death train

Chapter 1110

Ganlin only said things, but did not say what it was. Naturally, yecha would not be so silly. She asked for something uninteresting. Since Ganlin used the word "Dongxi" to refer to it, she would not tell yecha what it was.

"Hoo Ye Cha spits out turbid air way: "so, what you want to get from me in the beginning is evil eye sword?"

Gan Lin said with a smile, "yes."

Ye Cha finally understood the whole process of the matter.

Summer is just a bait or a chip in Gan Lin's plan, because summer's chip makes it easier for ye Cha to make up his mind to come to this dragon mausoleum.

Then, Gan Lin tested Ye Cha and tested Ye Cha's attitude.

The most simple and direct way, of course, is for Gan Lin to get the evil eye sword through trading, and then come to Longling to solve everything and get what she wants.

Unfortunately, Ganlin used little cat to test, convinced that even with favorable trading terms, ye Cha could not take out anything in his hand to trade with Ganlin.

This is Ye Cha's attitude. He would rather not make himself stronger through trading than make Gan Lin stronger through trading.

Therefore, Gan Lin can't trade the evil eye sword from ye cha. Of course, this is not absolute. Maybe Ye Cha really wants to get the sword to fall in southern Xinjiang and agrees to trade it?

But Ganlin is not willing to gamble. If yecha refuses, she will be alert. Ganlin can no longer get the evil eye sword from yecha.

So, Gan Lin used another kind of trade, let Ye Cha come to Longling to help him get things.

Ye Cha won't refuse it, because it's not in Ye Cha's hands. Even if ye Cha doesn't agree, Gan Lin will find a way to take it by herself or make a deal with others. In this case, ye Cha might as well agree to the deal, or at least get the sword to fall in southern Xinjiang.

Especially Ganlin also threw out the summer chips, ye Cha naturally want to go.

As for summer, Gan Lin just told him that this dragon mausoleum has something that can kill yecha. Yecha will die here, and summer can continue to live with the twelve trials of immortality, so as to persuade or tempt summer to come here.

Ye Cha couldn't help staring at Gan Lin.

It's been calculated!

Ye Cha never denies the difficulty of the woman in front of her. What she is good at is to use others to help her. This time, she succeeds again. Ye Cha falls into her calculations completely.

Ye Cha said: "then, are you so sure that I will use the last evil eye?"

Judging from the fighting situation, if ye Cha didn't use the last evil eye, the zombie couldn't take the evil eye sword from his own hand.

"Because I know you." Gan Lin chuckles, kicks the broken bones and says: "this guy is more difficult than you think. You can't kill him if you don't move. When you see that the other side is proficient in swordsmanship, you will want to have a try and see whose swordsmanship is stronger."

Ye Cha said, "what if?"

Ganlin chuckled, but did not answer, but ye Cha already understood the meaning.

In case Ye Cha doesn't use the last evil eye, Gan Lin will definitely make a move and force him to use it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's really a matter of great probability. Wang Zhisheng's sword won't be used easily. The side effects of adrenal hormones are too obvious. Even if you can't confirm that you're going back to the death train, the leaf brake won't be used.

The supreme martial arts has been used, and the heavy fist of the destroyer is slightly inferior to that of the zombie. Although the area of the rotunda is not small, it is not enough for the arrow of divine punishment to exert its full power.

There is no problem with Longhua, but after such a detailed count, ye Cha will choose to use the last evil eye.

In this way, summer may not only be bait, but also force Ye Cha to hand in the cards one by one. In the end, ye Cha will definitely use the last evil eye.

"Congratulations." Ye Cha showed a trace of cruel color in his eyes and said in a cold voice: "you succeeded."

Gan Lin said with a smile: "you don't suffer because there is nothing I want you to look for here. Therefore, I violated the agreement. According to the transaction agreement in the hands of the landlady, you don't have to return the sword to me in Nanjiang."

Ye Cha still stares at Gan Lin and suddenly says, "do you know what I want to do most now?"

Gan Lin seems to be very happy, smile Yingying way: "of course, kill me."

Ye Cha slowly grasped the sword in southern Xinjiang.

Gan Lin looked at the sword and said, "you won't do that."

Ye Cha's eyes narrowed. It's undeniable that Gan Lin is really good at grasping people's heart. Ye Cha's reason is really telling Ye Cha that he shouldn't do it at this time.

Gan Lin dares to appear like this, must leave behind, prevent the leaf Cha to suddenly rise.

It's not a good choice.

Ye Cha said: "but people are always impulsive."

Gan Lin opened her hand with a smile and said: "this impulse is really useless. I think it's good for everyone if I don't do it. You also get benefits. If you do it, you can declare war completely. It's not worth it."

The leaf Cha saw the thing in the eye Gan Lin hand, as expected left behind.It's a doll the size of a slap!

Summer used to replace dolls!

Ye Cha took a deep breath, took the sword back to the sheath and said, "get out of here."

Gan Lin smiles, turns to walk toward the cable bridge, and leaves quickly.

Since Gan Lin has a replacement doll in her hand, it means that it is impossible to kill her this time. It means that after returning to the death train, both sides will declare war completely.

Weigh the pros and cons, ye Cha must admit that Gan Lin's words are right, not worth it.

"This woman..." Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "sooner or later, we have to find a way to kill him."

Ye Cha sighs again that Gan Lin's manipulation of people's heart is quite in place. As long as ye Cha is not a man of one muscle, he will definitely not choose to do it.

Even if it's not good to be robbed and calculated, when you walk by the river, you always get wet shoes.

Ye Cha saw that the sword fell in southern Xinjiang. The only thing to be happy about was that he had something to gain?

Take a deep breath, ye Cha also goes to the direction of the cable bridge and returns along the original road. It doesn't take long for ye Cha to leave Longling.

"Hello Out of Longling, ye Cha pressed his ear and said, "I'm back."

"Thank you, thank you." Du Lingling said: "the previous communication signal has been interrupted."

Ye Cha said: "probably because of being in Longling."

Du Lingling said, "is it done? Are we going back to the death train? "

Ye Cha said, "you can stay for a few more days."

Du Lingling thought about it and then said, "no, I'll go back when you come back."

Ye Cha didn't say much. This was the threshold Du Lingling had to cross. After a promise, ye Cha closed the communication.

After leaving Daoguan, there was no trouble on the way back, just some zombies living in the city. Yecha went back to Du Lingling's home all the way, and after meeting with Du Lingling, he left together to return to the death train.

Before leaving, Du Lingling set a fire in her home, as if to say goodbye to everything in the past in this way.

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