death train

Chapter 104

"Is it a hidden mission?"

The three missions must have nothing to do with the so-called Cherry Valley, but since you need to go through the secret road to get there, it's probably not an ordinary place.

The leaf Cha pondered a way: "how do you go there?"

Xia Youran said: "I accidentally entered before forming a team with the three people. I wanted to find a safe place, so I used the hypnotic bell to walk through a zombie gathering place, and then found the secret road behind a wall."

Ye Cha thought for a while and then said, "do you want to exchange this information with me and let me protect you?"

Xia leisurely nodded.

Ye Cha said, "what if there is no secret in that place?"


Xia Youran chokes. Although he knows the secret, how can he guarantee that there must be something fishy in that place.

Ye Cha said: "if there is anything in Cherry Valley, as a trade, I can help you through the death carriage battle. If there is nothing in that place, you can go away by yourself, OK?"

Xia leisurely silent for a while, gritted his teeth and nodded: "yes."

Ye Cha said, "then follow me first."

Ye Cha and Xia Youran leave the room and return to the props warehouse under the city building.

When the little fat man saw Xia leisurely, he was stunned and said, "aren't you looking for food? How did you get a woman back? "

Ye Cha asked Xia Youran to tell the story of Cherry Valley again, but Xia Youran was obviously not stupid. He didn't tell the truth, but used obscure words, such as secret Road, city wall, but didn't say which city wall was, the location of secret road and so on.

However, in Ye Cha's view, it's just cleverness.

If ye Cha really wants to know the location of Sakura Valley, he can turn over and kill Xia Youran after Xia Youran takes him to the place.

Of course, ye Cha doesn't plan to do this. He has the most basic bottom line. Since it's a trade, if there is anything in Cherry Valley, ye Cha can send Xia Youran through the death carriage battle.

The survival quota of the corpse flower is for ye Cha himself. The survival quota of the ghost face general is for the little fat man, but it's not the survival quota of the primary body of the mutated plant disease. Moreover, it's the simplest. Just go down to the river and get it.

Of course, ye Cha is because he knows the place. Naturally, it is simple.

If other people want to know the location, they need to find a lot of clues before they can determine the location. It's no easier than killing the corpse flower and the ghost face general.

After listening to Xia leisurely's narration, the little fat man said, "so, do you want to go to the cherry valley with her?"

Ye Cha nodded.

The little fat man said, "Why are you not afraid of death? Can't you honestly fight through the death carriage? What if there is any danger there that can't cope with? "

Ye Cha said with a smile: "people who are afraid of death usually don't live long, and those who are not afraid of death have a hard life."

The little fat man waved his hand and said, "now I think it's a mistake to form a team with you. It's more dangerous than when I'm alone."

Ye Cha thought and said, "you can not go until I come back."

"The little fat man was not happy and said:" don't think I'm so ungrateful, or I won't go. Since I decided to go, of course I want to follow

Ye Cha said, "if it's good, I'll take your share."

"Yes," said the little fat man

Xia Youran's share of nature is gone. It's her life money.

The little fat man picked up his things and said, "since I'm going, I'll leave as soon as possible."

Do you have enough of the brake

The little fat man said: "we should have done more, but if we go to Cherry Valley, we have to use it if we don't know how to make it. Let's go first. If we don't have enough corpse flowers, we'll find a place to nest and continue to make it."

"That's fine." Ye Cha said, "go first. Is it far from here?"

"Not far." Xia Youran said: "I wanted to run to the secret road to hide. They couldn't catch me, but I didn't expect to be caught up before I arrived, so I escaped here."

"Well." Ye Cha nodded and said, "let's go."

Ye Cha takes the lead to leave the tower, and then Xia Youran points to the rear of the tower and begins to show them the way.

In about half an hour, the three people came to a traditional Hefeng building with high walls and huge wooden doors. After entering the building, there was a large courtyard. After the courtyard, there were seven or eight huge buildings connected.

This basically belongs to the scale of Hexi manor.

Xia Youran took Ye Cha and the little fat man into the courtyard and said, "at that position, the brick of the wall can be removed. There is a passage inside. After passing through the passage, there are a lot of cherry blossoms out there. I call cherry valley there."

Ye Cha nodded, jumped to the wall, and then took out the silver machete to scrape the bricks. As expected, they were all loose, and fell down with a pry.

After prying off a piece of wall brick, Xia Youran's passage is exposed. It's dark and I can't see what's inside.Leaf Cha took the lead to drill in, and then stretched out his hand to Xia leisurely with little fat man to pull up.

Ye Cha said, "don't you say there are many zombies?"

Xia leisurely way: "in the exit position, here does not have."

Ye Cha nodded, took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight function. In the end, this thing was just for this purpose.

The passage is connected to the wall, so in the first section, where the wall extends, the passage goes.

However, even if the scale of Nahe style manor is not small, the horizontal wall is only 20 meters or 30 meters. Therefore, after passing the first section, the passage obviously begins to decline, and ye Cha estimates that it has probably entered the underground.

The little fat man's body is really choking. He'll soon be out of breath. It's really amazing that he can live to the present. Even if he can make bombs, he's burdened by his fat body. He'll be tired to death if he runs.

"This, this..." The little fat man gasped and stammered, "how far is it?"

Xia leisurely way: "last time I walked more than an hour."

The little fat man directly sat on the ground and said, "I'm so tired."

Ye Cha is also speechless. The standard physical fitness of a normal person is 3 points. If this little fat man doesn't take the medicine of strengthening body elements, his physical fitness won't be less than 1 point, will he?

The leaf Cha helpless way: "rest for a while, anyway also not urgent."

Ye Cha said while holding a bottle of water to the little fat man.

The little fat man gasped and drank water, then said, "it seems that I really need to exercise."

"No exercise." Ye Cha said: "there is a medicine to strengthen the physical fitness on the death train."

"Really?" the little fat man said excitedly? Is it expensive? "

Every time you take the medicine, it's not related to the strength of your body

The little fat man said, "finish talking."

Ye Cha said: "I think you have to drink ten times the amount of normal people to save."

Little fat man

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