Lian Qiao didn't cooperate, and there was another injury on the leg. Xu Rendong didn't dare to pull him hard, and was afraid that he would run away if he let go.

Iwami Chuan was rather leisurely, he took out a folding fan out of nowhere and fanned the wind slowly. He just followed Xu Rendong with a smile, without any intention of helping. Xu Rendong naturally wouldn't ask him for help.

After finally dragging Lian Qiao up to the second floor, Xu Rendong was exhausted. He dug out another rope from the mountaineering bag, intending to tie Lian Qiao to the colonnade temporarily. Lian Qiao refused to be tied and punched and kicked Xu Rendong. Xu Rendong was patient at first, and tied him while avoiding domestic violence. However, Lian Qiao struggled so hard that the rope could not be tied at all, and Xu Rendong had several teeth marks on his arm.

Xu Rendong suddenly got angry and took out a crowbar to knock Lian Qiao unconscious. With a plop, Lian Qiao fell to the ground. Xu Rendong dropped the crowbar and clapped his hands, the whole person felt comfortable.

Ishi Jianchuan was stunned: "...I can't tell, you're pretty ruthless."

Xu Rendong glanced at him, turned her head and left without speaking.

Ishi Jian Chuan Shi Shiran followed: "Where are you going?"

Xu Rendong: "Looking for a stool."

"Oh, you can't reach the lantern." Ishigami said with a smile, "Why don't you ask me for help? I can carry you up."

Xu Rendong: "..." He really didn't want to pay attention to this person, so he walked forward without looking back.

There are stools in the guest room. However, Xu Rendong circled around the second floor, but found that there was no guest room on this floor. On the entire second floor, except for a kitchen and a public thatched hut, there is no room.

"Everyone on this floor is dead." Ishimi Chuan said while shaking his fan, "The guest room disappeared along with the corpse."

Xu Rendong said: "Then go upstairs." Then he turned and walked towards the stairs.

"That's right." Ishigami asked suddenly, "What's in the ancestral hall?"

Xu Rendong was taken aback for a moment, thinking how did you know I had entered the ancestral hall. But he didn't want to be passive in front of Shi Jianchuan, so he asked indifferently, "Why did you ask me this?"

Ishimi Chuan sighed: "Stop pretending. I've already distracted the old lady for you, so I'm always qualified to ask a question, right?"

Xu Rendong was surprised: "What do you mean 'lead me away'? When did I ask you?"

Ishimi Chuan shook his head: "After I gave you a reminder last night, haven't you been walking around the door of the ancestral hall? It's a pity that the old lady is guarding the door, so you can't get in."

"Why are you helping me?"

"It is for you and for myself. I also want to know what is in the ancestral hall."

"Then why do you think I will tell you?"

Ishi Jianchuan smiled: "You and I have no conflict of interest. We all want to live, don't we?"

Xu Rendong was silent. Ishigami said again: "I also took the candle on your third floor. If I hadn't kindly reminded you, how would you have noticed that the candle is a key prop?"

Sure enough…

Xu Rendong had previously guessed that if the candles on the third floor disappeared, it might be Iwami Chuan hinting at him. He just didn't understand why Shi Jianchuan wanted to help him. Also, since you want to help, why don't you just say it outright, and you have to do these tricks.

Iwami Chuan is really unpredictable. Xu Rendong's inner vigilance towards him increased by another point.

Having said that, the experience in the ancestral hall can be told to him. So the two walked back and talked about things.

However, when Xu Rendong returned to the stairway, he was horrified - even Joe was gone!

Xu Rendong thumped in his head. He looked around, everything was clean, there was no sign of a fight, but Lian Qiao was nowhere to be seen.

"Run?" Ishimi Chuan closed the folding fan with a "pop", and his expression became serious.

Xu Rendong couldn't care about anything else at this time, and said quickly: "I'll go to the kitchen to have a look, you help me go upstairs to find it!" After saying that, the person ran towards the kitchen.

There was a "OK" from behind, Ishi Jianchuan was already upstairs.

The kitchen is on the other side of the circular earth building. As Xu Rendong ran wildly, he scolded himself in his heart: How could I forget to tie up Lian Qiao!

Of course even Joe ran away when he woke up! This is bad!

How could he be so ignorant!

Xu Rendong was so upset that she ran to the kitchen door and saw the familiar figure in a casual sweater. She was finally relieved, followed by surprise.

Lian Joe is eating!

What is he eating? !

Xu Rendong rushed in and broke Lian Qiao's body. I saw Lian Qiao's hands bound, holding a large piece of rotten meat in his hands, trying to stuff it into his mouth.

"Don't eat it!" Xu Rendong roared and grabbed the rotten meat.

"Hmm!" Lian Qiao was suddenly deprived of food, and fury flashed in his eyes. Soon, however, his attention was drawn to other foods on the stove.

He grabbed a large lobster and snapped its head off. The lobster's body had rotted into a pool of water, and the viscous yellow-green slurry was dripping down. Lian Qiao was very excited, raised the lobster shell with bright eyes, opened his mouth and poured it in.

Xu Rendong hurried to **** it, but this time Lian Qiao was very good at it. Before his hand touched the lobster shell, he raised his foot and kicked Xu Rendong hard, actually knocking Xu Rendong Kicked out several meters.

Lian Qiao lost his mind, this kick was not serious. Xu Rendong only felt that his internal organs were twisted together, and he couldn't get up for a long time while covering his stomach.

" fucking..." Xu Rendong was angry, took out a crowbar, and was about to knock Lian Qiao dizzy by repeating the same trick, when the corner of his eye suddenly caught something. His heart skipped a beat, his instinctive reaction was faster than his thinking, and his body was already thrown out.

"Be careful!" He pounced on Lian Qiao and pressed Lian Qiao down.

At the same time, his back cooled - he clearly felt the muscle fibers being torn.

"Hmm!" He and Lian Qiao fell heavily to the ground. Only then did the pain come slowly.

A large piece of meat was torn off from the back of Xu Rendong's back. However, he didn't have time to look at the wound at all, because he felt that the thing behind him lunged at him again!

Lian Qiao still held the lobster shell and refused to let go, with an intoxicated look on his face. Xu Rendong endured the severe back pain, hugged Lian Qiao tightly and rolled on the spot. Hearing a muffled sound beside him, the thing flew into the air and hit the ground heavily.

Xu Rendong tried her best to pull Lian Qiao up from the ground, and retreated while pulling. With the sunlight coming in from outside the door, he could see clearly that the one who attacked him was a monster as tall as a person.

It was a greenish murloc. The fish head is huge, and the two fish eyes are flat inlaid on both sides of the head, looking dull. However, the wide open mouth was covered with sharp fangs, which made the scalp numb.

It missed a hit, and soon turned around and rushed again.

Xu Rendong dragged Lian Qiao left and right to dodge, very embarrassed. Pots and pans in the kitchen were knocked to the ground, ping-pong. He looked for a space and wanted to escape from the door. As soon as he stepped out, the momentum suddenly stopped.

At the same time, there is a severe pain in the left shoulder!

The stench of heat hit his neck, and he didn't have to look back to know that it was the murloc who bit him. As soon as Xu Rendong gritted his teeth, he pushed Lian Qiao out of the door with all his might, picked up the crowbar and swung it back at the murloc.

Lian Qiao fell heavily to the ground. The fall seemed to make him sober, but he still didn't regain his senses. He just sat on the ground and stared blankly at Xu Rendong.

"Go!" Xu Rendong shouted.

Even Joe turned a deaf ear, but stood up and walked slowly towards the kitchen.

Xu Rendong hit the murloc head with a crowbar, but the murloc's skin was as hard as a crocodile, and the crowbar rattled, but the murloc never let go.

Xu Rendong almost fainted from the pain, but did not dare to be careless for a moment. As soon as he got out, he stabbed the crowbar into the murloc's eyes. The murloc was chewing raw meat, his eyes were suddenly hit hard, and he was furious. The sharp webbed claws waved wildly, Xu Rendong clutched the wound and just took a step, and was immediately grabbed back in front of him.

Seeing a mouthful of fangs biting towards him, Xu Rendong raised a crowbar in front of him. However, the crowbar was bitten off by the murloc!

The murloc spit out the crowbar and slapped Xu Rendong on the forehead. The front claws were thick and thick like bear paws. This time, Xu Rendong turned his whole body over and hit the ground heavily. Immediately, his eyes turned black and he couldn't stand up.

"Lian Qiao..." Xu Rendong, with blood in his mouth, called Lian Qiao for help vaguely, but got no response. He struggled to get up, but the next second, the dark green murloc appeared in front of him again. He only felt that his chest and thighs were under heavy pressure at the same time. The murloc fixed him with two thick front claws, opened his mouth full of fangs, and quickly bit his stomach!

No pain at first. It was not until the murloc raised his head, with a flesh-pink intestine hanging from the corner of his mouth, that he felt severe pain, and his whole body began to tremble.

He grabbed the murloc's front paws, desperately trying to move it away from his chest. However, the murloc remained motionless, and even lowered his head again, biting into his internal organs.

It hurts!

The sound of chewing raw meat fills my ears. Xu Rendong's body was convulsed with pain, and the ground in front of him turned black, but he was still trying to roll his eyes to find Lian Qiao's figure.

Finally, he saw Lian Joe—in front of a cauldron.

I don't know what was in the pot, and Lian Qiao was stuffing the contents of the pot into his mouth one by one. He didn't look here from beginning to end, even though Xu Rendong was being tortured like Ling Chi, he didn't look back.

Xu Rendong was a little funny in despair.

Why are you so greedy? I'm about to be eaten, and you're still eating alone behind my back.

Xu Rendong was in so much pain that she could not scream, only the sound of gasping from the depths of her throat. The murloc gnawed wildly in his stomach, pushing his body to move. And he couldn't even struggle.

It took all his strength to endure the pain.

At this moment, the murloc on his body seemed to notice something and suddenly stopped eating. It raised its head and looked back in confusion. In a blink of an eye, its entire body flew up and slammed into the wall!

Xu Rendong turned her head with difficulty and saw a figure in a Tang suit at the door.

"I should have come to the kitchen if I knew earlier." Shi Jianchuan sighed, and glanced at Xu Rendong pitifully. Immediately afterwards, he took out something from his arms and threw it at Lian Qiao.

Xu Rendong vaguely knew what he was throwing at Lian Qiao, but he had no strength to stop it. A few shadows flashed quickly in front of my eyes, and something flew around. He couldn't see clearly, and only heard the murloc roaring, fighting with something.

Not long after, the huge body of the murloc fell to the ground, and the surroundings became quiet.

Xu Rendong heard someone vomiting. The man vomited so badly that he almost vomited out his bile. But then, the man rushed to his side and called him in a hoarse voice:

"Honeysuckle! You..."

Xu Rendong turned his eyes slightly and saw a panicked face.

Lian Qiao still had dirty vomit standing at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were red, his whole body was shaking, and he looked very embarrassed.

Iwasumi bent down to check his injuries. In fact, just by looking at the intestines and blood flowing all over the floor, he knew that he was helpless. But Ishi Jianchuan didn't say it in front of Lian Qiao, just patted him on the shoulder.

Lian Qiao picked up Xu Rendong from the ground. The blood quickly soaked Lian Qiao's clothes and trousers, and he found in despair that Xu Rendong's body had become so light, his shoulders were bitten to expose the bones, and there was a big hole in his stomach. The gnawed internal organs leaked out of the stomach, and the blood gurgled, which could not be stopped.

He hugged Xu Rendong tightly, his voice trembling.

"What happened, why is this... Honeysuckle... Honeysuckle..."

Xu Rendong's lips moved, and she wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound.

"What did you say?" Lian Qiao hurriedly put his ear to his lips, and heard a whisper.

" me..."

Lian Qiao trembled all over, with a look of severe pain in his eyes: "No...don't..." His voice was choked, and the whole person was shaking, "You don't want to die...don't..."

Xu Rendong gasped hard. His injuries were lifeless, but the pain was so intense that he couldn't even pass out. He didn't know how long this torture would last, he couldn't bear it for a second.

It really hurts. Pain all over.

Why not yet?

"Help him end the pain." Ishi Jianchuan took out a dagger from nowhere, "If you can't do it, I can help you."

Xu Rendong turned her face slightly and cast a grateful look at Ishijian Chuan.

"...No need." Lian Qiao suddenly seemed to be a different person, and said in a cold voice, "I'll come."

When Lian Qiao took the dagger, Xu Rendong suddenly thought: Is this too cruel?

Is it too cruel for Lian Qiao to kill him with his own hands?

In the blink of an eye, Lian Qiao had put him on the ground, raised his dagger high, and stabbed him in the heart!

The chill invaded, and the fragile heart burst instantly. Xu Rendong's pupils shrank suddenly, and at the moment when his life passed away, Lian Qiao's face was clearly reflected in his pupils.

Eyes full of murderous intent.

Deja Vu.

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