death train

Chapter 1056

The pyrethroid didn't die on the spot. As ye Cha expected, this guy immediately curled up and hid in his back shell after he was badly injured.

But this obviously doesn't have much significance, because the back shell has been blasted out of the big hole by the leaf brake!


At the moment when the Ammonites hide in the shell, ye Cha suddenly puts out his sword.

When the sword comes out, the blade is cold!

The evil eye sword swept in front of Ye Cha's body and brought out a blood red sword.

The next moment, ye Cha suddenly jumped out of the sword.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

The edge of the sword came forward, and the bloody feeling seemed to fade in an instant, showing a trace of deep and cold. Everything between heaven and earth seemed to become quiet.

Then, with Ye Cha's sword tip out, the sword awn suddenly burst open.

One sword into 24!

Twenty four swords went forward, passed through the broken shell of the pyrethroid, and glared at the body of the pyrethroid.

Blood spattered out from the rupture of the back shell and scattered all over the floor.

"You killed the mutant pyrethroid, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: mucus."

The mysterious voice sounded at this time, announcing that ye Cha would kill the pyrethroid.

"Call it a day."

Ye Cha waved his hand and asked the consul to collect the saliva of the ammonites, which is the so-called mucus in the Apocalypse reward, and then walked back to Mu Jieyun.

Ye Cha said: "this ammonitid is likely to be an experimental product of CommScope. I got a hint from the mysterious voice that it's a mutant ammonitid, not a corpse. This means that the ammonitid is not infected with zombie virus, or it's not a conventional one. It's infected with zombie virus after death."

Mu Jieyun nodded and said, "if CommScope mainly injects zombie virus into inulin, it may cause mutation without death and corpse."

Yecha said: "if it is the study of ancient species, desert is indeed the most suitable site, because there are many ancient species here."

Mu Jie said, "I'll know when I enter the base tomorrow."

Ye Cha nodded, he suddenly looked forward to the desert base.


Naturally, the reason is that there are ancient species in his hands, such as corpse flower and little cat. They are all ancient species. If there is any research in CommScope's hands that can ensure the mutation of ancient species, then seizing them will also enhance their combat power.

Ye Cha and mu Jieyun go back to the cross-country car, simply eat something, and then have a rest.

No words all night!

The next day, ye Cha and mu Jieyun wake up and continue to drive.

From time to time, we can see some ancient species, most of which are insects. Black scorpions, sand worms and large salamanders are common.

But they are not very strong. The strongest ones are the sand crawlers and ammonites that they have met. They don't have much trouble in dealing with them. It takes a little time.

At the same time, yecha can also feel the reason why CommScope wants to study ancient species here, because there are many ancient species here.

Even though ancient species are common in wilderness areas, they are still rare. The number of ancient species in other wilderness areas is certainly less than that in this area.

The number of ancient species is enough, which naturally means that CommScope can get a large number of experimental bodies.

Of course, this has little to do with the leaf brake, because most of the ancient species can't cause him any trouble.

Before evening, they finally arrived near the desert hotel.

Yecha stood on the sand dune, looking at the desert hotel with a telescope. After observing for a long time, yecha put down his telescope and said, "there's something wrong with this hotel."

Mu Jieyun nodded and said, "well."

There are some problems in the desert hotel. You can see them without a telescope.

In the periphery of the desert hotel, put a protective fence, very simple wooden fence, pull wire at the interval, the wire is full of thorns, a relatively simple protection.

But the simplest protection is also protection. What does it mean? Of course, it means that there are people in the desert hotel. Otherwise, there won't be these, and they will be set up after the end of the world. Otherwise, who will do this outside the hotel?

In fact, yecha saw a lot of people through the telescope.

The entrance of the hotel, the front of the swimming pool and other places are standing fully armed people, dressed in desert camouflage, carrying guns, a fully armed look.

Everyone's walking around in a fixed area. It's supposed to be a patrol.

In addition, ye Cha also saw two armed helicopters standing on the edge of the swimming pool, which was definitely not something that the hotel had originally.

Even with the star standard of Desert Hotel, there must be helicopters, but they can't be armed helicopters. This is a hotel, not a military area.

Mu Jie said, "it seems that we have to sneak in again."

Ye Cha said: "it's much less difficult than sneaking into the world tower. There are flaws everywhere."

Yecha is telling the truth, but it has nothing to do with the security level of CommScope's plan and the ability of armed personnel.But desert hotel adopts the structure of Villa Hotel. The structure of this kind of hotel is similar to that of resort, which is completely open structure.

Therefore, unless people are surrounded closely, they can't care about it at all. It's too easy to get into it.

Mu Jieyun said: "but the problem is that it doesn't make much sense to enter the desert hotel. We have to find out where the entrance and exit are. There are so many houses here. Any house may have a passage to the ground."

Ye Cha knocks on his forehead, which is really a trouble. It's impossible to search one room after another. Although it's easy to sneak in, it doesn't mean that he can walk around without being found.

After all, the armed men are not wooden.

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "I'll solve this problem, but it may take some time."

The corpse flower hasn't arrived yet, and the way for ye Cha to solve this problem is corpse flower. In case of no choice, let corpse flower directly open a passage to the underground.

Of course, this is one of the most difficult ways. It's very likely to disturb the other party. The best way is to sneak in and find the Seabuckthorn skeleton specimen. The next thing is relatively simple.

It's OK to steal it or kill it. However, it's not a wise choice to disturb the other party before finding the Seabuckthorn skeleton. After all, it will make it more difficult for yecha to find the Seabuckthorn skeleton.

But anyway, ye Cha still hopes to wait until Shi Hua arrives. At present, he has no other way to find out where the entrance to the desert base is.

"Watch carefully first." Ye Cha said: "if the entrance is outside the hotel, we may be able to see it directly, although it is not likely."

Mu Jieyun thought and said, "I can dive in at night several times and spend more time looking for it. Maybe I can find it?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "OK, let's do it."

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