death train

Chapter 1108

Ye Cha is really a little surprised at the moment, that zombie has solved three blood dragons lightly!

Although the sword finger is very powerful, it doesn't make ye Cha feel scared. It doesn't necessarily reach the level of King level zombie.

But it's very difficult for the zombies to block the three blood dragons so easily.

By this time, the zombie had already met the fourth blood dragon.

Six dragon flying blood dragon, one more powerful than one, this time, the zombie is no longer safe.

The fourth blood dragon came to the zombie. The sword like barrier around the Zombie's body was torn open, and then there was a crack on the Zombie's shoulder.

Although the fourth blood dragon was offset by this, it finally hurt the other side, which is a good news.

The fifth blood dragon followed closely and came to the zombie.

The zombie retreated, his toes gently on the ground, and his body seemed to float up until he could not avoid it. The zombie once again met with his sword finger and struck the fifth blood dragon.


The harsh sound of the sword sounded at this moment, and then the ground under the blood dragon began to crack inch by inch, and the bluestone slabs were broken one by one.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground makes a continuous loud noise, and then it is constantly broken, and the dust around is flying.

In a moment, the dust dispersed, and the zombie glided out of the dust. There were more than a dozen wounds on his body, not deep, about half an inch each, but a little more, which made the zombie look rather embarrassed.

But there was no time for the zombie to breathe, because the sixth blood dragon had come to him.

The zombie kicks his legs fiercely, and when he doesn't have a firm foothold, he pours forward and runs directly towards the sixth blood dragon.

At that moment, ye Cha felt that the zombie was like a sword, a sharp sword that came out of its sheath. He felt extremely sharp all over his body.


Almost for a moment, the zombie collided with the sixth blood dragon and pushed it across.

The blood dragon seemed to hit a wall, its body was constantly broken, and then from the head, its body was crushed bit by bit.

However, the zombie was obviously not feeling well. There were many wounds on his body. The boa robe became a pile of cloth and hung on his body. The blood on the zombie was torn open, and the bones exposed under the wound could be seen clearly.


The loud sound suddenly appeared, and the sixth blood dragon was finally exhausted. Although the zombie looked very embarrassed, its speed didn't decrease, and it continued to rush towards the leaf brake crazily.

Ye Cha's eyes were slightly awe inspiring. He stepped back and put the evil eye sword in front of him.


Ye Cha took a deep breath and looked at the last evil eye from the corner of his eye.

In order to learn the three sword moves sealed in the evil eyes, the evil eye sword will be abandoned sooner or later.

"Now that I've got the sword, I'll go to southern Xinjiang..." Ye Cha murmured: "let's learn the last move here."

Looking at the zombies coming, ye Cha immediately launched the cursed sword saint!

Cursed swordsman!

Cursed swordsman: summon the last master's obsession and gain the power of cursed swordsman. It lasts 180 seconds and destroys one evil eye each time. When all six evil eyes are destroyed, the curse of evil eye disappears and breaks (1 / 6).

There are some red and black smoke on the leaf brake.


There is a crack on the body of the evil eye sword. Although it has not been broken, yecha is very clear that with the end of the duration of the cursed sword saint, the last evil eye will be broken, and the evil eye sword will be completely broken.

This sword will be the last sword of the evil eye sword.

The zombie was in front of yecha, no more than three or five meters away, but yecha closed his eyes.

After closing his eyes, ye Cha's mind sank into the illusion of the evil eye sword.

Ye Cha soon found that he was on an ancient street, surrounded by people, very busy.

There were peddlers and pawns all around. The peddlers were shouting. The coachman drove in a hurry. Outside the restaurant, the shopkeeper was laughing and greeting the guests into the shop.

Yecha stood there, but no one seemed to see yecha. Everyone was in a hurry and passed by yecha.

Then, ye Cha found that the pedestrians on the street gradually became scarce.

The snow-white walls became gray and mottled.

The middle-aged man selling scallion oil cakes on the street is getting old.

spring time rolls on Wutong trees, and the leaves of the Indus trees float down, and new shoots sprout up.

Until one day, this ancient street was completely abandoned, deserted, overgrown with weeds, no longer alive.

At the end of the ancient street, ye Cha saw a figure with a vague outline. It was not easy to see his face. The man stood there with a sword, as if he was lamenting the rise and fall.There is no Immortal Emperor in this world.

In this world, there is no gate that can't fall.

There is no eternal will in this world.

Time flow, irresistible, unstoppable, unstoppable.

Then, at the end of the street corner, the middle-aged man turned all this into a sword move and stabbed forward.

This is a very simple, ordinary sword, but sighing the rise and fall of the world, as well as the ruthlessness and cruelty of the passage of time.

The name of the sword

Ye suddenly opened his eyes, he saw spring, summer, autumn and winter in the illusory world, experienced day after day, year after year, clearly is a very long time.

However, when ye Cha opened his eyes, the zombie just came to him.


A glance at ten thousand years!

This is the name of the sword.

The leaf Cha shook to shake evil eye sword, forward handed out.

There was no sound of cross roaring, no sound of tearing flesh and blood, no roar of anger, no scream of pain.

Ye Cha took a step forward, and then passed by the zombie, facing each other on both sides, about three meters apart.

"You learn the cursed sword move from the meaning of the sword sage in the evil eyes - one eye for ten thousand years."

Mysterious voice rings out at the moment, and leaf Cha is to look down.


The evil eye sword makes a clear sound, and the body of the sword can't support it any more. It breaks into a pile of fragments and falls to the ground, making a tinkling sound.

In Ye Cha's palm, the sword handle is left empty.

At the same time

Poop, poop, poop, poop!

That has been standing still zombie, at the moment the body of a continuous stream of blood and flesh tearing sound, the body constantly split wounds, and then "plop" sound, knelt down on the ground.

The head of the zombie hung down, and then a thin line was cut between his neck. Finally, the head "Bata" fell to the ground and rolled aside.

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