Qiao couldn't help trembling, thinking: I'm in love with something!

The story is over, and there is no change in the glass room. Everyone waited for a while and decided to rest first.

When they went downstairs, everyone deliberately kept their distance from Xu Rendong, only Lian Qiao and Zhong Xiu followed him. Xu Rendong deliberately said "good night, good dream" before everyone went back to the room. When everyone heard the words, their faces became even more ugly, and they quickly closed the door, so that they could not see.

Going back to her room, closing the door, Zhong Xiu sighed: "Why do you point all the blame at yourself?"

Xu Rendong is helpless: "It's just a story, really. Didn't you listen to the president, I copied the setting of "Monster Street"."

Zhong Xiu shook her head: "I'm not talking about that. Not only this story, but also your attitude towards the president. If you do it as soon as you come up, everyone's impression of you will be bad. They will feel You are rude and reckless and cannot cooperate with you. In this way, you will become the target of public criticism, and if something happens, everyone will be the first to push you out to sacrifice."

Xu Rendong hadn't opened her mouth yet, but she heard Lian Qiao displeased: "Lori, it's like an old mother."

Hearing this, Xu Rendong and Zhong Xiu looked at him in unison, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. Lian Qiao was inexplicable: "Why, did I say something wrong?"

Xu Rendong coughed unnaturally: "No... No." He quickly realized that it was not appropriate to say anything at this time, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Go to rest early, I'm tired."

"Yeah." Zhong Xiu grabbed the towel, "I'm going to wash my face."

She slammed the bathroom door and left the room to Lianqiao and Lianqiao. Ren Dong's heart skipped a beat, thinking how could this woman be so unkind.

Sure enough, Lian Qiao faintly asked, "Brother Honeysuckle, are you Oedipus?"

Xu Rendong's forehead burst with blue veins: "What nonsense? Didn't you promise me not to be jealous?"

With a creak, the bed beside him was pushed down, Lian Qiao climbed up to him and put his head in front of him: "No, I can't help it. Unless you kiss me to soothe my injury mind."

…This is not jealous, it is clearly taking advantage of the fire. Xu Rendong had no choice but to hold up his chin and place a light kiss on his lips.

"Okay, go to sleep." Xu Rendong blushed, pulled the quilt and wanted to lie in.

"No, it's too perfunctory!" Lian Qiao pressed up and wrapped his whole body in the quilt. Xu Rendong was so restrained that he couldn't move. He only felt that he had turned into a silkworm chrysalis. Before he had completed his transformation, his cocoon was forcibly broken. The body is still trapped in the cocoon, but the head sticks out, disturbed and helpless.

"Don't make trouble..." Xu Rendong struggled, but even Qiao was still pressed tightly. He was so overwhelmed that he was suddenly a little scared, but inexplicably expected.

As for what to expect, he couldn't tell.

"Don't be afraid, I won't mess around." Lian Qiao poked his blushing cheeks, the smile in his eyes dazzled, "I'll show you what it means to 'pacify the mind' kiss', okay?"

"..." Xu Rendong felt the blood all over his body rushing to his cheeks, making him at a loss. He felt as if he had a fever, his head was dizzy, his body was soft, and he didn't need any strength. He nodded dazedly.

Xu Rendong was obedient and soft at this time, and even Qiao loved him miserably. The warm and dry fingertips rubbed the corner of his mouth a few times, as if searching for a suitable position, and finally stopped on his lips.

Afterwards, there was a kiss that was as gentle as spring water.

Xu Rendong was immersed in the tenderness that was almost drowning, and thought in a daze: It turns out that he also likes to touch his lips before kissing... Where did he learn this habit...

Next second.

"I'm done, do you want to..." Zhong Xiu opened the door and saw two people stacked together. She didn't react yet, just heard a muffled groan—

Performing a miracle, Xu Rendong kicked Lian Qiao out of bed again.

"..." Zhong Xiu understood what happened just now, no matter how sluggish she was. She touched her nose awkwardly and returned to the bathroom angrily, "I forgot to brush my teeth."

Closed the door again, and locked it lovingly!

Xu Rendong was sitting on the bed holding his forehead, how come he happened to be bumped into every time, so that he had to kick Lian Qiao out of bed... He felt a little embarrassed.

Lian Qiao propped herself up against the edge of the bed, and said quietly, "Do you know where you kicked just now..."

Xu Rendong: "?"

Lian Qiao: "It almost broke. If you can't use it in the future, you will regret it later."

Xu Rendong: "???"

Huh? The ____ does not work? What can't be used? Aren't the hands and feet all fine? Where did the kick go?

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