death train

Chapter 1085

This is actually a very simple truth.

Why do we all say that zombie tides occur frequently in China, because China has a large population and dense population.

Why do we all say that the frequency of variant zombies in China is high, and there are many powerful variant zombies, or because the population is dense, the population base is large, and there are many zombies naturally, so the probability of variation is large.

Therefore, if we narrow down the scope of this theory, such as residential areas, shopping malls, schools, these densely populated areas, there will inevitably be a lot of zombies.

Although Du Lingling lives in an old community, the location is very good.

There is a community, the east of the community is a pedestrian street, the west is a commercial district, there is a large shopping mall, there are many shops around, there are supermarkets.

Go southeast, half an hour's journey is the East Lake, there is also a tour along the lake.

At the same time, with Du Lingling's home as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, there is a primary school and a middle school.

No matter how you look at it, it should be a densely populated area, so the number of zombies will not be less.

But the fact is that yecha walked 200 meters and only met a dozen odd zombies. Compared with the dense population distribution in this place, there are so few zombies.

At this time, Du Lingling's voice came from yecha's headset again: "do you see the pedestrian street?"

Ye Cha returned to his senses, and then said, "I see."

This is a pedestrian street with strong ancient flavor. The buildings around it adopt ancient buildings, and there are many things with ancient characteristics, such as the memorial archway, on which the word "Royal Street" is written.

Du Lingling said: "you walk along the pedestrian street. When you get out of the pedestrian street, you can see a subway station with a square next to it. You should go there first."

The leaf Cha agrees a way: "good."

When he said that, ye Cha took out his sword and fell to Nanjiang. He swept to the side and chopped down a zombie dressed as an ancient shopkeeper. Then he stabbed each other in the head.

Ye Cha was very satisfied with the sword falling in southern Xinjiang. Especially after using it, ye Cha didn't want to return the sword to Gan Lin at all. Moreover, there was a very important thing.

Because of the fall of the sword in southern Xinjiang, ye Cha's rating has become king 5.

Originally, ye Chaka had been in Zunwang 4 star for a long time. He could reach 5 stars only by one foot of linmen, and the last foot of linmen was the sword falling to Nanjiang.

If the sword falls back to Ganlin in southern Xinjiang, ye Cha's rating will fall back to Zunwang 4 star. This is something Ye Cha doesn't want to see.

In this case, the only natural way to kill the summer, and then Ganlin want to take back.

The end of communication, leaf brake looked around, or strange.

This pedestrian street mainly sells some special products of Wulin City, as well as local delicacies. Of course, there are also some coffee shops and so on. Although the buildings are simple, the things sold in the shops can't be antiques.

At the same time, this kind of ancient pedestrian street is obviously a local tourist attraction.

Normally speaking, there must be a lot of people in this kind of place where shopping and tourist attractions are combined, but there are still not many zombies.

"I have a bad feeling of being in power," he said

The consul nodded and followed Ye Cha warily.

Walking along the pedestrian street, there is no imagined danger. There are not many zombies, and there is no variation of zombies. This kind of straight pedestrian street can not go wrong.

But just as I walked out of the pedestrian street

Ye SHIMENG's face changed greatly!

Ye Cha saw Du Lingling's subway station. It's not far from the pedestrian street, about 30 meters away. On the side is a large square, and inside the square

It's all zombies!

The square is really big, covering an area of at least tens of thousands of square meters. At the moment, there are a lot of zombies in it, almost to the point of shoulder to shoulder and hand to hand.

How many zombies are there? It's all about killing people with phobia.

Or, to put it bluntly

This is the zombie tide!

Ye Cha finally knows the place where he came before, why there are only sporadic zombies, and he all gathered here.

Ye Cha does not hesitate to turn around and run. Ye Cha still knows the truth that ants kill elephants.

Ye Cha would rather fight with the variant zombies of Zun Wang than face the zombie tide, which can be regarded as one of the most dangerous situations in the last life.

However, ye Cha was a little late. When ye Cha turned around, he accidentally ran into the sign "no motor vehicles" at the entrance of the pedestrian street. After a bang, many zombies looked in the direction of Ye cha.

In fact, it can't be regarded as ye Cha's knock down. Ye Cha doesn't make such a low-level mistake.

But the speed of the leaf brake is too fast, when running, the strong wind brought the brand down.

That zombie tide suddenly moved up, quickly gushed out from the square, towards the direction of Ye cha.Du Lingling heard the news and said anxiously, "what's the matter?"

"It's none of your business. Don't worry." Ye Cha said: "a little trouble."

Little trouble? It's not a little trouble, of course!

How can zombie tide be a little trouble!

Ye Cha had already scolded seventeen or eighteen words in his heart. It was just a bad start. He had just left the platform of the death train for three hours when he encountered a wave of zombies. Dare he have more bad luck?

Ye shazheng thought that a mutant zombie over three meters tall came out of the side alley with a bronze gun in his hand. It was probably the decoration of a shop.

Ye Cha immediately wanted to give himself a slap. There was a zombie tide chasing behind the damn crow's mouth. At this time, there was a variant zombie, or a variant zombie of Star Diamond 5!

Troll, Star Diamond, 5 stars, evolution variant zombie of giant. It is a human zombie with infinite power, good defense and average speed.

Ye Cha doesn't pay attention to the variant zombie of Star Diamond 5, but it's the variant zombie at the top of Star Diamond. It's just a step away from the king level, and it's still very strong.

Although Ye Cha can deal with this kind of variation zombies, ye Cha can't kill them easily. As long as ye Cha is entangled by trolls for two or three minutes, the zombie tide behind him will catch up.

"Your grandma's..."

Think of here, the leaf Cha can't help but scold again, this is the best annotation that the house leaks to slant to meet even night rain.

Ye Cha made up his mind very quickly that he couldn't fight. If he got involved with the troll, he would be caught up by the zombie tide behind him, and that would be a big trouble.

Ye Cha jumps to the side decisively, then points his foot and flies forward with the help of force, intending to directly bypass the troll and continue to move forward.

However, the troll obviously didn't intend to let the leaf brake leave easily.

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