death train

Chapter 102

Ye Cha looked up, looked at each other directly through the hole, and immediately jumped out from behind the cabinet.

As soon as the other side saw Ye Cha, he immediately raised his gun and was about to shoot, but he was kicked by Ye Cha on his wrist and kicked the gun away.

The next moment, ye Cha raised the silver thorns to shoot, the other side is also quite experienced, a direct grasp of Ye Cha's wrist, up.

Bang, bang, Bang

At this time, the leaf brake continuously pulled the trigger, but all hit the ceiling.

At the same time, the remaining two people have already run to the door, take the gun to aim, but ye Cha is entangled with their companions and can't aim at them at all. When the trigger goes down, they don't know who they will hit.

"Help." The man gritted his teeth and cried, "don't use a gun!"

One of them immediately put the gun back into the holster and killed him. One of them raised his foot and kicked Ye Cha's waist, kicking Ye Cha to a stagger.

Looking at the other side to rush up again, ye Cha took out the silver machete and swung it forward. A blade swept by, and directly cut the clothes on the other side's chest.

The last man saw that ye Cha was separated from his companion and immediately raised his hand to shoot. But at this time, a piece of wood suddenly flew over and directly hit him on the head. It was the good thing that the woman hiding in the corner did.

The man touched his forehead, then looked at his palm, but it was a touch of red.

"Smelly girl!" The man said angrily, "I'll see where you're going this time."

That person changed the target, toward the woman will pull the trigger, but at this time, ye Cha suddenly jumped out, a short body, a sweep leg, to hook the person to the ground, and then the other hand's pistol to kick out.

However, just as ye Cha put the man down, he got another foot on his back. He staggered forward two steps to stabilize his figure, and then turned to confront the three.

"Boy, meddling, usually doesn't come to a good end." One of them glared at Ye Cha and said: "you are looking for death!"

The leaf Cha sneers a, hooked hook hand to point a way: "don't talk nonsense, three together up."

"You asked for it!"

That person drank a, a sweep then toward leaf Cha kick, at the same time, the other two people at the same time a left and a right attack to leaf cha.


Ye Cha raised his arm directly to block one foot, then met the other two people, stepped forward with one foot, kicked one person in the chest, and kicked the person straight out. As like as two peas,

immediately pulled the last person on the leaf, and tightened his muscles, and then he shook his head hard. Then he gave his hand a blow and threw it to the ground.

A mouth, the other side spit out a mouthful of blood, but also with two teeth.

Previously, everyone was using a gun, but ye Cha's physical quality couldn't be brought into full play. Now the three men are fighting hand to hand, and the advantages of Ye Cha's physical quality appear.

It can be seen that the three men are also armed with fighting skills. I don't know whether they can do it by themselves or bought it from the death train. Their skills are no worse than those of Ye cha.

However, ye Cha is more resistant to beating than his opponent, and his fist is harder than his opponent!


The first to turn over a person, ye Cha rushed forward, his shoulder sank, directly knocked a person down on the wall, the wooden wall directly "click" a big hole, ye Cha directly hit a person on the channel.

Another man picked up a chair from the ground and smashed it against the back of the leaf brake. With a crash, the chair split in an instant, but the leaf brake just tilted slightly, and then turned back without turning back.


The leaf Cha one foot kicks in the other party's lower abdomen, that person then facial expression iron blue, curled up like a shrimp.

After a short three or four rounds of fighting, the three found that if it was a hand to hand fight, the three were not ye Cha's opponents at all.

However, two of them had lost their guns. Only the last one put the gun in his waist. When he came back, he immediately put out his hand and pulled out his gun. But at this moment, yecha had already come.

After ye Cha's physical quality is strengthened, it's not only strength and fighting ability.

And speed!

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left arm suddenly came out. Before the man could raise his gun, he felt that he was hallucinating. A purple scale snake twisted his body in the air, then opened his mouth and bit his wrist.


With the sudden force of the leaf brake, the man's wrist bone was crushed and the pistol fell to the ground.


The scream sounded, and the man stepped back in succession, his face full of pain.

The leaf Cha didn't have the slightest hesitation, an arrow step up front and back, then is a foot pedal in the other side's chest.


The man stepped back in succession, then glared his eyes and looked down. After a broken wall, the wooden thorn hanging on the wall pierced his back directly, and then came out from his chest.

The tip of the thorn, the blood flowing constantly, dripping to the ground.The man agitated the laryngeal segment, seemed to want to say something, but in the end nothing can be said, so his head tilted, completely silent.

After killing one person, yecha also fought fiercer and fiercer in Vietnam, and then rushed to the second person. That person quickly raised his arm to protect himself. He was bombarded several times by yecha's set of combined fists, and then he began to feel numb in his arm. Yecha's fists were not so heavy.

At this time, another person suddenly flew from the back of the leaf brake, directly rushed to the back of the leaf brake, and threw the leaf brake to the ground.

After they fell to the ground, they rolled into a ball, and the other side firmly grasped Ye Cha's arm. When the other person saw that, he was also a tiger, and he held Ye Cha directly to prevent Ye Cha from getting up.


The leaf Cha low roars, the right arm that is caught fiercely sends a force, unexpectedly raised a person abruptly, immediately toward below mercilessly smash to fall.

After several times in a row, the man finally couldn't bear the impact, and his hands, wringing Ye Cha's right arm, couldn't help loosening.

Ye Cha broke free and immediately grabbed the guy holding his body with both hands. He grabbed the other side's head with one hand and clasped the other side's neck with the other hand. Then he twisted it hard.


Clear and crisp bone crack sound rings out, that person's head almost was twisted by leaf Cha to turn to come over, nature is dead, can't die again.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

The leaf Cha big mouth big mouth gasps, then shakes the body, walks toward the last person.

"No, don't kill me." That person is moving buttock, ceaseless retreat, wave a hand way: "you let me do what go, don't kill me."

Ye Cha stepped on each other's chest and said, "didn't you just say that I wanted to die?"

"My mouth is cheap, my mouth is cheap." The man raised his hand and began to slap his cheek and said, "just let me go..."

The man's voice is not over, suddenly picked up a wood thorn from the ground, suddenly burst up, toward the leaf Cha's belly then forced to stab over.

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