Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 8: matryoshka

Today's snow is much smaller than yesterday, and the view is clear. I don't know if they were chased by monsters yesterday and left a shadow.

"Ah!" Jiang Li, who was walking in the middle of the team, suddenly shouted and fell to the ground.

"Ali!" Wang Yuan hurried to help her, "What's the matter? Are you okay?"

Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao turned their heads and saw a big rock beside Jiang Li's feet. The stone was mostly covered by the snow, and it seemed that Jiang Li accidentally tripped.

"Are you okay?" Xu Rendong crouched down, "Can you still walk?"

"It's okay..." Jiang Li showed a strong smile, "Twist it a little, it's okay." She tried to stand up, but a look of pain flashed on her face. Wang Yuan was a little anxious, and found a branch to use as a splint for her, but couldn't find a suitable bandage for a while.

"Use my tie." Xu Rendong took out the tie and handed it to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, hesitant, and seemed embarrassed to answer. Wang Yuan took it with his hands, thanked her repeatedly, and fastened the branch to her ankle with a tie. But he was clumsy, the branches were tied crookedly, not only could not be fixed, but Jiang Li gasped in pain.

"...I'll do it myself." Jiang Li said softly, bowing his head and dressing himself. She seemed to be very good at doing this, her movements were dexterous and skillful, she quickly fixed the injured joint, and stood up with Wang Yuan's support.

"Have you learned bandaging?" Xu Rendong looked at the neat bandage, this technique was obviously professional.

Jiang Li nodded: "Well, I'm a doctor."

Lian Qiao asked: "Is the church still far away? Why don't you go back first, we will go there by ourselves."

Jiang Li said: "I don't mind. There is still a long way to go... Or let A Yuan show you the way? In case you get lost..."

Wang Yuan said helplessly: "How can this work? What if you are in danger like this?"

Jiang Li showed guilt. Xu Rendong said: "Let's go together. When you get to the church, you can sit down and rest, and Lian Qiao and I will just go in and explore."

Jiang Li nodded happily, and the other two had no objection. So the four of them set off again, and after about ten minutes, they finally came to the church.

This is a medium-sized church. The first thing you see when you enter the door is a spacious and solemn chapel. The rows of benches were neatly arranged and covered with dust. **** on the cross was still bowing his head and frowning with a look of sympathy. The pool of blood on the ground was still dry. There were several animal paw prints on the bloodstain. Lian Qiao looked at it and speculated that it was a rabbit's paw.

It seems that their decision to leave the church yesterday was right. That black mosaic rabbit came out of the church.

Wang Yuan helped Jiang Li to the side of the bench, carefully wiped the dust off the chair, and let her sit down and rest. Lian Qiao said: "Then you wait for us here, and Brother Rendong and I go in and have a look."

Xu Rendong glanced at the **** statue, turned his head and said, "If there is something wrong, run first."

Jiang Li hurriedly waved his hand and said that he would leave us alone. Lian Qiao picked up the crowbar and explored the church with Xu Rendong.

They walked around the chapel first, but found nothing special, so they came to the side corridor. The hallway is long, and the walls are adorned with candle-shaped lamps. The inside of the lamp is dirty and full of traces of aging tungsten filaments. The circuit also seems to be in poor contact, and the lights flicker on and off, making people panic.

There are no windows in this hallway, and if the lights are off, it will be pitch black. There are two doors in the hallway, far apart. Xu Rendong pushed open one of the fans and found that there were vestments, sacred objects and other religious items on display. Lian Qiao was still a little scared, and hugged the crowbar tightly. Seeing this scene, he suddenly became excited again. He didn't even need the crowbar, so he started to use the magic weapon.

"Wow! Bible! Wow! Holy Grail! Wow! Longinus gun! (Note 1 As soon as he turned his head and saw a wardrobe, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself, "Wow! A priest's outfit! A real priest's outfit!"

Xu Rendong is helpless: "You don't want to move all these things away, do you?"

Lian Qiao held the pile of dusty religious objects and asked hopefully, "Is it alright?"

Xu Rendong: "No. This is stealing."

Lian Qiao: "How can the matter of the brave be called stealing! Search! I call it search!"

Xu Rendong: "'re not saying that much better."

Lian Qiao hugged his baby tightly, reluctantly, like a hamster protecting food. Xu Rendong said: "Let's put it down, you can't take all of these things with you, what if a ghost chases you, don't you still have to throw them away?"

Lian Qiao probably remembered the horrific scene of being chased and killed by ghosts in the past two days, and his expression was a little shaken.

Xu Rendong said: "Be obedient."

This sentence seems to have hit Lian Qiao at a certain point. Lian Qiao opened her eyes wide and said in a low voice "Fuck", her face suddenly turned red, and she finally obediently put her things down.

Xu Rendong said: "You are covered in ashes, pat."

"Oh, good." Lian Qiao obediently began to pat ashes, but the corners of his mouth were still raised.

Xu Rendong put the religious utensils back in place one by one, turned back to Lian Qiao's smile, and suddenly felt that there was a naughty taste in that smile. Xu Rendong looked him aside from top to bottom, and pointed to his bulging trousers pocket: "What are you hiding?"

"Woo..." Little thought was pierced, and Lian Qiao reluctantly took out a piece of holy bread.

Xu Rendong was speechless. The holy loaf was so moldy that it turned green. I don't know how long it had been sitting, and it was still covered with ashes. Lian Qiao's problem of picking up **** is really carried through to the end, can't you tell?

Xu Rendong frowned when he saw that the other side of his trouser pocket was also stuffed, "Where is it?"

"Oh, this is a nesting doll." To prove his innocence, Lian Qiao took out the nesting doll neatly, and unscrewed it directly to show him, "I didn't hide it here... Huh? "

The nesting doll is the two candies. At this time, some brown sticky liquid seeped out from the gap of the candy paper, which not only stained the candy paper, but also stuck to the inner wall of the nesting doll. Lian Qiao took out the candy and flattened his mouth in disgust: "It's disgusting..."

"Is this chocolate?" Xu Rendong said, "It may have been melted by you."

Lian Qiao said angrily: "It turned out to be chocolate! I ate it long ago. I really wanted to eat chocolate yesterday..." After all, the top of this church looks like kisses.

"Wait until you go out to eat, you can eat as much as you want." Seeing that there was nothing to investigate in this room, Xu Rendong turned his head and walked out.

Lian Qiao chased after him: "Brother Honeysuckle, can we meet again after we go out?"

Xu Rendong said: "Let's go out first."

Lian Qiao was a little lost: "Oh..."

Another door near the end of the hallway is the prayer room. This room is not big, only two chairs and a small cubicle are placed for believers to pray and repent. The compartment was pitch-dark. Lian Qiao turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, got in to check it out, and crawled out with a bitter face: "It stinks and smells like chest hair."

Xu Rendong: "..." He couldn't help thinking about the smell of chest hair.

The two groped carefully in the prayer room, but couldn't find anything of value, so they had to go back to the corridor.

"Is there another room here?" Lian Qiao asked.

Xu Rendong imagined the structure of the church: "The width of the sacristy and prayer room is the same as that of the chapel. This church should have a 'mu' font layout...but the corridor is already finished. ." He knocked on the wall at the end of the corridor and heard a thick echo, "This wall also seems to be solid."

"The 'eye' font?" Lian Qiao wrote the word "mu" in the palm of his hand, showing a thoughtful expression. He looked at the door of the prayer room, and then looked at the door of the sacristy at the far end of the corridor. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and he said happily, "I see! These two rooms—"

Before he finished speaking, the lights in the entire corridor suddenly went out, and the entire field of vision fell into darkness!

Lian Qiao's voice stopped abruptly. Xu Rendong was startled and touched his direction subconsciously: "Lian Qiao! Where are you? You-uh!"

The mouth was suddenly covered by someone, and then dragged back! Xu Rendong was caught off guard and was dragged to stagger a few steps. There was endless darkness in front of him, and for some reason, he felt something shaking.

Immediately afterwards, something cold stuck to his neck.

Not good!

The alarm bell rang out in her heart, Xu Rendong instinctively wanted to push away the hand covering his mouth. He found that the hand was very small, like a woman's hand, but at this time it tightly squeezed his nose and mouth, preventing him from making a sound.

Then, that cold thing slashed his neck fiercely!

Fear was like a piece of ice suddenly attached to his back, causing him to tremble and his whole body stiff.

At first, he felt no pain. He only heard a faint sound of wind. Huh, huh. Like the sound of the sea when you put the conch to your ear.

"Uh, uh..." He wanted to call for help, but he could only make a soft sound like the wind.

Some kind of warm liquid splashed on his chin and chest, wetting his clothes and pants. The wind grew louder and louder, and he began to feel pain. There was a sharp pain in the neck, and the wound seemed to be pulled by some force, and it was torn bigger bit by bit. He instinctively covered his neck and touched the gushing blood hole. The wound was so long and deep that it almost cut him apart.

Despair is like a big hand, squeezing his soft and fragile heart. He tried to block the opening in his throat, but accidentally touched the severed windpipe. It was a pliable hardness, and the trachea slipped between his fingers under the moistness of the warm liquid.

His fingers were inserted into his windpipe (Note 2).

My eyes suddenly lit up, as if someone had turned on the light switch. Xu Rendong found that he was in a room he had never seen before. The room was empty, with a silver-gray elevator standing abruptly in the middle.

The elevator...the elevator is here...but where is it?

A man stood by the elevator. The man ran towards him in shock when he saw his appearance. It wasn't him, but the man behind him.

"You..." He only said this one word, and immediately closed his mouth as if hesitant, and glanced to the side.

Xu Rendong's eyes were a little blurry, but he still recognized the man's face.

Wang Yuan.

Then who slit my neck is...

The man behind him was still pressing Xu Rendong firmly. Xu Rendong turned his head with difficulty and found that the direction Wang Yuan was looking at was a wall. There was nothing on the wall, but even Joe's trembling voice could be heard from behind the wall.

“Brother honeysuckle? Where are you? Brother honeysuckle…”

Here I am.

Xu Rendong couldn't make any sound and could only reach out to the wall. He saw that his entire arm was soaked with blood, and the blood on his neck was still gushing out, like a small fountain, hot and humid, very warm. There was blood pouring into the air pipe, and it was fishy and painful, and he couldn't stop coughing. The choking motion in turn ripped at the wound on the neck, pulling the opening wider and wider. He could almost hear skin tearing.

It hurts…

His lips moved, and he tried to shout countless times, but he could only feel more blood gushing out of his neck.

Can't stop, can't stop. The carotid artery is like a broken water pipe, constantly gushing frantically.

The massive blood loss made him confused, he could no longer stand, and his body leaned softly against the man behind him. The man slowly put him on the ground, allowing him to finally see who was killing him.

Jiang Li. Sure enough, it was Jiang Li.

The beautiful face has long lost its previous tenderness, and some are just cold and decisive, with a few drops of blood splattered.

And she even had his tie around her ankle.

…it hurts…dizzy…the whole world starts to spin.

Jiang Li’s hands were covered in blood, and he lowered his head to rummage through him. Wang Yuan knelt down beside Xu Rendong and asked in a trembling voice, "Ali, why are you... how can you..."

Jiang Li put his hand into Xu Rendong's inner pocket, tossed it rudely, and gave Wang Yuan a paranoid look: "I can't watch you die."

At the same time, Lian Qiao behind the wall shouted with a crying voice: "Brother honeysuckle...I'm so afraid...Where are you...I'm so afraid...don't leave me..."

Here I am. I have not left you.

Xu Rendong stretched out her hand weakly, but could not reach the wall. His eyes began to darken, and his vision gradually blurred.

"I found it!" Jiang Li lowered his voice, but he couldn't suppress the joy in his voice. She held up the blood-stained nesting doll with joy, like a little girl eager for praise, "A Yuan, you won't die! You also have a nesting doll, and we can leave from here!"

Wang Yuan looked at her with a complicated expression, and finally took the nesting doll with trembling fingers. He lowered his head and said softly to Xu Rendong, "I'm sorry."

Xu Rendong can't see anything. He lost too much blood, and his body became stiff and cold, as if the remaining blood in his veins was starting to clot. For a moment, he had the illusion that he was lying in the snow, and everywhere was white. He no longer felt pain, just despair.

In this chilling despair, the last sound he heard was the whimpering of a young bird.

"Don't leave me..."

The author has something to say:

Note 1: The Holy Grail and the Spear of Longinus are the Holy Artifacts of Jesus. This kind of thing is displayed symbolically in the sacristy of the church. The Holy Grail is probably known to everyone. Longinus gun copied a popular science: This is a gun that once pierced **** Christ. According to the Bible, when **** was crucified, a centurion stabbed him in the flank with a spear. The centurion was called Longinus. When the blood of **** dripped into Longinus' eyes, Longinus was converted in an instant, and then gave up his original status, became a monk, and possessed the ability to perform miracles. He was later posthumously recognized as a saint and called "Saint Longinus".

Note 2: About cutting the throat. The anatomical structure of the neck is that the trachea is in front (that is, the hard one where the Adam’s apple is located), and the carotid arteries on both sides are on both sides of the trachea. Most people will choose to wipe the neck directly in front, in fact, the trachea is cut. Jiang Li knew the anatomical structure here, and the carotid artery could not be accurately located in the darkness of nitrogen, so he cut deep and cut the trachea along with the carotid artery, causing serious injury. After the trachea leaks, people can't speak, which can also prevent Lian Qiao from hearing the cry for help. In addition, regarding the previous "hearing the sound of the conch", in fact, the sound similar to the tide heard by the conch on the ear is the echo of the blood flow of the blood vessels in the ear in the conch. I haven't personally heard the sound of blood rushing at close range, so I use this sound as an analogy...

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