The woman sneered, she had the ability to deter pupils, and it was impossible for such a little kid in front of her to resist it.

But at this moment......

But at this moment, a Molotov cocktail suddenly fell to the ground, made a crisp sound, and then suddenly cracked, and the flames burst into flames.

The little fat man ran and said, "It's like my mother, and you scare me like my mother, who do you think you are?" The

corners of the woman's eyes jumped, age is definitely a weapon that can cause a woman's anger.

"Xuanmei, slaughtered him. The person who first attacked Ye Sha seemed to be the leader, and said decisively: "Don't let him make trouble." The

woman nodded, and immediately sprang forward, chasing after the little fat man.

The little fat man opened his backpack and looked at it, there were four bombs and three Molotov cocktails, because he had reached the limit against the zombie horde.

The little fat man took a deep breath, looked at Ye Sha and muttered, "I can only do so much for you, whether you live or not depends on yourself."

As he spoke, the little fat man took out a bomb and threw it at the woman, continuing to attract the woman's attention, the only thing he could do was to help Ye Sha contain at least one person.

At the same time, Ye Sha's neck was still wearing a rope sleeve, and with the continuous pulling of the two people behind him, the rope sleeve became tighter and tighter, and Ye Sha's face also showed a look of pain.

Seeing that he had been dragged out of more than ten meters, Ye Sha suddenly stretched out his hand.

Ye Sha's left hand reached out, grabbed a pillar of a building on the side, and forcibly stopped his body with a terrifying grip, but the other party was still pulling the rope, intending to strangle Ye Sha to death.

It's just that Ye Sha also reacted very quickly, and as the other party continued to pull the rope, the rope was suddenly pulled straight, Ye Sha quickly pulled out the Alaskan whaling fork, swept it back, and cut the rope.

"Cough, cough ......"

In the next moment, Ye Sha immediately felt his neck loosen, pulled the rope sleeve hard and threw it aside, coughing continuously, gasping for breath, only at this time can he feel how luxurious the fresh air is.

However, the other party obviously didn't give Ye Sha much respite, and immediately surrounded him again and attacked Ye Sha.

Ye Cha pulled out the silver thorns, and shot forward!

Bang, bang!

Two shots in succession, the silver bullet flew out, flashing in the night.

But in the next moment, Ye Sha's face showed a look of surprise, the other party suddenly waved the saber, and then with two crisp sounds, he directly used the saber to knock the two silver bullets away.

How strong is

the physical fitness? How fast does the reaction need to be? How fast does it need

to be?

The Ye Sha in the previous life can do it, but the Ye Sha in this life can't, because the physical fitness is not strengthened enough, although it has reached the level of inhumanity, it has not yet reached the level of being able to block bullets.

So, how did this guy in front of him do it?

Ye Sha never believed that someone could strengthen his physical fitness to this extent after only experiencing two death train platforms.

And at the moment when Ye Sha was surprised, the other party had already killed him, and the saber in his hand was slashed fiercely.


Sha brandished his silver scimitar and collided with the opponent's weapon.


Ye Sha showed a puzzled look, the opponent's attack speed was not as fast as he imagined, if he could block the bullet, then it would be absolutely impossible for him to block the opponent's blow.

Suddenly, an ability appeared in Ye Sha's mind, called bullet time.

The effect of this ability is that the speed of any bullet flying remains the same, but under the effect of bullet time, the bullet in the user's eyes will become very slow.

If the opponent has the ability to time bullets, it is said that they can block bullets in the past.

After all, if you want to block a bullet with physical fitness alone, you need to have a physical fitness of at least 10 points or more, and with the fact that you have only experienced two death train platforms, it is impossible for anyone to meet this standard.

At this time, Ye Sha suddenly felt a pain in his lower back, but it was the other two who came up and kicked Ye Sha's lower back.

Ye Sha staggered forward, and the saber of the man in front of him swept and slashed across Ye Sha's chest.

With a hiss, the clothes in front of Ye Sha were torn.

Ye Cha touched his fingertips, and his fingertips became a little red.

The smell of blood slowly spread through the air.


One, two, three ......

Ye Sha recognized the person in the lead, brandished the silver scimitar, and kept pressing at the other party, ignoring the remaining two at all.

When the long, when the long, when the ......

The crisp metal resonance continued to sound, and the opponent's skills were also quite extraordinary, constantly dancing the saber to block the attack.

It's just that the weight and quality of the saber can't be compared to the silver scimitar in Ye Sha's hand.

Finally, after a metal collision sound, the opponent's saber was picked up by Ye Sha.

However, at this moment, ......


two people behind him finally found an opportunity to kill, and one of them took out a dagger and stabbed directly into Ye Sha's waist.

Ye Sha's face was hideous, and he turned around suddenly, and the silver scimitar brought out a silver glow.

Poof! The

silver blade slashed directly into the opponent's neck, splitting the opponent's neck in half, and the man's eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person fell to the ground with a thud.

The other person seemed to be frightened and fell into a short period of sluggishness, but it was only for a moment, and then he came back to his senses and immediately stabbed Ye Sha with a knife, but Ye Sha didn't have the slightest intention of dodging.


Ye Sha's front waist was stabbed again, and then the expression on Ye Sha's face became more and more hideous.

The silver scimitar in his hand was raised violently and fell fiercely forward.


Ye Sha turned around, looked at the person leading the other party, gritted his teeth, pulled out the two daggers inserted in his body, threw them on the ground casually and said: "The person who assassinated me in the cherry blossom forest is in the same group as you, who are you?"

Ye Sha killed one person and severely injured one person.

The guy who was hit hard didn't care for the time being, he just broke an arm and couldn't die for the time being, but the other one who was cut off by Ye Sha couldn't die anymore.

However, there are no hints of mysterious sounds, no hints of kills, and no items obtained.

The mysterious voice seemed to ignore the battle,

just like the guy that Ye Cha had slaughtered in the cherry blossom forest earlier!

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