death train

Chapter 1061

Ye Cha went to Leiya and said, "I know what skills you guys have in cleaning up the army. If you really want to kill me, please be serious."

The leaf Cha side says, at the same time at will of clothes to smooth.

"This kind of soft and weak fist..." Ye Cha said: "don't use it as a joke."

Leilia's face was heavy, and then she inhaled deeply.


The next moment, Leah suddenly raised her head and roared.

Leilia's body, issued a "click" sound, like peas in general, and then the very slender body, now pulled up a section.

Poof, poof!

On the back of leilia's hand, two slits were suddenly opened, and two crescent shaped bone knives wrapped with meat film grew out of the slits. At the same time, her eyes became dark blue and filled with white.

It seems that lailia's degree of corpse is not deep, except for height, bone knife, and the change of eye white, there are no other characteristics of corpse.

The corpse transformation of CommScope company is based on the alien human.

However, one is a natural evolution, and there is no sequelae except for the morphological change into an organic body more suitable for fighting.

But the artificial corpse, then has the sequela, may die, may become the zombie.

Of course, CommScope's research in this area has made great progress. It is the best proof that these army sweepers can maintain their self-consciousness for a certain period of time and fight after being corpsed.

At the same time, there are some similarities or the same characteristics between the two.

For example, the degree of corpse.

The more thorough the corpse is, the less human it is, and the more monster it is, the stronger it is. This one can also be used in artificial corpse.

So, it seems that leilia is not very strong.

The degree of his corpse is too weak, basically still maintain the human form, and not much change.

But the next moment

Leiya's figure suddenly disappeared, then disappeared from under the eyelids of Ye cha.

The leaf brake can't help but shrink the pupil, very fast speed.

At the same time, Leiya suddenly appeared behind the leaf brake, swept fiercely and kicked towards the leaf brake.


Ye Cha raised his arm and took Leiya's sweeping. He took two steps toward the side.

Leilia's strength has also improved, but compared with leilia's speed, the improvement of this strength is limited.

At the moment of Leiya's strike, Leiya's figure disappeared again, and then appeared behind yecha again. He raised his arm and waved it down, and the bone blade fell towards yecha.

Listening to the sound of the wind breaking from behind, ye Cha immediately twisted his body and jumped away towards the rear to distance himself from Leiya.

After landing, ye Cha looked down at his chest. His clothes were cut open. Although he didn't hurt himself, as long as he was half an inch deeper, his chest would be cut open.

Leiya doesn't seem to want to give yecha any chance to breathe. She leans forward and continues to run forward.

Leilia's running posture is very strange. Her arms fall down and don't swing. It's very difficult to keep her balance, and leilia's body leans forward almost parallel to the ground.

This way of running, if it is a normal person, just afraid of the moment to fall to the ground.

But leilia's body is stable.

Leiya's body seemed to disappear and appear suddenly in yecha's eyes. Every time, Leiya's body would approach itself.

In a moment, Leiya came to the leaf brake again. As soon as she extended her arm, the bone blade fell down towards the leaf brake again.


Leaf Cha will centipede sword a horizontal, with the crescent shaped bone blade together, again issued a clear cross song.

When he failed to hit the target, Leiya didn't care. He didn't mean to suppress the leaf brake. Instead, he flashed around the leaf brake and waved his arm again.


Ye Cha quickly turned around, but he was still a step slow. The bone blade was almost close to the centipede sword and swept under Ye Cha's ribs. Then the dull sound of sharp weapon entering the meat suddenly appeared.

Ye Cha quickly stepped back and looked down. He was cut out of a wound under his rib, and the blood had seeped out of his clothes.

Then, ye Cha looks up.

Leilia appeared in front of him again.


Leilia opened her mouth, yelled and raised her arm forward.


Ye Cha raised the centipede sword again and stopped the bone blade.

After the collision of weapons, leilia did not choose to retreat, or continue to swim, but madly forward.Ye Cha's face is expressionless, constantly retreating, trying to take off Leiya's power and break free from the attack of the other side, but it has not been successful.

Until the corner of the wall, ye Cha suddenly raised his leg backward, stepped on the wall and resisted his body, which made Leiya stop.

Leilia clenched her teeth, pressed the bone blade forward bit by bit, and then raised her left arm. Under the light, the bone blade of the left arm flickered with a cold light.

But at this time, ye Cha suddenly laughed and said: "it seems that your corpse transformation is mainly aimed at speed, right?"

Leiya did not answer, or had no intention to talk with yecha at all. The corpse state could not be maintained for a long time. In other words, the longer it was maintained, the more serious the sequelae would be.

Therefore, it is the best choice to solve the battle as soon as possible, and then inject medicine to restore the appearance of human beings. If it takes too long, maybe it will not recover after injecting medicine.

The end can be imagined. Leilia knows this very well.

So, the next moment, the bone blade of Leiya's left arm fell down, and cut it down towards yecha's forehead.

This is a must kill blow. Leiya just wants to kill yecha. He wants to kill yecha in a fatal position.


The leaf brake is gone!

Leilia's pupil can't help shrinking, showing the incomparable consternation.

This picture is so familiar that Leiya is very familiar with it. Yes, it's just like Leiya's corpse, and the speed rises abruptly, which makes yecha feel that Leiya has disappeared.

Leah is feeling the same now!

Suddenly, ye Cha's voice rang out behind Leiya and said: "your luck is really bad. If you are corpsed in other ways, maybe it will cause me some trouble, but the speed is..."


Leilia fierce feeling behind ushered in a heavy blow, and then the whole person will hit the wall, the wall smashed into a piece, the body directly embedded in the inside.

Ye Cha's voice once again said, "and speed is just what I'm good at."

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