death train

Chapter 1112

Ye Cha's next day is to wander and sleep every day, and then go to the information car to browse the information at will.

It's worth mentioning here. The information carriage is the purview of the purser. Ye Cha has been here before. He turned it at random and didn't find anything useful.

But now I have free time. After careful investigation, ye Cha finds that there are many useful things.

For example, there is a complete history of the development of CommScope, and there are even branches and bases of CommScope all over the world, including many bases unknown to ordinary people before the end of the world and records of illegal research bases.

For example, ye Cha also found several variant zombie illustrated books. Ye Cha has the memory of the last life, and the two generations add up. His knowledge is much richer than others, but the illustrated books record more variant zombies.

Ye Cha gradually became interested in the information carriage. In addition, ye Cha naturally stayed in the dining car to drink some wine and eat some vegetables. His life was pretty good.

And then

Just as ye Cha began to get used to the leisure time

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Cha was leaning on the sofa, looking through a zombie guide, looking for a variant zombie he didn't know. But the door of his car was knocked, or smashed more correctly.

Ye Cha's face was puzzled. He got up and opened the door of the carriage. Then he saw the landlady standing at the door.

"Go The landlady waved her hand to the leaf brake and said, "work."

"Well?" The leaf Cha follows in the empress of boss's behind the way: "departure?"

The landlady said, "the next stop has nothing to do with you. You have to start now."

Ye Cha said: "where to go?"

Landlady way: "big west state."

"Daxi state?" Ye chaleng said: "Atlantis? Where does the conductor go? Haven't you come back yet? "

The landlady said, "it's a bit complicated. To make a long story short, the second embryo of the Apostle appeared, and a large number of Apostles walked there. Therefore, the war will start again, and the embryo of the Apostle will be destroyed at all costs."

Ye Cha said: "I'm not alone? Who else? "

"The landlady said:" all the attendants on the death train will go. The rest who are not will go one after another after they return to the death train. According to the meaning of the two deputy conductor, they should also select some experts from the death train. "

Ye Cha said, "what am I going to do?"

The landlady said, "whatever you do, anyway, the ultimate goal is to destroy the embryo of the apostle. However, you'd better be careful before the people on the death train arrive one after another."

Ye Cha said, "how many people went there first?"

"The landlady said:" seven crew members, two purser, no way, now there is no one in the car

Ye Cha pick eyebrows, two purser? That's me and Ganlin.

Into the dining car, Ganlin sat in front of the bar, smiling and waving to the leaf brake.

The landlady walked into the bar and lost two communicators. She said on the bar, "it's specially made. If you have any information, please contact me at any time, and I can find you at any time."

Gan Lin made a "please" gesture with a smile and said, "first of all, I don't think you want to act with me."

Ye Cha skims his mouth, grabs a messenger and walks out of the dining car.

After leaving the death train, the style of the platform did not change. The leaf brake went straight down the stairs to the exit, and then

At the moment of leaving the platform of the death train, the leaf brake reverses and draws cold air, and then begins to fall freely.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ye Cha cursed in his heart. The location of the exit was on the edge of a sea cliff. It was about five or six meters from the top of the sea cliff. There was a small cave. The entrance of the death train platform was just at the edge of the cave.


The leaf brake falls down, directly falls down from the sea cliff, cleanly falls into the sea.

Fortunately, ye Cha's water quality is not bad. When he falls into the sea, he holds his breath and straightens his body. When he falls a certain distance underwater, he stabilizes his body, kicks water and begins to swim to the surface.

However, ye Cha soon found that he could not swim!

The leg is entangled!

Yecha looked down, because it was near the sea cliff, the water depth was general, there was a mass of seaweed under it, two of which just entangled yecha's ankle.

Yecha easily wanted to tear the seaweed away, but at this moment, the seaweed seemed to be alive, twisting like a snake, and quickly wrapped around yecha's arm.

The leaf Cha is not from a surprised, immediately understand come over, it is mutation plant!

That group of seaweed is like corpse flower.

Yecha immediately struggled, but the more he struggled, the tighter the seaweed was. Yecha gritted his teeth and immediately reached out to pull the sword out of Nanjiang. However, the sword was only one third of its sheath, so more seaweed came over and entangled yecha's wrist."Damn it

Leaf cha in the heart low scold a, this if on the ground, oneself only depend on strength can forcibly break free, but in the sea, but is really don't make up strength son.

Seeing that ye Cha's body was constantly dragged down, the sea water was suddenly broken, and then the light chain of the consul suddenly appeared.

After breaking the sea water, the light chain directly wrapped the seaweed. With a strong pull, the seaweed wrapped around Ye Cha's ankle and wrist was torn off.

Ye Cha regained his freedom. Without hesitation, he took out his sword and chopped off the floating seaweed around him. Then he quickly swam to the return face.

When he came to the sea, the consul was still at the exit of the platform and released a light chain again. After he entangled yecha's body, he pulled yecha out of the sea.

In the mid air, ye Cha stretched out his hand and pinched the void. The illusion showed an endless bow. He quickly stretched the bow and pulled the string. A penetrating arrow appeared on the bow string.


The next moment, through the arrow shot down, straight into the bottom of the sea.

"You killed the ancient sea grass, the cumulative number: 1."

Seaweed doesn't move, so it's easy to shoot as long as the leaf brake remembers where the seaweed is.

After the seaweed was removed, ye Cha waved to the consul and let him pull himself up.

Back to the top of the sea cliff, ye Cha finally had time to look around.

One side of the cliff is naturally facing the sea, and on the other side there are some sparse woods. If you look further along the woods, you can see some houses.

Ye Cha whispered: "this is DaXiZhou?"

After ye Cha whispered, he patted his forehead. He left the death train in a hurry. Obviously, he didn't ask carefully enough. If the landlady sent him to Daxi state, which Daxi state is it?

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