death train

Chapter 1072

Scorpio toward the leaf brake roar, announced that he should fight, and then in the leaf brake rush up the moment, Scorpio will wave his scorpion pliers.


Ye Cha's fist collided with the scorpion pliers, and then the ground under them collapsed suddenly, and their bodies were cut directly.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, after his dragon, he was still a little fierce, but the power of Scorpio, Scorpio's second form, strong some terrible.

But finally barely able to resist, leaf brake teeth, refused to step back.

Also surprised was Dr. Decker, who was staring at the screen, who was so open that he could even tuck his fist in.

Dr. Decker is not surprised by the terror of Scorpio. This is a monster he created. How can Dr. Decker not know how powerful Scorpio is?

Dr. Decker was surprised at yecha.

Although the appearance of yecha is different, its shape is not different from that of normal human beings, and it has no magical power of brain region ability. There is no sign of corpse on the body, which means it is not a human alien.

Even yecha did not take or inject any medicine, which means that yecha's power does not come from zombie virus.

Just such a guy who looks like a human can be tough with Scorpio?

Dr. Decker's eyes are shining, showing incomparable madness. If he can command Scorpio, what Dr. Decker wants to do now is to capture Ye Cha alive, dissect Ye Cha and study Ye Cha's body structure.

Even, Dr. Decker had a more crazy idea. What would happen if he applied his experiment to the brake?

Yecha's body is a good experimental material. If the experiment is successful, what is Scorpio? Dr. Decker thinks that he will be able to create the most terrible creature in the end.


Just when Dr. Deke was daydreaming, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. Mu Jieyun burst in directly, holding a rifle in his hand and holding Dr. Deke's head.

"You should be the real person in charge here." Mu Jieyun said sternly: "let the monster stop and let people out."

"Monster? That man is a monster. It's a fight between monsters and monsters. " Dr. Decker didn't care that he was still staring at the barrel behind his head. He exclaimed, "it's a pity that I don't have a chance to see the end."

Mu Jieyun frowned and then said, "I want you to let people out."

Dr. Decker turned around, looked at mu Jieyun and said with a smile, "this beautiful young lady, do you think I would be afraid of death if I let other people leave this place, but I stayed? I'm 70 years old. Life and death don't threaten me. I just have some regrets. "

As he said this, Dr. Decker reached for mu Jieyun's wrist.

As Dr. Deke is old and frail, it's impossible to snatch the gun from mu Jieyun. But the problem is that mu Jieyun miscalculated some things.

Dr. Decker didn't want the gun at all. He wanted to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The muzzle of the gun suddenly burst into flames, and the bullet penetrated Dr. Decker's chest.

"Cough, cough..." Dr. Decker coughed, turned, looked at the screen and said, "it's a pity that we can't see the ending."

Dr. Decker knew he was going to die, or he didn't intend to live at all.

There are two copies of experimental data, one is paper and the other is electronic.

The paper data, Dr. Dirk, has been destroyed. The electronic data has been transmitted to the headquarters of CommScope. As for the backup of the data, Dr. Dirk has completely destroyed it a few minutes before mujieyun broke in.

But is that enough?

No, not enough!

Because, there is also a hidden experimental data.

The hidden experimental data is Dr. Decker himself. All the experimental contents and data are in Dr. Decker's mind.

Dr. Decker is very clear that these can't be obtained by Yasha, and people outside of CommScope can't copy their own experiments. Therefore, Dr. Decker is already ready to die.

Mu Jieyun could not threaten Dr. Deke with his life. As Dr. Deke said, he just had some regrets and could not see the end of the battle.

But it doesn't matter. Dr. Decker thinks that his experiment is successful, because of the existence of the experimental data, and one of the students he is optimistic about has moved away.

Dr. Decker believes that his experiment will be successful one day.

It will!

Dr. Decker felt that his vision became blurred, and he was becoming weak, so weak that he could not feel the pain in his chest, and then

With a plop, Dr. Decker fell to the ground.


On the other hand, the battle between yecha and Scorpio continues.

Boom, boom, boom!With the two men's fighting, the roar of the continuous ring.

Each step of the two people will crush the ground, and each time they punch, they can make the air vibrate violently.


Ye Cha's fists collided with Scorpio's claws again. The huge impact force made both of them step back.

However, Scorpio has three scorpion tails, which is the advantage of Scorpio.

At the moment of retreating, three scorpion tails came from behind, shining and stabbing towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha's eyes were cold. He looked at the scorpion tail stabbed by himself and suddenly grasped the evil eye sword again.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

Ye Cha suddenly put out his sword!

Although there was no intention of extermination, the air around seemed to be a little colder at the moment, like the moonlight falling from the dark night sky.

Sword out, sword light scattered!

Ye Cha put forward a sword. One sword is twenty-four swords.

Ye Cha's sword speed is extremely fast. Twenty four sword lights gather in a tiny space and stab forward continuously.

Jingle, jingle

A steady stream of crisp percussion sounds.

The sword light of yecha is very fast, but the scorpion tail of Scorpio is not slow either. It is waving constantly to meet the sword light of the moon night of the 24th bridge.

One by one, the sword light was broken by three scorpion tails, and the silver sword light turned into a silver halo, as if it was snowing.

Ye Cha's negative sword was standing five meters away with deep and solemn eyes.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge was followed.

So fierce a sword, unexpectedly was followed, 24 sword light all smash, Scorpio's second form, really strong terrible.

However, ye Cha was not upset.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge is so easy to pick up. Even though Scorpio is very strong, it will cost a lot to pick up the twenty-four sword lights.

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