Ye Cha began to search the car, knocking on the glass window, and using the sound to attract the zombies inside.

However, Ye Cha did not kill those zombies.

If you really pass through the air, you will be infected with the zombie virus, Ye Sha doesn't know if he has been hit, it is useful to keep these zombies, in case he is really infected, stab the zombies with an Alaskan whaling fork a few times can use bloodsucking to heal and detoxify.

Of course, Ye Cha also has a bottle of antidote in his backpack in case he needs it.

Otherwise, in this case, the first thing to do is to turn around and run, and leave this damn place immediately, and the second thing is to kneel down and pray that you will not be infected by the zombie virus.

One, two, three ......

Ye Cha carefully looked at all nine cars, but found nothing, there were only ordinary zombies inside, no mutated zombies.

However, ordinary zombies definitely do not have the ability to spread viruses through the air and infect others.

"Where the hell did you go?" Ye

Cha muttered, and then planned to use the killer weapon to put on the Xingyao goggles.

Unless the mutated zombie is already far away from here, as long as it is moving, the Starlight Goggles will be able to find the other party.

Ye Sha paced slowly, using the Xingyao goggles to search, intending to re-look at the nine cars.

Walking back to the side of the original minibus, Ye Sha's eyes suddenly lit up, and a red shadow appeared on the Xingyao goggles, not above the minibus, but at the bottom of the minibus.

The zombies on the minibus have been killed by Ye Cha, and theoretically there should not be a red shadow, let alone at the bottom of the car.

Ye Cha lay directly on the ground, and looked at the bottom of the minibus, but found nothing.

Ye Sha thought for a while, then took out the colorful clouds to cover the moon, took out a metal bar, and threw it into the bottom of the minibus, and then stepped on the minibus and jumped, turning over and climbing directly onto the roof of the minibus.

Ye Sha stood on the roof of the bus, carefully observing the surroundings of the minibus.

Soon, thick smoke drifted from all sides of the car.

If there are zombies hiding under the car, the smoke from the clouds will hurt them, so it is possible to force them out.

Ye Sha stared carefully, and for about half a minute, in the Xingyao goggles, the red light suddenly moved.

Ye Sha soon noticed that there was a gap in the smoke, and then a small snake suddenly burst out.

The little snake was really small, only about the thickness of a tail finger, about 20 centimeters long, swimming on the ground, very fast, and the overall look was no different from an ordinary snake.

However, above the head of the little snake was a red flower with black spots on the petals.

Vaguely, Ye Sha could smell some fragrance coming from the air, a little familiar, like the fragrance of jasmine mixed with the fragrance of osmanthus.

Ye Cha involuntarily froze for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, and said in astonishment: "Corpse flower?" Ye Cha

felt that the taste was familiar, because the corpse flower he cultivated could also emit a fragrance, which was somewhat similar to the fragrance now, but it was obviously much lighter, not so strong.

"Is this an ancient species, or a mutated zombie?" Ye Sha frowned and said: "It can spread the zombie virus, it should be a mutant zombie, right?" However, how to mutate to make a snake's head grow a corpse flower?"

Ye Cha frowned, because of the memory of the previous life, Ye Cha knew a lot of mutant zombies and ancient species.

But it is impossible for Ye Sha to know all the mutated zombies and ancient species, such as the little snake with a corpse flower on its head right now, which is beyond Ye Sha's cognition.

Ye Sha dared to guarantee that he had never seen this guy in his previous life, not even a similar one.

However, Ye Sha's stunned and stunned were only for a moment.

It doesn't matter how corpse flowers grow on its head, whether it has seen it or not.


, the last days are as simple as killing or being killed.

Ye Sha immediately pulled out the silver thorn and shot at the little snake.

Bang, bang, bang......

Ye Sha pulled the trigger continuously, and when the magazine was emptied, he regretted his decision.

That little snake is not much thicker than a bullet, and shooting at such a small thing, even if he trains his shooting proficiency to the master level, I am afraid it will be useless at all.

After Ye Sha understood his mistake, he immediately made changes, quickly ran on the roof of the car, and then took off the Black Hawk compound bow, raised his hand and put a burning arrow on the string.


! The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, Ye Sha shot an arrow to the ground in front of the little snake, and after the arrow pierced into the ground, the flames immediately burned, and quickly opened to both sides, forming a wall of fire.

The little snake didn't seem to dare to go directly through the wall of fire, and turned around twice in front of the wall of fire, and suddenly swam in other directions.

Ye Sha's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had discovered the weakness of the little snake in front of him, which was flames.

Ye Cha even thought of the corpse flower and was afraid of flames, and the little snake had a corpse flower on its head, so being afraid of flames might be what the two had in common.

Ye Sha thought so, and quickly put it into action.

Ye Sha quickly drew the flaming arrow again, and then shot it forward quickly.

The flaming arrows landed exactly around the little snake, and the burning wall of fire trapped the little snake in the center.

Ye Sha had no intention of stopping, because the first wall of fire began to go out, and there were no flammable substances around, and the flames were difficult to burn for a long time.

Three arrows shot out again, and Ye Sha set up a second layer of fire wall in the outer circle of the wall of fire, and trapped the little snake on top of each other.

Then, Ye Sha took out the Red Flame Explosive Bomb, pulled out a crystal bar, and threw it directly into the center of the wall of fire, which was where the little snake was.


The red flame bomb hit the ground, exploded quickly, rolled up the flames and churned, rolling like a wave, and quickly engulfed the little snake.

Ye Sha put down the Black Eagle Compound Bow, looked at the ball of fire, and then frowned slightly.

Ye Cha did not hear a mysterious voice appear, which meant that the little snake did not die from the explosion.

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly broke through the wall of fire, but it was the little snake that suddenly burst out, quickly broke through the wall of fire, and swam forward, but did not come in the direction of Ye Sha, but pounced on the corpse of a zombie.

The little snake pounced directly on the corpse of the zombie, twisted its body at the chest position of the corpse, and dug a bloody hole in the corpse, and then burrowed into the corpse of the zombie.

In the next moment, the corpse of the zombie continued to twitch and tremble, and then slowly climbed up from the ground.

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