death train

Chapter 1088

As the frost spread around, the zombies came just below the tower.

Poof, poof, poof

In the freezing frost, countless ice cones stabbed out, right into the bodies of the zombies and pierced their chests.

Even so, the zombies still can't die, waving their arms forward, trying to break through the ice cone and continue to pursue.

However, this is enough for yecha. What he needs is to let the zombie tide stop for a moment.

The next moment, ye Cha starts again!

The curse of heaven!

Ye Cha's eyes were cold. After pulling the bowstring apart, he took a little aim and released the finger that buckled the string.


The wind broke suddenly.

The heavenly curse arrow drew a half moon arc and landed on the heads of the zombies. Then it began to split wildly.

Two illusions, four illusions, four illusions, eight illusions

Almost in an instant, a dense rain of arrows took shape, and then fell madly downward to pierce the bodies of the zombies.


Ye Cha waved his hand to the consul. The consul threw the sword back to Ye cha. After ye Cha picked it up, he continued to run forward.

The zombie tide can't be finished. Unless it's rainy and windy at the moment, ye Cha can try it. Otherwise, it's absolutely impossible to kill all the zombies behind him.

However, it is still possible to stop the zombie tide with the Tianqian arrow. It should last for half a minute. Although the time is not long, it is enough to make yecha and the consul get away from each other.

According to Du Lingling's direction, ye Cha quickly saw the dim sum shop called baomei. There was an alley on the side, which was very narrow, about the width of two people standing side by side.

After rushing into the alley, it was quite normal at first. It was formed in the gap between ordinary houses. But after passing through the house, there was a stone road, paved with bluestone bricks.

After waiting for the end, ye Cha saw a thousand steps leading to the mountain.

Du Lingling's voice rang out in her ear: "ten or twenty years ago, there were also tile roofed houses on the Nanshan Mountain. Some people lived in them. Later, they converted them into tourist attractions and naturally demolished them. This road was used by the former residents to go up and down the mountain. It's just right to hide the zombie tide."

Ye Cha nodded, this is really a good place to avoid the zombie tide.

Ye Cha doesn't know if the zombies can catch up, but even if they can, the threat will be weakened.

The lane is the width of two people standing side by side, which means that at most two zombies can rush into the lane, and even two zombies can't get through because of pushing each other.

At the front of the thousand steps, the stone ladder is about one and a half meters wide, very steep, with hillsides on both sides, full of weeds. Ye Cha stands on the top of the stone ladder, and when the zombie climbs up, he can knock over a large area with a kick.

Generally speaking, Du Lingling's road is OK. The terrain of this place is very unfriendly to zombie tide. In yecha's opinion, after hiding in this place, he is almost safe. Even if zombie tide continues to chase, it will be much easier to deal with by using the terrain.

Ye Cha stepped on the stone steps and walked up the mountain. He would look back from time to time, but he didn't find the zombie tide. I don't know if he hasn't caught up, or if the lane is too hidden and the zombies haven't been found.

Anyway, no matter which one, it's a good thing for the blade brake.

Ye Cha specially waited for a while to make sure that the zombie tide didn't continue to chase him. Then he walked towards the mountain.

It's said that it's going into the mountains, but it's not a barren mountain. It's a road. It's not hard to walk, but it's hard to recognize the road.

Leaf Cha presses ear wheat way: "how to walk?"

"Don't worry, I'll check," Du said

It's true that Du Lingling was born and bred in Wulin City, but he won't run up the mountain without any trouble.

A moment later, Du Lingling said: "the East, South and North are facing the market. You go west. There's Wanshan mountain. There's a driveway. Go down there and you'll be along the lake. You can find a car by the way."

Ye Cha said: "what I asked is how to go now? You can understand how to go in the mountains, just to the west? "

Ye Cha looked to the west, a large area of mountain weeds.

Ye Cha speechless way: "you don't plan to let me directly over the mountain?"

Du Lingling said: "it's a tourist attraction. It's also a place where a group of old people and old ladies do morning exercises every day. You can walk along the mountain road with road signs."

Ye Cha patted his forehead. He was stupid.

Du Ling Bell said: "you see the road sign, go to Town God's Temple direction, and then you can see the road sign to Wanshan mountain."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "good."

It's a little useful to bring Du Lingling here. If ye Cha is replaced, he can only run around. Even if he encounters a zombie tide, he has a clear route.

Ye Cha walked along the mountain road.

I didn't see many zombies. They were scattered. They were probably people who were still on the mountain when the end of the world came. As for wild animals, where did they come from in the scenic area.Nanshan is not small. However, there is a mountain road. The road is not difficult. The natural speed is very fast. It took yecha about two hours to climb over the mountain and go down the mountain in Wanshan mountain, which Du Lingling said.

It's a driveway across Nanshan. At present, the road is blocked by a lot of cars. Obviously, when the end of the world comes, many people are ready to leave here, causing the current situation.

On both sides of the blocked Road, zombies were hovering.

Ye Cha sighed: "it's not easy to walk, but it's better than zombie tide."

As ye Cha said this, he jumped on a car, took out his sword and fell to Nanjiang. Then he chopped down a zombie with his back to him, and rolled his head to one side.


The movement of Ye Cha startled the other zombies. They turned around and rushed to Ye Cha immediately. But at this time, the consul suddenly shook his wrist.

Jingle, jingle.

The white chain dragged across the ground, making a clear sound, and then suddenly sprang up from the ground, like two white snakes, revealing their ferocious fangs, rolled forward, and the heads of three zombies near yecha fell down in an instant.

Ye Cha put down his head and said, "go!"

This place is just a mountain climbing lane, and the center is blocked by cars. It's impossible to avoid it. We can only kill it directly.

Fortunately, although there are a lot of zombies on the mountain road, they are far from the level of zombie tide. They are all people who drive through the mountain road and leave. As a result, they stay here forever.

Poof, poof!

As ye Cha thought about it, he swept the south of Xinjiang with his sword and knocked down two zombies who wanted to climb onto the car. Then he jumped to the next car and kept on jumping forward, stepping on the top of the car.

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