death train

Chapter 1066

The blade brake quickly dodged toward the side, the device fell to the ground, making a huge noise, the shell was completely twisted, the cable was dragged outside, and the electric arc was constantly emitting.

Scorpio's speed is very fast, it is hard to imagine that the huge body, as well as the half scorpion's body, how can have such a fast speed, because the Scorpio's body does not look so coordinated.

Yecha guessed that this is probably what Dr. Decker said. The experiment has not been completed yet. Scorpio is not in complete shape.

But this makes the leaf brake more cautious, short-term confrontation, leaf brake has seen that Scorpio is very strong, if this strong is not complete form.

Well, yecha thinks that Dr. Decker's experiment does seem to be a little scary. How strong will Scorpio be in full form?

Ye Cha has no answer. In fact, although Ye Cha feels the danger, it's just a short fight. It's still waiting to see how strong Ye Cha can be for Scorpio in its incomplete form.

At this time, Scorpio again came to the front of the leaf brake, waving scorpion pliers, a right, one after another toward the leaf brake.

Ye Cha dodged the first blow, and then turned the evil eye sword to block the second blow.

But in a moment

Scorpio behind the three scorpion tail suddenly swing, at the same time toward the leaf brake stabbed over.

The leaf Cha eyes tiny Lin, immediately toward the rear jump open.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three scorpion tail from the leaf brake in front of skim, and then mercilessly stab the ground, the ground to clean stab broken.

Leaf brake landing, but did not relax vigilance, because the Scorpio attack is not over.

As soon as the three scorpion tails stabbed into the ground, countless pieces of gravel flew up from the ground and fell towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha immediately waved his sword to meet him and chopped up the flying stones. But at this moment, a scorpion tail mixed in the stones and suddenly came out to stab Ye cha.

Leaf brake pupil a shrink, immediately quickly toward the side step out a step!

Ghost step!

Ye Cha's body moves quickly, suddenly disappears and suddenly appears. After the flash, it comes to the side of Scorpio.


Ye Cha stretched out his fingers and wiped them on his cheek, then looked at his fingers.

There are some blood stains on the fingertips. Even if the ghost step is used, Scorpio is even worse than himself. What makes Ye Cha's face more dignified is that the blood beads on the fingertips are black.


It's not necessarily zombie virus, but at least it's scorpion virus.

Ye Cha licks the corner of his mouth and looks at Scorpio fiercely. Then he rushes forward without hesitation. In the process of running, ye Cha shakes his hand and throws Wang Zhisheng's sword forward.


Scorpio roars in the direction of yecha, and then a scorpion tail sweeps forward like a whip, sweeping out the king's holy sword.

Wang Zhisheng's sword revolves in the air and then stabs into the ground.

However, the instant delay is enough for the blade brake.

Leaf cha in the king of the holy sword was swept away from the back of the moment, straight to Scorpio.


Yecha pulls out the Alaskan whaling fork and swims across Scorpio's waist without hesitation.

Poisoning is a troublesome thing. Although there are antidotes and other things, we must first find out whether it is zombie virus and what type of toxin it is.

Relatively speaking, it's not as simple as using Alaskan whaling fork's blood sucking cure.

But how many attacks can neutralize the toxin?

Ye Cha didn't know, so he decided to attack more times. Anyway, there was no harm.


The second dull sound of the sharp weapon entering the meat immediately followed. The Alaskan whaling fork rolled along yecha's wrist, showing great dexterity. Then yecha grasped the Alaskan whaling fork, but this time it turned into a reverse grip.

After sweeping by, yecha cuts a second wound on Scorpio's body. Then he spins his fingertips again. The Alaskan whaling fork turns half a circle. Yecha is holding the Alaskan whaling fork again.

Poof, poof, poof!

Leaf brake without the slightest pause, close to Scorpio's body, the Alaska whaling fork continuously poke into Scorpio's body.

It all seemed very complicated. Yecha even played with Alaskan whaling fork twice to change the knife.

But in fact, everything is very sudden and very fast. The dagger like Alaska whaling fork is small and flexible, with high attack frequency, and the speed of leaf brake is fast enough!

So, five attacks, plus two fancy knife changes, are actually only completed in just three or four seconds, Scorpio simply did not have time to make any response, the body will be a few more wounds.

This makes Scorpio very angry, and the three scorpion tails behind it squirm wildly. Two of them sweep around and form a gap up and down, which makes the leaf brake have no way to dodge and can only retreat.But at the moment when the leaf brake retreated, the third scorpion tail suddenly fell down and stabbed the face of the leaf brake.

Leaf Cha at the moment after jump but rise, still in the mid air, which hide of lead such a sudden attack.

Just, the complexion of the leaf Cha is very indifferent, just left that scorpion tail to be the same, and improper to return a responsibility.

Because ye Cha is not fighting alone!

Clank, clank!

The chain dragged across the ground, making a clear sound, and then two white chains condensed by white light came out from behind, like two poisonous snakes, swimming close to the ground.

The two light chains quickly entangled the Scorpio's tail, and then the archon tightened the light chain in the rear to prevent the Scorpio's attack.

Scorpio turns around and roars at the archon.

Leaf brake leg a song, again came to Scorpio's front way: "Hello, your enemy is here!"

Ye suddenly fiercely up the sword, evil eye sword with a red sword arc, in Scorpio's body again cut out a wound.

Because Scorpio's eyes on the consul, ye Cha's strike can be said to be a solid cut, leaving a half meter wound on Scorpio's chest, extending from the chest to the waist.

Poof, black blood sprayed out and fell all over the floor.

Scorpio angrily turns around and roars at the leaf brake, then raises the scorpion claw and smashes it down towards the leaf brake.


Ye Cha takes the attack with the evil eye sword, and then frowns. Scorpio seems to be stronger than before.

"Does anger make it strong?"

The leaf Cha disdains of smile, and then fiercely will evil eye sword up a top, Scorpio's scorpion pliers to shock open.

At the moment when the scorpion pincers are shaken open, the three scorpion tails of Scorpio move quickly again. However, before the scorpion pincers have time to attack, the consul will wave the chain and wrap it up again to tie the three scorpion pincers tightly.

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