death train

Chapter 1081

Although Ye Cha has many weapons, there are three lightsabers, but they all have some problems.

Needless to say, it's OK to use the things at the bottom of the box to chop the ordinary zombies. When it's time to fight a hard battle, if you don't use the magic sword or the tragic king, it's useless.

The centipede sword, which is made of steel armour evil centipede, is half the weight of Wang Zhisheng sword. The conventional combat is better than Wang Zhisheng sword. This is also the reason why Ye Cha can use the centipede sword.

But the problem is that the centipede sword is better than Wang Zhisheng's sword in fact. The lethality of both is not high. Wang Zhisheng's sword has magic sword and tragic King supporter. It can be used in the battle of life and death. It's a big move to press the bottom of the box.

centipede sword is simply tall in short suck, because Wang Zhi Sheng usually does not give strength to him. Ye Cha also uses this thing to make use of it.

What's more, ye Cha gave up the centipede sword and left it to Du Lingling. Unfortunately, Du Lingling failed to fight and kill people, so the centipede sword was returned.

Ye Cha was not so stingy, so he gave it. But at that time, Du Lingling was rewarded with the centipede sword as the purser's task. The rules of the death train should not be violated, so the centipede sword was forced back to Ye cha.

Later, in view of the summer, we all took action. We only gave Du Lingling the task of purser, and it was not appropriate to use the centipede sword as a reward.

However, now Du Lingling is helping Ye Cha with some lock affairs. Du Lingling is the most conscientious steward under Ye Cha's name. Ye Cha has been thinking about it all the time, finding a way to give Du Lingling a centipede sword.

The evil eye sword is very good. If we only look at the conventional combat, the sharpness of the evil eye sword, and the effect of the immortal sword, all make the evil eye sword far superior to the Wang Zhisheng sword and the centipede sword.

In fact, the main weapon Ye Cha used recently has always been the evil eye sword.

But the evil eye sword is doomed. Ye Cha is still counting on the sword skill brought by the last evil eye. Moreover, this is the real value of the evil eye sword.

Therefore, the evil eye sword is destined to be just a transitional weapon for ye cha.

Other non sword weapons, such as the decapitation knife, are very useful. But when it is necessary to destroy, the effect of the destroying blade is very good. It can also be regarded as a weapon used in a specific situation.

Moreover, the chopper is too huge, which means that it is not easy to use or convenient to use.

The Alaska whaling fork is almost useless now. It's too low-grade. The leaf brake has been used all the time. It's only used occasionally because it's cured by sucking blood.

Owls need night to work. They are also weapons used in specific situations.

Endless bow has nothing to say. It's the main weapon of yecha, but it's a long-range weapon. Yecha can't always use endless bow to strangle people's neck in melee combat?

As for the exterminator, there's nothing wrong with it. It's more versatile and the best conventional weapon. The ultimate exterminator and the heavy fist attached to the melee form are also very good moves.

But it's not enough to have exterminators!

Nanchaye really needs to think about it.

Ye Cha didn't know if Gan Lin knew so much about his own things, but he had to say that the sword fell in southern Xinjiang and hit Ye Cha's life gate.

If the last evil eye of the evil eye sword is used, the sword will surely take the place of the evil eye sword in southern Xinjiang and form the main weapon of yecha together with the exterminators.

Other weapons, of course, are used in specific circumstances.

Therefore, there is no reason for ye Cha to refuse.

Since I don't know Gan Lin's meaning and there's no reason to refuse, ye Cha thinks it's time to do it. Anyway, the soldiers will come to block it and the water will come to cover it.

Especially if you live in summer, it will always be a heart disease of yecha. If you have a chance to kill it, it's better to kill it.

Ye Cha made up his mind and went to the dining car to say hello to the landlady first. The agreement of sword falling in southern Xinjiang had to be settled.

On the train of death, it doesn't mean that if you want to grab it, you can get it down. After all, there are rules. Ye Cha didn't want to be perfect. He took the sword to Nanjiang and didn't fulfill the deal, because it couldn't be done at all.

The landlady naturally has no objection. After confirming her wish to Gan Lin, the agreement is reached. If ye Cha gets something, the deal will be established.

At the same time, ye Cha also helped the little fat man find the information he wanted, and directly asked the landlady to send someone to send the information to the little fat man's carriage, which was within the purview of the purser, so naturally there was no problem.

The next step is to wait for the next stop.

Summer is not at this station to leave for Wulin City, he is still on the death train.

There is no problem with the leaf brake. Although the purser will also receive the task, the leaf brake will continue to perform the task, and there will be holidays saved. Even if there is no holiday, the purser's authority can be used for operation.

For example, ye Cha handed over his task to Nie Po. As the purser, he could let the purser complete the task and stay on the dead train by himself. This was one of the purview of the conductor, but he could not get the task reward.It is four days before the death train starts again.

Ye Cha and mu Jieyun spent a lot of time in golden city this time, so the time from the start is not long.

As for going to Wulin City, ye Cha didn't plan to take anyone.

The summer wants to die, and must die in the leaf Cha hand, this belongs to the leaf Cha hatred.

But what ye Cha didn't expect was that Du Lingling came to the door directly.

"Do you want to follow me to Wulin city?" Ye Cha wondered: "why?"

Ye Cha doesn't wonder why Du Lingling knows that she's going to Wulin city. After meeting Gan Lin, little fat man once asked. There's nothing to hide about it. He said casually that Du Lingling probably knew about it from little fat man.

Du Lingling hesitated and said, "my home is in Wulin city. I want to go back and have a look."

This reason made Ye Cha speechless, nodded and said: "OK, next stop, you come with me. Feilong has been mixing with you recently, right?"

Du Lingling nodded.

"Then take him with you." Ye Cha thought about it and said, "do you have a holiday?"

Du Lingling shook her head and said, "No

Ye Cha threw the centipede sword to Du Lingling and said, "this is your reward for helping me. Go to the boss's wife to get the task."

The position of purser is very useful at this time. Du Lingling can't follow Ye Cha to the designated place without taking a holiday.

But as long as ye Cha issued the crew mission, he could take Du Lingling in the name of the mission. It happened that ye Cha didn't want to take the centipede sword back from Du Lingling. The last mission failed because there was trouble in the summer, and Du Lingling was not a crime of war.

Therefore, ye Cha took advantage of this opportunity to return the centipede sword to Du Lingling.

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